
Fort Yano (10)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only works of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

Block B, Building #2, Second Floor.


A woman was kneeling in front of a toilet seat and vomiting her guts out.



A string of saliva was dripping from her lips and hair down to the bowl.


She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and then flushed.


She got up, exited the mini-compartment and went to the line of sinks.


She turned one of the faucets and placed her hands on the running water.


She splashed the water on her face.

"Aena, you okay~?" said a beautiful brown-skinned Asian woman of around the same age as she was standing beside her fixing her hair and makeup in front of the mirror.

She was wearing a yellow tube as her top, a black mini-skirt as her bottom, and a pair of black sandals with yellow straps.

There was also a bag and makeup kits laid on top of the sink.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Giselle," Aena said as she raised her head and checked herself in the mirror as well.

Water and streaks of makeup were dripping down from her face to her chin.

'My makeup is a mess…'

'I look like a corpse…'

'I haven't slept and eaten properly for days…'

'I don't even remember the last time I've had a proper shower…'

'It's all just drinking, drugs and fucking…'

She noticed some vomit residue on her hair.


She splashed water on her face again. And this time, she also wet her hair.

Giselle was applying mascara when she noticed something.

"I have a pimple on top of my brow~!"

She put the mascara down and turned to Aena.

"Aena~! What am I going to do~?!"

"Can you lend me something to wipe with?"

Giselle took out a slightly used handkerchief from her purse and said, "I only have this~"

"Thanks," Aena said as he received the handkerchief.

After wiping her face with it, she looked at her full body and fixed her long hair.

She wasn't wearing any System items, only civilian clothing.

She had a white tank top without a bra underneath, blue mini-shorts, and a pair of white flip-flops.

She checked her sides and her eyes glanced at her flat stomach.

'Thankfully, I'm on the pill…'


Aena looked at Giselle.

"Okay, show it to me."

Giselle let Aena take a look at her pimple.

"It's not too obvious. But if you're really bothered about it, just cover it up with makeup or something."

Giselle began covering it with makeup.

'I don't know how long will I be able to keep this lifestyle…'

"Here~" Giselle said as she slid the makeup kit towards Aena before spraying herself with cologne.

"I want to go bare tonight."

'But do I even have a choice? After all, I'm all al--'


"Not even this~?" Giselle said with a smile as she sprayed Aena with cologne.


Aena raised her left hand to block it and said "Oh my God, stop!"



Giselle didn't stop and then sprayed underneath Aena's armpits.

"Kyaaah! Giselle, stop!"


"Hahaha~! No, I won't~!" Giselle said and continued spraying on Aena's armpits.


"Kyaaah! I said stop!"

The two began running around inside the public toilet.

They finally stopped playing around when two women came inside, one in her 30s and the other in her 50s.

Aena grabbed Giselle's armed and yanked it.

"Let's go."

Giselle went to the sink and put all of their things inside the purse before leaving with her.


Outside of the women's public toilet, a man in his early 20s was standing outside and leaning over a wall while smoking a cigarette.

He saw Aena and Giselle step out of the women's toilet.

"It's about time," he said.

Giselle smiled as she went over to the man and snatch his cigarette.

She sucked the cigarette and blew a cloud of white smoke on his face.

"Wooo… Deter, didn't anyone tell you it's important to give a woman compliments right after she just freshened up~?"

Deter took back the cigarette and said with a bored tone, "Like I fucking care. Wooo…"

"Boring~" Giselle said before turning to Aena and wrapping her arm around her arm. "Let's go~?"

The trio began walking the hallway.

Aena and Giselle were at the front while Deter was at the back.

"Anyone wants to go to the central tonight~?" said Giselle.

"I don't feel like going out. It's the same boring shit anyways," said Aena.

Giselle turned around and said, "And you~?"

Deter just shrugged his shoulders.

They finally reached their destination.

It was the third room on the left wing of the second floor. It was also one of the largest rooms in the entire building.

There were two bouncers wearing both System and non-System items and talking in front of the entrance.

Although the door was closed and the people inside the room set it up with a soundproof system, a faint muffled loud music could still be heard coming from inside, especially the closer one gets to the door.

Seeing Deter, Aena and Giselle coming, one of the bouncers got up and opened the door.



A very loud mumble of rap music came bursting out of the door that could make anyone literally feel their skin vibrating. In addition to that, there were also red lights and smoke.

"Bro," Deter said and nodded to the bouncers as they entered.

"Bro," the bouncer said and nodded back as well.


The room was long and wide.

There was a thick fog of smoke in the air and it was a bit hot because the windows were closed.

