
The Sleeping Champion

With Seif's lead, we stuck to the shades of the ruined buildings, narrowly avoiding the elven scouts and the seeking fairies. Had it been only trees and bushes, we wouldn't have done so well, but thanks to the buildings, we were provided safe places to hide.

"So far so good."

Having peered through the windows from within one of the buildings, I watched a unit of fairy scout flying overhead, diligently scanning the ground and then passing over us, apparently not noticing our presence.

A scaled hand grabs my shoulder, redirecting my gaze. Following the direction of the scaly grip, I come face to face with Seif, who has a finger on his lips all the while shaking his head. Then, from a distance, I hear faint sounds, sounds of air being drawn into nostrils repeatedly, the sounds of sniffing. Inadvertently, my eyes turn towards the window I had just been peeking out of and I wonder, with deep anxiety in my heart, if our scents are currently drifting out of this opening.

Suddenly, the sniffing stops. Both Seif and I await with bated breaths and hands upon our weapons. Hearing the sounds of leaves being rustled along the ground and the faint sound of claws striking the stone-paved paths, we know that they're getting closer. It appears that combat is not unavoidable. Somehow, we will have to get the jump on them.

Sweat rolls down my forehead as I try to tell the exact location of the approaching enemies as well as their numbers, but before I can make even an attempt to count, the footsteps become silent. My mind goes blank and my body is ready to lash out at the first enemy that comes within sight. Intuitively, I feel that there's no more point in planning. Right here, right now, the ones who will win are the ones who can be the fastest and fiercest of them all.

Silently, I take a deep breath, my hands drawing my swords, and then, I feel something cool on my forehead. It is a breeze, coming through the window. All of a sudden, the footsteps change directions, rushing towards the direction of the breeze, passing us by.

I turn towards Seif and see him with his tongue sticking out.

"The breeze, it carries a scent. Smells like Beastkins, other Beastkins."

"Have the Beastkins come to reclaim their capital?"

"Most likely. If we don't hurry, we may be caught up in the fight."

"True, but right now, this situation is good for us, the Beastkins will distract the forest."

"We should still be careful. The World Devourer's power isn't as strong as it used to be, but if we stay too long..."

"The [Corruption] will be upon us, I know."

After taking a moment to be sure that we are truly in the clear, we move on deeper into the forest using Seif's sense of smell to guide us to our allies. Though we know that the Beastkins from the outside are attacking, we continue on with caution, not knowing if we'll suddenly be attacked by foes in waiting.

"Keep your eyes open, the Faefolks smell nothing like the Beastkins or any creature I know of. Their scent is more akin to the trees and grass around us. If they're near, we will have to spot them with our eyes before they spot us."

"They wouldn't be so much of a problem if they weren't so fond of hanging atop trees. How is a guy supposed to get around with their eyes looking up all the time?"

"Very carefully, friend, very carefully."

"Easy for you to say. You've got eyes that can look in two directions at once plus a tail for balancing."

"Shame, but we don't have the time to wait for you to grow one, so you'll have to do without."

"That's the plan, just warn me if there's anything on the ground."


Perhaps it is due to the attacking Beastkins from the outside, the two of us managed to proceed without any more encounters. However, with nothing happening at such an extended length of time, it does make one nervous. It feels as if the longer nothing happened, the more likely something will in the near future. It is the trick of the mind, for sure, but despite knowing that, the anxiety just won't go away.

"They're near, I am picking up the scent our brethren."


"Ahead, roughly a hundred paces away."

Carefully, we creep closer and closer to the source of the scent, till we find a small clearing ahead of us. While remaining hidden, through the trees, I see the Dragonbrood warriors, all tied up in vines and entangled in foliage, each kept in a wooden cage that looks to be grown rather than made.

"What do you think? I'm feeling a little paranoid here."

"I feel the same. There are no guards within sight and nether am I picking up scents of anyone another than that of Dragonbroods. It's almost as if they're telling us to walk right over."

"They'd like that, wouldn't they?"

