
The Twin Pair!

Sophie has taken a step forward into the field and Brenna knocked out Jolly with her magic. I was actually saving Brenna for a big target but for Sophie to bring her out just like that...She is really thinking ahead. "BRENNA BACK!" Sophie commands Brenna.

"You two are up next." Rita says to a short boy with lengthy and pointy black hair and a tall boy with black markings on his face with messy, curly black hair. They both look pretty much the same and the only thing that separates them is their hairstyle and height. "Understood." Both say.

I see Zero...His the boy with black markings on his face. To be honest, his the most mysterious person along with that guy Seven who is said to be the twin of Zero. They are called... "The twin pair..." Sophie looks concerned. "What's the matter?" I ask Sophie. "Well...To be honest, I would have studied more about our opponents if I knew that I was going to be the tactician of the team." Man that hit my feelings and hard.

"Send me as your sacrifice." Kylie steps up. "Kylie?" I am confused. What is she planning? "Please do, make him use his magic...Maybe I will figure something out and maybe we can save you." The announcer looks at me. "Choose a fighter to enter the arena please." The announcer says. "YES! YES! WE GOT SOMEONE GOIN' IN!" What's she shouting for?

Kylie...Her magic is Lioness transformation magic. It's a weird choice when it comes to battling someone unknown. I would have put Jason in front of them as his personality is more on the side of making his own choices but to put Kylie in front...I wonder what's going through Sophie's mind.

Kylie steps into the arena. She seems to be pretty calm. "So we are fighting this trash." Zero is mocking Kylie. "We will give you an upper-hand, go ahead and have your time chanting a spell." Zero says. Kylie begins chanting. "Transformation magic: Lioness!" Kylie begins to transform and her hands begin to turn into big lion paws with pointy yellowish nails to it and her hair begins to grow longer then usual. She also gets a hairy tail with two big lion like ears.

"Oh? It seems that we have something in common here little princess." Zero says Kylie. "What would that be?" Kylie asks Zero. "Claw magic release!" Nails of zero grow like they are swords. They are huge and seems to have enough sharpness to cut anything that comes in their way.

"What kind of magic is that?!" Sophie looks confused. I am surprised she doesn't know about it. "It's the third type of magic, release type magic." I say to Sophie. "What's release type?" Sophie looks confused. Does the number 1 student of the rookies squads doesn't know about release types? I look at her all confused. "Well...Basically the out of four types of magic, basic which I have, passive which Damian has, chantments which most of the world rely on and release which this guy Zero has. Release is basically a type of magic which releases the inner body mana to combine the outer world mana and when they both combine they form certain barriers or empower certain body parts. In Zero's case, it's his nails." I explain. Sophie looks confused and shocked. What the hell? This is the basic when it comes to magic. "Well the way you explained it...This should be easier for Kylie to handle then." Sophie says. I nod. I guess...Sophie was right about sending Kylie but there is this weird feeling I have here...I don't know what it is.

Kylie charges into Zero. Zero easily dodges her. "What was that?! Was he just fast or did my eyes just see only his waist move and not his whole body?" Kylie questions her vision. She decides to step back. Sophie holds a deeper thought on what happened. "Why did she turn back?" Sophie questions herself.

"Because...I feel like this is not a one on one." I say to Sophie. "What?" Sophie looks confused. "That guy Seven...His using strings to support Zero from the outer arena." I say. "So that should be easy elimination, right?" Jacob asks. "Not at all, in the rules of this certain game, there is no rule saying that team members outside can't help the team members inside...So using the excuse they are cheating will definitely not work." Sophie says.

Kylie rushes towards Zero again. "KYLIE STOP!" Sophie says. Kylie's attention turns towards Sophie. Zero smiles at this opportunity. He grabs Kylie's face and throws her outside the arena right behind Jacob. "SHIT!" Jacob says as he turns back. "I will take her to the medical area." Ashley says as Sophie taps Richard. "Huh?" Richard looks confused. "GO!" Sophie says to Richard with her eyes angrily widened. "Understood mam!" Richard gives a salute and enters the arena. Everyone looks surprised that Sophie is unfazed by this conclusion.

Richard enters the arena. "So your our next victim I am guessing." Zero says to Richard. Richard smirks. "Maybe...Or maybe your my next victim." Richard says with his smirk on. "You seem confident...What kind of treat do you have up your self?" Zero asks Richard. "A trick to take you down." Richard says with a smirk. "Sure go kid yourself." Zero says.

"GET TO THE FIGHTING ALREADY!" One of the crowd members say. "Yeah, yeah, give me a break will you?" Richard looks at the crowd and says. Richard begins to chant his spell. "Gravity magic: Straight Pressure!" Richard spreads his hands forward pushing both Zero and Seven down to the ground.

Straight pressure...A technique used to increase gravity in a straight line. What an intelligent move by Sophie. She knew that Zero was controlled by Seven but Seven needed to be behind Zero to actually control him to full extent but if someone were to attack in a straight line...Especially one's with magic that are capable of breaking through a straight line...Those two would have been easily outdone.

"GET OUT OF THE RING!!!" Richard begins to rush towards Zero to punch him...But Richard had to stop. "HUH?! A GIRL?!" Suddenly, Christine appears in front of Richard. Richard being a man who doesn't hit woman as a man of pride had to stop. "Goodbye..." Christine says and punches Richard in his guts. "GUH!"


Richard rolls out of the arena. "Damn...That switch magic again!" Sophie says biting her nail as she saw Sherry touching Seven who seems to have transported behind the whole of Squad Fighters. "That was close." Rita smirks.

The situation has gotten worse, Squad Rizing are in real trouble with just 10 people on their squad remaining!

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