It was originally an office room but the current tenants removed almost all of the items inside.

There were tents on the sides, and a few chairs, couches and tables in the middle.

There were four large speakers, a stereo in one corner and a videogaming station.

Aside from the soundproofing system around the room the windows were also either painted in black or covered with some materials to block the light and keep the smoke from going out.

But during the day, when there's no electricity and the heat is unbearable, they would open the windows.

Speaking of the light, although the main light was red, there were other colors coming from lamps on the corners but most of them were switched off.

There was also the public hygiene.

Ever since they started living here, they have yet to "properly" clean the place.

Although they were smart enough to wrap most of their trash inside plastic bags and throw it away, there were still some dust and trash lying on the floor that it was starting to build up and make a strange smell.

Deter went to the side to a group of guys playing videogames.

Aena and Giselle, on the other hand, made their way to Tyler who was "chilling" with some people on a couch located at the center of the room.

There was a coffee table in front of them which was filled with many things -- bottles of liquor empty and half-empty, an ashtray with cigarette butts, food, tin foils, etc.

Tyler was a good-looking brown-skinned Asian man in his early 20s and around 5'8" in height.

Just like some of the men inside the room, he was topless and wearing System items.

Not counting the [Grade D] Tribal Sparrow Tattoo on his chest, he also had high-quality tattoos on his body, giving him that hot bad boy look that many young women love.

He was half-listening to two men discussing something while drinking a bottle of beer and caressing the legs of a beautiful half-naked drunk, high and barely conscious woman sitting right beside him.

Given that the music was very loud in the room, they had to almost shout at each other.

"Baby..." the woman moaned.

There were also other women either doing things with the other male members or were also high as a kite that left them barely conscious.

"I tell you, we really have to recruit more. The other groups are recruiting non-stop. It won't be long before they will have a much larger influence than us," said a man.

"Yeah, but if we just keep recruiting and recruiting, putting aside whether they have the skills or not, we won't be able to tell who's loyal and not, who's a spy or not. I rather have one skilled and trustworthy member than a hundred unskilled and untrustworthy members," said another man.

"You don't understand. You're not seeing the bigger picture here. Look, right now, the only advantage we have is the mayor's backing. But who's to say things won't change in the future? What about the other groups? Do you think those who have backers aren't recruiting like crazy? Do you think those who don't have backers right now won't have backers in the future?"

"How dare you say that! Take that back! The mayor is Tyler's godfather and treats him like family! The mayor and our leader's parents go way, way back. There's no way the mayor will betray him."


The man facepalmed and said, "Oh my God, no wonder you're our group's idiot! But I'm the bigger idiot for thinking that you would understand the points I'm trying to make!"

"Hmph!" the man scoffed. "At least I'm not our group's coward."

"Coward? Who the fuck are you calling a coward?! I'm just pointing out possible outcomes and it's not my fault you're an idiot who can't identify them!"

The man labeled as the group's idiot turned to Tyler.


Tyler who was busy caressing the legs of the beautiful half-naked drunk, high and barely conscious woman beside him glanced at the man.

"Allow me to beat the shit out of this spineless idiot!"

Seeing Aena and Giselle coming, Tyler looked at the two men and said, "Take her to my tent."

The man labeled as the group's idiot got up and carried the woman.

When Aena and Giselle finally got to Tyler, they both slid into his arms on each side and kissed him.

"Baby, I'm bored~ Let's do something fun~" Giselle said in a cute voice.

Tyler looked at Aena.

"How about you?"

"I have a headache. I just want to stay here, baby," Aena said and then thought, 'What I'd give just to talk to my therapist or any therapist now…'

"Here, have a drink. This should cure that hangover of yours," Tyler said as he passed her his bottle of beer before taking out his vape and started vaping.

Aena looked at the bottle for a moment before accepting it.

And as she was taking a sip, Tyler's hand slid under her tank top and began massaging her breasts.

"Ahh…" she moaned when he pinched and fiddled one of her nipples.

Although her breasts weren't incredibly big, only normal size, they were firm and perky. And add in her beautiful face, any man or woman would love to touch them.

One of the men took out a blunt and lit it.

After taking a few puffs, he held it out and said, "Anyone wants some?"

"Me~!" Giselle said and took it.

After taking a few puffs herself, he passed it back to the man and turned to Tyler.

"Baby~!" she said as she pressed her breasts against Tyler's arm and started rubbing them.


Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed twice has returned once again.

To view the Immortal Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n, you can read them at…

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's Immortal Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment Immortal Chapter Drafts 146-158 (I reposted 146-148) are posted there.

Thank you once again and this Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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