"Very much so, yes. Most likely, they're watching from above the trees somewhere, waiting for fools to walk into their ambush."

"Well then, in that case, one of us will have to be the fool."

There are only so many ways to deal with a trap. The first is of course to avoid it, but that cannot be done. Our allies are there, awaiting rescue, and we can't leave without them. The second way is to disarm it, but we don't know how many enemies are in wait, and even if we do, there's no guarantee that we'll be able to deal with them. Which brings us to the last method in mind, and that is to spring it and deal with whatever that comes.

"Seif, I'll be the decoy. You find an opening and free the rest."

"I see you're not yet fully awakened. Look at you, practically naked without your armor. Champion you might be, your flesh is squishy compared to the Dragonbroods. I'll go. You must trust me."

I look down at myself, feeling my own flesh. Even without armor, this body is considerably tough. I doubt I'll die from an arrow or two, so long as they don't hit any vitals that is. However, in this case, even the comparatively scrawny Seif is better suited for the job.

Even though I told myself to lay off trying to take the brunt of everything, I suppose old habits do die hard.

"Very well then, you'll go. I'll do the rescuing."

"Make your move the moment they strike. You'll have one chance before they become completely alerted."

Slowly, we creep closer towards the clearing, taking our positions. Seif will burst forth from the shades of the tree from one direction, and I will make my dash from another. From my position, hidden within the shade and tucked behind there tree, I watch Seif counting down with his three fingers. Upon reaching zero, he shoots out into the open like a stone flung from a sling and then, before I can even react, a single arrow flies in from above, smashing right into Seif's scaly hide. He should be fine. No ordinary arrow can easily pierce a Dragonbrood's scales. However, as Seif falls over onto the ground, I realize that it was no ordinary arrow after all.

Seif was struck in the leg, and where the arrow had struck, a dark flame smolders, scorching his flesh and peeling back his scales. This dark flame, I have seen it before, it was used by the Beastkins, and it burned through even the armor made from the Holy Serpent's scales upon contact.

As the dark flame scorches his wound, Seif, that composed lizardman, starts screaming in agony. His hand reaches to pull out the arrow but the flame scorches even his hand, the scalding so intense that he is unable to grab onto the shaft. Seeing his suffering, the muscles on my legs begin to tense and before my thoughts are even complete, I was ready to rush out there to help him. However, just as I am about to emerge from behind the tree, Seif grits down on his teeth and for a moment, overcome his pain. He looks towards me with both eyes, both of which bloodshot, and subtly shakes his head, telling me without words to not go. Right there, my legs freeze over, unable to move. Seif is right. If I go out there now, the one pelted with arrows would be me. That must be the reason why Seif hasn't been turned into a pincushion. They shot him in the leg only to immobilize him, keeping him alive to lure anyone else with him out in the open. If I go out there to help him, I'll be shot, and then we'll both probably be dead. If I remain hidden, however, they'll keep him alive, as bait.

I need to think. Here I am, alone and without help. What can I do? I can't help Seif and without a distraction, I doubt I'll be able to get to the other Dragonbroods either. Should I go back and get Asha? Will she be able to help? I doubt it, and besides, I don't I'll be able to sneak past patrolling enemies without Seif's guidance. My hands are tied. Do I wait then, for an opportunity to strike to come? Will it come? And how long do I have to wait? If I wait too long, we'll be consumed by the [Corruption]. What of the attacking Beastkins? Will they cause a big enough distraction to divert the attention of the guards here?

I can't decide, every single option I can think of just seems to lead to either uncertainty or a dead end. I can't go forward, I can't wait, and I can't turn back. I am completely checked. Damn it! How did this happen? How did we end up here in the first place? Seif said we were already here by the time he woke up, all tied up even. Were we captured? When did that even...

