
The two rulers.

Zun Zhao sprang out of bed before the doctor could even finish his sentence. He only needed to hear that she had snuck out for his back to run cold, his veins suddenly filled with ice rather than blood. The world was dangerous, the death of their young master and the destruction of their city engraved that terrifying fact into his very soul. His sister was a normal person, he had made sure that she didn't get to go through the same gruelling surgeries that he did to grow strong, she was so weak that she'd crumble at the smallest touch. And yet she had gone off on her own, and disappeared as a result.

"I need to go!"

Forget getting dressed, he didn't even bother taking the time to wipe the drool at the corner of his lips. If his sister was taken by the monster that forged the alliance that killed his young master then there was no telling what sort of horrible fate awaited her. They were already fine with killing the two of them back when they were just children, but now Zun Zhao was their enemy so it would be even worse. After all, forget the thousands, he had probably killed close to a million or more of the people belonging to that monster's alliance, he was definitely the greatest thorn in that demon's side.

"No. I can't allow that."

But just as Zun Zhao was going to rush past him, the doctor's hand reached out and landed on his chest, his gentle yet firm words seemingly rooting him down. The doctor gently held his chest, his visage twisted in worry and concern as he locked eyes with Zun Zhao, who looked like he could explode at a moment's notice.

"You're worried, fearful. I understand. No, I really do. Family is important, more important than anything, it is for them that we are willing to do anything. But if you rush out there now then you will die. The demon will kill you and you will achieve nothing, your sister following you shortly. So take a breath, cool your heart, and then think about the situation. Can you do that for me?"

Zun Zhao's insides felt scorching, the lungs he hadn't really gotten used to yet felt like they were on fire. But the words of the doctor still sank into him, slithered into his soul like the first summer breeze. The heat cooled down, almost magically, and his mind calmed so that he could see that the doctor was right, he usually was in situations like this. When the doctor saw that Zun Zhao had cooled down, he raised his hand from his chest and placed it on his head, ruffling his hair just like their young master had done in the past.

"That's good, you must always make sure to see all situations with a cool heart and a calm mind. Now, I didn't find any traces of your sister, but there also weren't any other traces of death, other than the ones you caused of course. From that we can gather that they kept her alive, so there is something they want from her. And if I had to guess, then that thing is you. You have wounded the alliance greatly so now they are afraid, especially because they can't get a hold of you. So, what does that mean?"

The doctor's words were like medicine, partly assuring Zun Zhao while also partly stroking his ego to strengthen his confidence. Zun Zhao forced down a few mouthfuls of air, the cool night air settling in his lungs as he used his mind, just like the doctor asked.

"…It's over when they get me?"

Lives had worth, be they great or small. Even the weakest human had some sort of worth to others, and they'd be kept around for as long as worth existed. Zun Zhi's worth would run out once the demon got hold of Zun Zhao, and worthless lives weren't kept around. The doctor helped Zun Zhao understand that, giving a nod and then a shake of his head in response.

"Correct, the moment they get you they win, and they'll also have no more need for your sister. So you can't go out yet, you cannot stand against that demon as you currently are, his lightning will roast even your soul."

Lightning and poison, the doctor had reminded Zun Zhao numerous times of his enemy's weapons, it was these two weapons that shaped the path Zun Zhao took in his surgeries. Everything after the first two surgeries was done to combat those two weapons, and they had been so close to completion, just a single step away.

"Then… The surgery for the lightning immunity, can we push it forward?"

The last single step, originally it should have waited for at least a few months so that Zun Zhao could get used to his lungs and properly integrate them with the other parts he had gotten implanted. But could he really wait several months now, did he really have to let his sister suffer there for that long? But sadly for him, the doctor that always had a solution shook his head.

"We can, but it won't be enough. When I originally calculated it, you would first get more time to get used to your new organs between each implant. That time could also be spent to slowly strengthen the implanted organs, that way you'd be much stronger overall once the final implant was done and you got used to it. If we push it forward to now, you won't have that period of acclimatization and strengthening so the demon will just use pure physical force to kill you."

