
New Members

The second group fighting inside the inner wall cleared everyone out. They didn't lose anyone in the fight. They also gained a lot of new members. In the process of gaining new members, they killed a couple of people trying to join as spies.

Dou Si and Na Yu were quite skilled when It came to finding people that were spies. They would kill the people they think were spies without question. The first time they did scared everyone, some people even pulled out their weapon.

It had been about a full day to completely clear out all the enemies in the inner disciple's area. Zuhn's group was also returning at high speeds, trying to get back to warn the others.

While Zuhn and the group were running back, Zuhn was trying to figure out a plan to deal with the two sect leaders. Even though the White Roses were pretty powerful, they were the match for the two sect leaders.

Zuhn and Liu were the only Martial Sky Ranked members in White Rose. Everyone else was either high Silver or Gold Ranked. There was only one other person that was ranked Martial Sky Ranked, and that was Shi Huang.

Zuhn thought about bringing Shi Huang in on his discovery of the two sect masters. Though, he knew that he promised Liu that she could kill him.

Zuhn was afraid that if he let Shi Huang join them to take down the sect leaders, Liu would kill him before he was useful. During the trip back to the others, Zuhn kept looking towards Liu.

Liu soon caught on and asked what he was doing.

"Master, Why do you keep looking at me?"

Zuhn kept staring at her until she spoke. When she spoke it knocked Zuhn out of his state of thinking.

"Uh… Sorry about that. I'm just thinking of a plan to deal with those two sect leaders."

"Oh.. Okay."

Zuhn took his eyes of Liu. The other four members behind the two started to gossip among themselves. After a couple of hours of running Zuhn's group made it to the outer walls of Windwood Sect.

From when they left it, it looked like it got more bloody. There were more bodies on the ground. Zuhn looked up to the wall to see Dou Si and Na Yu looking down at them.

Na Yu had her bow out, originally she thought the group coming towards them were enemies. Though, once she saw her master she quickly put away her bow.

Dou Si and Na Yu waited at the top of the wall, waiting for Zuhn and the others to jump up. Once Zuhn and the other jumped on the wall, Duo Si was quite shocked.

_How did none of them die?_

Dou Si knew that the people that Zuhn picked were powerful, but the sect leaders were very powerful. Even though their cultivation could be low, their techniques surpass most people.

"Where is Zhao?"

"Ah, Master. Zhao is out with the others clearing the outer disciple area. The people in this area are quite weak. They are all around Silver 5 and below. They are no match for us, so we decided to wait up here for your return."

Zuhn smiled and nodded his head, "Well, we have some serious information to speak of. Go back and find Zhao, clear out the rest of the enemies and come back to my house."

Dou Si and Na Yu both bowed and ran off the wall. Their figures disappeared in an instance from the group.


"Yes, Master?"

"Remember my promise?"

"Yes, Master."

"Just remember I will keep it."

Liu nodded her head.

Zuhn looked behind Liu and pointed to the group of Gold Ranked members that came with them on the mission.

"You guys go back to my courtyard and wait for my return."

The group bowed and moved off the wall.

Zuhn sat on the wall with Liu for the next hour explaining to her his plan. He also wanted her to agree with it or not. He also had a plan to keep his promise for her to kill Shi Huang.

Back at Zuhn's courtyard around 100 people stood around. Most of them had blood on their clothes. When Zuhn and Liu walked inside all of their heads turned towards them. The whole courtyard turned silent.

Zuhn walked up to the stage and looked out to the crowd. Zuhn was looking over the new recruits of the White Roses. Even though Zuhn recently made the group, they were already pretty powerful.

The people that were in front of Zuhn were all around Silver 9+. Over the past couple of days of fighting, multiple people raised their rank. This was quite good, considering it usually took several years to raise your cultivation.

White Roses also gained lots of equipment from the streets of the sect. The Dark Shadows and Zuhn's disciples were about the only people in the courtyard that were truly loyal to Zuhn.

The rest of the people were solely there to survive. They knew that White Roses was the leading group that took back the land of Windwood Sect. There were also rumors that they were going to take over Windwood.

From the looks of it, people believed that they had the power to take it over if they wanted too. After looking out to the crowd for a couple of breaths, Zuhn began to speak.

"Alright, Welcome all of the new members that joined. If you don't know, I'm Zuhn, The leader of White Roses."

Zuhn saw multiple people nod their heads.

"Let me clear up a couple of things before I start speaking. Firstly, White Roses do not plan to takeover Windwood Sect."

At the sentence that Zuhn just spoke many people were shocked. They thought for sure that White Roses was going to take over Windwood.

"Secondly, We are not forcing you to stay. All of the invaders have died, if you would like to leave back to Windwood you may do so. If you don't want to join White Roses, Leave now."

Zuhn stood on the stage waiting to see who would leave. After a couple of breaths, people started to leave the courtyard. Once one left, more followed behind. In under five minutes, Only 29 remained from the original 100, White Roses recruited.

Zuhn nodded his head, "Is that everyone?"

No one else moved from their spots.

"Alright, the rest of you want to join White Roses, correct?"

The group of people nodded their heads. Zuhn was quite happy with the number he was able to recruit. Everyone in the group was Gold+, making White Roses only have Gold Ranked members.

"Dou Si, send a couple of veteran members to follow those that left."

Dou Si nodded and a few figures vanished from the courtyard. The crowd of people that remained had sweat dripping down their faces. They all knew what was in store for the people that left.

Yea, I really couldn't think of a good title.

Chapters 1-6 have been slightly rewritten to fix plot holes.

Chapters 22-23 have been slightly fixed to fix wording and plot holes.

Kotremcreators' thoughts
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