I recall that dream last night. Everyone was asleep and the girl with spiraling horns was there. And then, Corona was there as well. That wasn't at all a dream, was it? But, if it wasn't a dream, then Corona would be-

The sound of trampled leaves from behind me cuts me off from my thoughts. At this timing, in this situation, I doubt that it is an ally. Swiftly, I draw my blades and turn around to face the ones approaching. If I can take them out fast enough, they others may not notice, or I could use them as hostage somehow, or perhaps cause a distraction with their bodies. Either way, now is the time to act.

However, as I prepare to rush them, my body reflexively stiffens. It is a reflex trained by fighting alongside someone else, a discipline that prevents one from accidentally hurting one another in battle. As for the reason why it kicks in at this very moment, well, that is because standing before me is someone I know very well, even before coming here.

"That's you... That's Corona, right?"


She speaks the language of the [Demons]. I can't understand a single thing she's saying, and in the [Corrupted] state she is in, I fear that she will not understand me either. Still, how could this happen? I still don't believe it. I know what is before me is reality but my mind refuses to believe it. I was too late, too late to save her.

Slowly, Corona reaches into her coat, and instinctively, I ready my blades, preparing to strike, or defend myself, or something, anything. I don't know. I never considered that I have to face Corona like this, I never wanted to.

"Corona, it's me, Oro! Do you... Do you even recognize me? Coro-"

The moment I see what she pulls out of her coat, I was stunned beyond words. What she pulled out and showed to me, was a piece of paper, and on it are words, words written in a language I recognize, a language from our own world. [Come with me, I won't hurt you.] Such words were written on it.

Do I trust this? Is this not a trick from a [Corrupted] Corona? But, if there's even a small chance...

Gulping down the saliva building in my mouth, I nod. I want to trust her, to believe in her. And in this situation, with Seif pinned down by the enemy archers, with the Dragonbrood warriors out of my reach, this is possibly my only viable option. I have to take it, this leap of faith.

I sheath my swords and allow Corona to approach me. She extends her hand, inviting me to take it. It is strange, I have never seen a [Demon] so calm before. With some hesitation, I take her hand, allowing her to lead me, but before I go, I turn back towards Seif, who gazes upon me and Corona with abject confusion. I know... I know how dangerous this is. But, I have very few options in from of me, and no matter what, I do not wish to fight Corona.

By hand, Corona leads me through streets overgrown by vegetation, and as I go, I feel a sensation, a sensation akin to what the dwelling of both the Holy Serpent and the Holy Beast felt like. Right now, I must be heading towards the center of the forest, where the main body of the World Devourer resides.

As the sensation gets stronger, I find myself being led towards a crumbled castle, where a large tree had sprouted. Before what remains of the castle gates, I see [Demons], their limbs covered by thick fur, their teeth jagged, but they still retain a humanoid shape, their faces and torso more man than beast. These must be the [Beastkins]. However, I do wonder why they're guarding the center of the forest. I thought the World Devourer was a Faefolk Keeper, so why the Beastkins so close to it? One would think that the Keeper would keep its own people closer.

The Beastkins allowed Corona and I to pass without any hostility, and as I am led through the castle, I find a mix of Faefolks and Beastkins patrolling the decrepit halls that are held together by the roots of the trees that have likely caused the crumbling state in the first place.

After passing through the winding halls, I arrive at what appeared to once be a room, now turned into something more akin to a courtyard due to the giant tree growing at the center of the room, having decimated the portion of the castle directly above it with its growth.

At the base of said large tree, right on top of the roots, there sits a sleeping [Demon], his hair white and dry. Is this the person Corona wants me to meet? Is this why she asked me to come with her? He looks familiar too. I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before.

I approach the [Demon], trying to get a better look at his face. Due to the shade cast by the leaves of this massive tree, I can't quite tell his features clearly. However, upon feeling a soft hand on my shoulder, I stop. I turn around to see Corona, noticing as well the Faefolk bowmen watching from the half-collapsed rooms of the upper floors, their bows drawn and ready to fire. Then, even higher up, I spot fairies fluttering about, charged with magic, ready to release at a moment's notice.

"Good of you to come here peacefully, Champion."