His words were in line with what he had done so far. He'd always given Zun Zhao time to get used to each organ or limb, always pointing him towards people in the alliance or beasts that used elements similar to that new limb so that he could absorb it. But even though he shook his head, Zun Zhao noticed that there was something the doctor hadn't said, his knees bending as he knelt down and lowered his forehead to the cold ground.

"Then… Is there nothing? Is there really nothing that can be done now? Doctor, please, she's all I have left. Please, I'm begging you, show me the way to save her."

The doctor said that it wasn't enough, he hadn't said that it was impossible. The doctor he knew was very particular about his words, if he didn't say that it was impossible then there was definitely something he could do. Once again, the doctor would be able to save him, able to point him in the right direction.


The doctor looked down at the kowtowing Zun Zhao, his words trailing off for a moment. Zun Zhao didn't raise his head, but he could feel the doctor's conflicted gaze, the desire to help clashing with the knowledge of what had to be done. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor squeezed out the words that Zun Zhao wanted to hear.

"…There is a way. But… But that surgery…"

The doctor kept trailing off, almost as if he was biting his tongue in hesitation. But it was enough for Zun Zhao. There was a way, there was something he could do. He raised his head slightly, only to bring it down again with full force, cracking the cold stone and drawing some blood from his forehead.

"Please, Doctor! If there is a way then I need to take it. You've seen me survive all the other surgeries, I'll survive this one too."

Taking his arms, taking his legs, tearing out his spine to make room for wings, lungs, stomach, liver, eyes, teeth, there was no end to the painful surgeries that Zun Zhao had gone through. But even if he felt like he wanted to die, even if his own body was slowly being ground away, he always survived and kept on moving. Now would be no different, he would survive and move on. But once again, he heard the very soft sound of the doctor shaking his head, an almost sad voice spilling forth.

"No, you won't. Don't think that I'm belittling you, but that surgery is not one that can be survived, it's not meant to be survived. If you undergo it, if you take in that thing… You will die and come back to life as something completely different. You can never call yourself human again, you will become a true Beast, be it Divine, Demonic, or Origin."

Despite all the surgeries, despite all the parts that had been stripped out and replaced, what flowed in Zun Zhao's veins was still human blood. No matter how monstrous he became, he was still human, to many this was an important distinction. But at this moment, would such a distinction matter to Zun Zhao?

"Then let me become a beast, Doctor. No, I'm begging you, help me become a beast."

Silence followed Zun Zhao's desperate plea, his begging for the monstrous.


The doctor seemed to struggle with his words, his choices. For a few moments, the only sound that filled the room was Zun Zhao's breathing, each one filled with desperation that only the good doctor could ease. And after what felt like ages of hesitation, the doctor once again saved Zun Zhao.

"…Very well, but may the gods forgive me."

Zun Zhao heard the doctor crouch down, his hands landing on Zun Zhao's shoulder. They felt warm and large, so trustworthy that Zun Zhao almost got the urge to go to sleep. But he couldn't sleep, for now the good doctor would once again lift him from the mud and give him exactly what he needed.

"Come then, Zun Zhao, let me give you the heart of an Origin."


Liang Chen wasn't sure if he felt tired or not once they finished dinner with Qing Feng's family. Naturally, part of him was thrilled that he got to meet them again, even if they had no memory of how they knew him in their past lives. But the promise he had made Yan Ling still hung on his mind. Visiting his birth parents, even if it was just for a small meeting so that they could meet Yan Ling.

This would be their first proper meeting, even for Liang Chen. Granted, they had met before and had a talk thanks to the Nine Star Demon God, but that meeting was as formal as could be, he never actually planned on interacting much with them after all. Were it not for Yan Ling's urging then there was a real chance that Liang Chen would never meet them again, they'd be just like the countless other strangers that always just brushed shoulders and then never saw each other again.

Thanks to this, he didn't quite know what to feel. Going from his previous family to who could have been, and perhaps should have been, his family. What a strange situation it was, both should be his family yet neither of them were, he didn't really belong with any of them.

