
Extra: Henry's Message!

Everyone gathers around their usual training spot. "HUH?!!!!!!" Cyan screams. "WHERE DID HENRY GO?!" Cyan asks Ilora. "He told us to train on our own until we comeback but he did give us instructions on phase 2." Ilora says looking at her phone. Ilora sighs. "What's the matter Ilora?" Sophie asks her. "He said be sure to rely the instructions given by him to others." Ilora looks at Sophie. "He also said you and Hister will be joining the others in the training." Ilora says to Sophie. "I-it's so unlike Ilora to listen to s-someone..." Hister whispers to Sophie. "I agree." Sophie says.

"This training though...It's quite an unique one..." Ilora whispers. "What big sis?" Cyan asks. "Nothing, let's just rely the message to everyone." Ilora says and leaves with Cyan. "Fine..." Cyan says and begins to follow Ilora. Hister and Sophie follow both of them.

At first look Damien and Brenna begin arguing but then they calmed down and listened to Henry's instruction that Ilora had. With that their training continued...While Henry made his way to Migora Kingdom.

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