
Light Meets Darkness (Part 1)

There were three vehicles traveling towards the town of Yusorga and were closing in on it. Vincent, John, Maya, and Zoey were in the front car leading the remaining two.

John was the one driving, and Vincent sitting on the front seat while the two ladies, Maya, and Zoey on the back seat.

"We need to move faster, it's possible they are still fighting. Or perhaps even if it's over, we can still get information from the people. But I feel this is no normal human war."

Vincent said.

The seventh day has already passed, that means the battle has already started yesterday. They were all traveling in fast speed towards the town and all of them were combat ready.

Vincent was wearing a black coat, black pants, and black boots. Also, he was holding a sheathed sword with gold and platinum hilt while the sheath has matching colors.

John was wearing dark brown body clothes, black pants, brown boots. Also, he was wearing a body armor under his clothes. In addition, he has a pouch on his waist containing a lot of shotgun shells.

Maya was wearing black clothing and was a bit tight, it seems like a person wearing it can freely and quickly move, and there were some ammo magazines on her belt.

Zoey was wearing black body clothes and a black light trench coat, also a black pants, and her boots were metallic with a primary color of black and secondary color of white.

The reason the order didn't reach the town of Yusorga before or during the said attack was because it was difficult to get out of the city, not to mention getting through the tight securities.

First, the flight using their private jet still took hours to reach the airport of the nearest to Yusorga. Also, when they landed, they were all strictly checked. Then they found it extremely difficult to bring vehicles for them to use because of the securities for a possible terrorist attack. Surprisingly, the security was still tight even when it is about and during night time.

They took quite a long time before they got through the security, that is because no one is allowed to travel down the road that was leading to the town of Yusorga. In order to pass through, they had to go off-road just to keep from getting caught and getting pass through the roadblock. Luckily enough, their vehicle was an off-road SUV that made easy driving in the dirt. On top of that, there is still the travel time on the road which took several hours.

"We're almost there don't worry." John said to Vincent.

They drove in fast speed on the road and for several minutes the town was finally on sight. All of them were glad for a moment, however, what they saw made their eyes widen.

"What the hell is that?" Zoey asked.

Before them was a bizarre sight – or rather, it can be said this was the most bizarre sight they have ever seen. They were dumbfounded and puzzled at the same time as they look at the event before them.

This was the first time they saw something like this. It looked so beautiful and at the same time mesmerizing while looking at a distance. However, something didn't feel right about it, like the event before them is not meant for a sight-seeing.

"It's like the night sky… but different somehow." Maya said.

It was like the night sky with blue dots of light that resembles the stars shining and twinkling in the distance. As for the rest of it, it looked like the darkness that forms the night sky, however, this one looked darker and thicker. On top of that, the whole thing is as wide as the entire town, and what looked weird and at the same time a bit scary, is that the whole thing seems to be descending and with the town below it.

Then the night sky touched a tall building, and what they saw surprised them. The structure crumbled and the matter and objects that touched the darkness seemed like it was being destroyed. But it was too far to be seen clearly.

As the night sky descended more, more things began to crumble and leaving an enormous damage on the town. When they saw the damage getting greater and greater, they halted, and the vehicles behind them followed suit.

"We need to stop because it might be dangerous to get near it." John said.

"Right." Vincent said as he looked at John and nodded.

Then they went out of their car to have a more unobstructed view of the event. At this moment the night sky has almost consumed the entire town. They found the chaos before them difficult to describe.

"…Holy mother of God… Then the people caught up in it are…" John said.

"… Yeah…" Vincent quietly said.

As for Maya and Zoey, they were both speechless as they gaze upon the destruction caused by the unknown phenomenon.

Then, the night sky has full descended and had devoured the entire town, excluding nothing in its descent. After a few moments, the night sky disappeared in an instant, and what they saw greatly shocked everyone.

"W-what the… how could something like this happen?"

Vincent quietly said as he trembled a bit in the aftermath.

The town was nowhere to be found, not even trace of it or even a remnant of it. There was not a single brick, single object, single life, all that was left that can be seen is a plain land. There was not even a single trace of a living being that can be found, not even a stain of blood.

"N-nothing's left… it looked like there was nothing there at all." Zoey shakily said.

"What kind of monster could have done this?" John said.

"A-All the people… gone just like that…" Maya quietly said.

How could an event like this occur? How could there be someone that can do something like that? Those are some of the different questions within the minds of the order that came to witness the annihilation of an entire land.

There are even others imagining what could happen if something like that happened to a large city. And there were others hoping this wouldn't happen to a place with countless lives.

Anger began to spark within the heart of Vincent on the cause of all this death and chaos as he gazed upon the aftermath of the slaughtering event. As he did that, he saw several silhouettes standing in the distance. Suspicious, he grabbed his binoculars to know what could those silhouettes be.

What he saw was several people casually standing facing the aftermath. At this moment, Vincent has begun to suspect that they might be the ones responsible for this. And it's likely they are the powerful creatures that appear every century. No, it's got to be them, no ordinary being could do something like this.

Then he saw several soldiers running towards them. They must be survivors from the destroyed town. Seeing this made Vincent happy and relieved, however, they were running towards the suspicious people. With this, he decided to act quickly to save those people, as well as make those suspicious people pay.

"Everyone, get ready. It appears there are some survivors."

"Survivors? wew, thank goodness." Maya said.

"Yes. However, there are suspicious people standing there and the soldiers are running towards them."

"Running towards them? Then they must be scared as hell." John said.

"Of course they are."

"So we're going to save them, right?" Zoey said.

"Yes, so be prepared. I suspect those suspicious people might be the ones behind this, so everyone must be ready. Now let's go."


One of the people of his team loudly shouted and surprised everyone that heard him. The scream was like a cry because of fear.

"If those people are behind this. Then would it be a good idea to face them? I mean if they can do that, then they would not be easy opponents or possibly be of a different level from us. If they're that powerful, would we even be able to fight them?"

"If we don't do anything, those surviving soldiers will die." Vincent said.

"I know… but if we fight them…"

"We have garnered the strength we have now for years. Are you not confident of the power you worked so hard to get? Besides, with our strength, I believe we can escape with all those survivors."

"What if we don't?"

Vincent intently looked deeply at his eyes to show his confidence.

"We will."

The man looked at the distance after hearing Vincent's words with worries evident on his face. It was also obvious that he was being reluctant and it took several seconds for him to speak again.

"…Fine then..."

"Great. Now, everyone let's go and save those survivors!"

Everyone responded in affirmative.

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