He threw the thoughts to the back of his mind with a sigh, his gaze drifting to the side and out of the window. They were currently on a specially prepared ship that was taking them back to the interspatial array that would take them back to their own multiverse. It was beyond the dead of night so Yan Ling was sleeping next to him, Yumao and Lan Yun curled up together, Ao Fentian kept safe between them, while Sheng Lian slept in another room. She was technically the youngest of these three children, but she looked the oldest and acted as the most mature so it was a bit hard to have her sleeping in the same bed as them.

Colours flashed by beyond the window, planets and galaxies blurring thanks to the speed of the ship. When he thought about it, Liang Chen had to admit that it was quite marvellous. Planets, universes, even multiverses, at this stage they could move between them as they pleased, it barely took any time at all. But how bad wouldn't it have been back in the distant past? Going between planets would be hard, but going between universes and multiverses would be almost impossible, the world you would know back then was so much smaller than what they had gotten used to now.

"…I guess it is about time I check it out."

When he thought about how big the world had become, there was one thing that popped into his mind. There was an aspect of the world that shouldn't exist yet did so all the same, it was an aspect that very few in their lives would ever see or even learn about. But that aspect was exactly the one Liang Chen was the closest to, it had become part of him and he had become part of it. He'd left it alone for quite a while, mainly due to the trial Purgatory had prepared for him, but now it really was time for him to check it again.

Part of his consciousness sank into his own body and touched upon that one spot he could always sense but never locate if he tried to use conventional means. He felt a momentary twisting but it barely lasted for a quarter of a second, and by the time it ended he found himself standing within the void.

Pale white earth, grey grass, and blooming maple trees spread out in a small area around him. This was his slice of the void, the untainted domain he had created, the endless wasteland of the void stretching out beyond the dome that covered his domain. A stream filled with clear blue water split the domain in half, the water born from the energy that Lao Ye had become after being swallowed by the void flowing freely.

Growing next to the small stream were a handful of tea-flowers, their bulbs coming in all the colours of the rainbow as they reached towards a sun that wasn't there. He had personally planted these seeds here after killing Lao Ye, the years had allowed them to grow tall and ripe. And on the other side of the stream stood a small plum tree, Liang Chen's expression sinking slightly as he looked at it. The tree was what had become of Ao Fentian's mother after Liang Chen had swallowed her with his void, it was the tree she had thought of when he asked her what her favorite was. She had died because of him, but this was the best he could do for her.

Other than this small area, there was nothing out of the ordinary within his void, he hadn't erased that many people with his law after becoming part of the void. But beyond the dome, within the seemingly endless wasteland, the Voidborn still waited.

"The Elder Deity!"

"The Deity has returned!"

"The Elder Deity!"

Liang Chen finally stopped ignoring the calls that had started ever since he stepped into the void and turned his head. Just beyond the edge of his domain, the Voidborn were waiting for him. Some were humanoid, some were nothing more than small worms, and other still were large gatherings of worms wriggling as one. They were all bowing reverently, the humanoid ones bending the knees as they worshipped him like they would a god.

Liang Chen's gaze slid across them, stopping when it landed on someone he hadn't expected to see here. The normal grey eyes tied to the void and green hair that hung loosely down to his shoulders, a teen with clear features sat there with his legs crossed and a serious expression. Kongxu Zhuren, the Voidborn Ruler of this age and the one that the Voidborn called the Younger Deity because he was born after Liang Chen got hold of his law of the void.

The two of them weren't exactly on the best of terms during their last, and coincidentally first, meeting. There was only ever supposed to be one Voidborn Ruler at a time, and Liang Chen wasn't exactly a natural-born one, so it was inevitable that Kongxu Zhuren believed that Liang Chen was out to steal the position he was born for. But it saved Liang Chen some trouble that Kongxu Zhuren was here, there were some questions he wanted answered. And thus, the two locked eyes, coincidentally opening their mouths at the same time.

"I've got some questions for you."

"So you've returned. Good, I wish to talk with you."

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