
A Coincidence or Not?

Night town, two thousand kilometers from the capital.

Built at the feet of a mountain, and around the territory of a solitary family, Night town was placed at the crossing point between four of the most important cities within the region.

It housed thousands of people, and despite the lack of walls and governmental authority, it was one of the safest places in the entire planet. Untouched by bandits, and beast tribes ever since it had been founded.

This relatively small town was mostly filled with shops, and branches of many groups which dealt in the search of alchemical materials, or the invention and production of instruments for alchemy.

Despite the relatively small size of the family which governed the town, most people did not dare to question its hegemony on the territory around the mountain.

Built on the wall of the mountain was the territory of the Navi family, and at the very peak of the mountain, was a large old fashioned building.

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