A voice resounds in my mind, and at the same time, I hear footsteps coming from behind the tree, slowly coming around. I turn to find two figures emerging from their hiding spot. One is a [Corrupted] Beastkin with a helm upon her head, her fur covered limbs disproportionately huge in comparison to her slender yet well toned body. Curiously enough, her tail is more akin to that of a reptile than a mammal. And by her side, a girl that seemed to be completely untouched by the [Corruption], her skin fair but not at all pale, her eyes blue as the sky, her hair is white as snow, and on each side of her head, she wears a pair of curved, spiraling horns. It is the girl that I have seen so many times before, but only in the dreams and never in person.

"Who are you?"

I face the Beastkin wearing the helm, having a feeling that the horned girl does not speak.

"I am but a ghost, of phantom from the past. Yes... from very long ago."

"What does a ghost want with me?"

With her huge limb, she gestures towards the [Demon] sitting at the base of the tree, cradled by the roots.

"My chosen, he has been stricken with a similar condition to yours. I would like to borrow your Shaman for a bit."

The same condition as me? Meaning that his soul is unable to anchor itself onto this body? No, even before that, how did they know about Asha? Have they been watching us? Since when? And what do they mean by 'borrow her for a bit'? I don't think these are the kind of people that intends to return what they borrowed.

"And what do I get in return?"

"Bring us the Shaman, and I'll let you go, you and all of the Dragonbroods captured within this forest."

So, it's either Asha or an entire Dragonbrood army, what a choice. If it's come to this then, there's really only one option, isn't there.

"Very well, so be it."

"So you've made your choice then, what will it-"

Before the Beastkin gets to even finish, I rush up to the tree, towards the sleeping [Demon]. Arrows from the bowmen and magic from the fairies instantaneously fly towards me, but they fall short, landing behind me. It looks like no one expected me to be so fast. How careless of them, to underestimate the speed of the man fast enough to keep up with the Dragonbroods. Not to mention, it seems like they're careful as to not hurt this sleeping [Demon], as none of the magic or arrows land even close to him. This [Demon], I remember him now, he's the Summoner Champion, the one I've been beaten by atop that mountain. If I'm guessing right, somehow, he must have summoned the [World Devourer Woods], which would explain how it returned so quickly. If I kill him, the forest will disappear. Of course, there's a chance I might be wrong, but given the situation, I'll have to make this gamble.

The one closest to the Champion, the [Corrupted] Beastkin, steps in to intercept me. In reaction to that, I draw my swords. In the back of my head, I am well aware that if I take more than an instant to deal with her, then I'll be dead. If I stand still for even a single instant, my back will be so full of arrows one may mistake me for a porcupine. And so, with that in mind, I toss one of my two blades. It's a toss I've practiced plenty of time, a toss that while I wouldn't say is perfect, will land somewhere close to what I am aiming for. And this time, my target is none other than the girl with the curved spiraling horns.

Realizing my target, the [Corrupted] Beastkin moved out of my way to protect the horned girl, just as planned, leaving the sleeping Champion defenseless. My arm winds up, and with a sure motion, I plunge the blade towards him, drawing blood as I feel the blade sinking into flesh.

"No... This can't..."

Those words escape from my own lips. Before me is Corona, her back faced against me, bleeding. Her blood flows from where a blade was buried, the blade that I have driven into her back. How is this possible? She couldn't have caught up with me. Of the two of us, I was the faster one. So how? The only conceivable way is for her to know exactly when I was going to strike and then began making her move before I do. Did she predict it, that I would make that choice? Did she read my movements, knowing when I would strike? I wouldn't put it past her. She had always read me like a book, back in Elysium Online and even more so after coming to this world. Even [Corrupted], she knew me better than anyone.

"Corona... God damn it! God damn it all!!!"

As I scream, I feel a burning yet wet sensation on my back. I don't even need to see in order to know what happened. It is all too obvious. I've been shot. My gamble has failed and now I am paying the price. In the end, I guess I just can't do anything right on my own.


End of Chapter 61

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