
Demon Sect

Wang and Zhou created the Demon Sect in under a month. The Demon Sect created a huge threat for everyone on the Ziom continent. Wang and Zhou completely controlled the demon that they summoned.

Each of them had the demon's power. They also were able to control their minds. Meaning, they had their own wills. Wang and Zhou took over many sects during their rampage to make their sect.

Causing them to have many strong enemies. Even though they had tons of enemies, many people flocked to their sect. Many criminals and killers went to their sect to gain power and money.

The Demon Sect offered their members money and power. Though in truth the people that joined the sect were turned into slaves. Slaves under the two superpowers that their leaders were.

Once joining the sect, you were turned into a mutant of sorts. You had insane strength compared to others on the same cultivation rank. Though, you lost all of your willpower.

Everyone that joined the sect turned into a puppet for Wang and Zhou to use. Causing mass destruction throughout the continent. Unknown to Zuhn, an alliance was created to try and destroy the Demon Sect.

They had many powerful sects that joined. The sects that joined were all at least 2-star sects. Their alliance name was Light Alliance, their goal was to only destroy the Demon Sect.

At first, it was going well. The Light Alliance was making ground, taking back land that the Demon Sect stole. Sadly, seven days into the new Light Alliance it started to crumble.

Some sects inside of the Light Alliance were using their name to bully smaller sects. Saying that the Light Alliance will take over their land if they didn't help the sect.

Also, Wang and Zhou noticed the threat of the Light Alliance. They decided to send in spies into the sect. Posing as powerful youths that wanted to destroy the Demon Sect.

Many of the youths had stories of how the Demon Sect destroyed their sect and families. Causing many of the Light Alliance members to believe it and give them positions in the Alliance.

Around three weeks into the Light Alliance it fell. Destroyed from the inside from the Demon Sect and other sects that were corrupt.

After the fall of the Light Alliance people feared for the worst. Many people believed that the Demon Sect couldn't be stopped. They took over countless regions and were closing in on everyone else.

Many people knew that around the Demon Sect all of the regions were taken over. Though, in fact, there was one region that was surrounded by the Demon Sect that wasn't taken over yet.

The name of the region was Fairbanks, but the people on the continent renamed it to 'Fighters region'. The surviving and loyal members to the Light Alliance were making their way to the region.

From the increase of strong people entering the region caused the White Roses to grow at insane speeds. White Roses were gaining fifty people a day, most of them at pretty high cultivation.


Present Day, Fighters Region. White Roses

Zuhn was shocked at the sudden increase of people joining White Roses. Zuhn knew that the sect was recruiting people from around the towns in the region.

Though, soon he heard from the people that were joining that they were from the fallen Light Alliance. Zuhn never heard of the Light Alliance, but the stories that he heard from the people scared him to the core.

Zuhn never expected that Wang and Zhou would turn into such powerhouses to scare the whole continent. When Zuhn held a meeting to explain the situation to the core members they were all scared.

Dou Si the Intelligence Department Chief had a couple of ideas. Dou Si thought that the reason the Demon Sect wasn't attacking was that White Roses were in the region.

Others in the meeting thought that they were scared of someone in the region. No one really knew why they weren't being attacked. But, they knew one thing for sure. They had to think of a plan of attack against the Demon Sect before they grew even more powerful.

From the influx of members joining White Roses, Zuhn was sure that his sect rose to a three-star sect. Three-star sects were quite rare in the whole continent, from the new member's information there were only two others that they knew of.

Making White Roses the third largest superpower in the whole continent. Dou Si and Zuhn after the meeting talked inside Zuhn's room. They both decided to discuss ways to defend against the Demon Sect.

Dou Si didn't really have any great ideas to defend against the Demon Sect. The only one that they both agreed on was to get stronger. The Demon Sect was growing at a rapid speed, but they didn't have too powerful members.

They may have a lot of lands, but their members were all puppets. None of them had their own minds. Making them not be able to think for themselves. Also, the members of Demon Sect were only good in numbers not fighting by themselves.

Around a week after Zuhn heard the new of Demon Sect, White Roses grew to a total of 1300 members. All of the members were skilled from all across the continent.

Each of the people coming to White Roses agreed to sign the contract to join. All of the departments in White Roses grew to a functional size. The intelligence division had several skilled members that were able to stalk their targets and gain information.

The Treasury Department had the least members, but the members in them had tons of experience. The new members were great help to Zhao. Zhao was able to learn a lot from other people. Most of the members in the Treasury Department had experience running small sects or towns.

Zuhn watched over Na Yu grow the main force of White Roses. The training that she put the new recruits in was amazing. Zuhn was quite shocked that she was able to accomplish such a feat.

In time all of the new members were well trained with respect and learned many formations. With the help of the money that Windwood had, the treasury department was able to purchase tons of supplies from nearby towns and cities.

The cultivation resources were split up among the new recruits and the original members or core members of White Roses.

Once the military grew to a decent size, Na Yu assigned ranks to people that she trusted and thought were good for the rank. Na Yu made Shen Yun second in command of the army.

There was two reason Na Yu did this. One she saw how good his leadership skills were and strength in combat. The second reason was she had a lot of responsibilities, she couldn't do it completely on her own.

Liu the leader of the Disciplinary Department and personal guards were doing the best out of everyone. Liu had a grand total of 100 people that were in the Disciplinary Department. Making it one of the bigger ones out of the four.

She was also the leader of Zuhn's personal guards. The personal guards that Liu picked out from the military were the elites of the elites. The personal guards unit had a grand total of thirty highly trained members.

Finally, Chu the most powerful person in the sect besides Zuhn. Even though Chu wasn't really apart of any department he still played a big role.

Chu lead classes in the military to train magic that will help in battle and survival. Zuhn loved how the sect was growing, he also was learning new skills from his Ancient Magic Book. Maximus also talked to him a lot more to learn.

Next chapter will come out soon.

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