
Blended fire and ice

Using Li FuJin's spiritual power to enter YuYan's dream, the whole bedroom began to cover in a thick fog, coldness prickling Marlene's skin, a feiry sensation blistering inside her body. 

Marlene cannot be mistaken, it was a combination of fire and ice trying to protect YuYan's soul, she spit a mouthful of blood while chanting her spells, but she did not stop, will not give up. 

As for Li FuJin, he did not feel different, suppressing the pain of coldness and burning feelings that keeps on penetrating his soul, he continuously spread his spiritual power raging from his body. 

A falling feeling made Li FuJin open his eyes, what he sees is a garden, but it is different from ordinary, the plants and trees are made of ice but burning in black flame. 

There was a gazebo in the middle, and it was made of flaming ice, but what took his attention was the bed that is covered by a red curtain. Li FuJin wonders, is it where YuYan was? 

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