
Arena ( Part 2 )

Just as Ki's water bullets were about to hit the enemies a wall of rock appeared and caught most of them while a few punctured it.

" You are going to have to try harder then that!" Quaze's yellow headed guard shouted.

" EARTH MAGE TO THE LEFT!" Loki said looking at the guard.

" hmph!"

A guard from the enemy team started firing arrows at a rapid pace.

I dodged to the left my hand being grazed as I rolled.

Loki and Ren looked at each other and nodded before charging forward.

" Haze!" Ki shouted as white mist appeared from the lake and rolled over the enemies

[ I haven't tried this before but it is either now or never! ]

I chanted for a moment my body filling with Wood Magic before I threw some seeds at the enemies.

They seemed confused as I charged forward following just behind Loki.

Ki ran up to Rens side while another guard blocked a dagger she had thrown.

" I am tired of these tricks!" Quaze shouted angrily before his eyes glowed red.

" NOT GOOD HIT THE FLOOR!" I said as I felt the plants in the area cry.

We all just managed to dodge what could only be described as a wave of heat shaped in a massive blade wiped away the fog before heading towards us.

" It is going to take more than that!" Ren said as he stood.

" How long?" Loki said to me.

" A minute or so" I said smiling as I stood up and continued towards the enemies.

Ren's face and limbs seemed to distort under a black haze before he seemed to teleport from shadow to shadow.

" Shadow walking? Not bad!" Loki said as he smirked.

" Sorry Ren can't let you show me up!" Loki said as his eyes went white.

" Flash forward!"

Two waves of dark and white light were charging at the enemies.

They began to fire water balls, fire balls and rocks towards us.

It was hard to keep pace as I used to weapons to knock the hard rocks away.

[ My poor sword! ]

The floor began to rumble as the enemy earth mage chanted.

" QUAKE! " The guard angirly.

" Not this time! " I shouted.

" NOW!"

I concentrated on the seeds that had been throw on the enemies, my balance was unstable as the earth angry rumbled.

Yells could be heard from each of them as the seeds seeped into the enemies joints. First it was sprouts then they became full blown vines that limited their movements.

The rumbles stop at the chanting was interrupted.

Loki and Ren used the back on their weapons of the first two guards knocking them out while Ki used a water ball on the third guards head to make him unconscious.

I walked slowly up to the boy with the family name Quaze and stared at him as he was trying his best to pull off the vines and shouting.

" I guess I won't remember you after all" I said as I kicked him in the stomach.

" Let's go before we are surrounded" Ren suggested as he panted.

" Right! Let's do this!" Loki said in agreement.

I looked around to see two more groups from the starting zone had began to run towards us.

[ Are they ganging up on us?! ]

" Head to the forest!" I said as I looked over at the tree covered biome.

" Right!" Ri, Loki and Ki said in unison.

We left the enemies who were unconscious on the ground and covered with vines as we made our way to the forest area.

" We are almost there" I said as I looked behind us.

" We are not going to make it!" Ren said.

The two groups from before had become three with a total of twelve people hunting us down like rats.

I threw some seeds from my pocket on the ground and smirked.

[ You leave me no choice you cheaters. ]

My eyes became green as I stopped running.

" This should hold them!"

I took a deep breath in and concentrated.

" Cover your nose!" I said taking in a deep breath.

Sprouts formed from behind us turning into a field of harmless looking yellow flowers.

" Ki they need water, Ren use some of your dark magic!" I said and nodded to the two.

Not long after the field behind us was soaked in water and covered in darkness that fell like ash from the sky above the field.

The plants became corrupted turning from a vibrate yellow to a sickly yellow and then finally a murky grey and began to shoot pollen all through the air.

" Run and don't breath in the pollen!" I warned again.

We turned around and began running to the forest again.

It was at that point we heard shouts from behind.

Some enemies had tried to burn the flowers but Ki had thoroughly drenched them leaving them difficult to burn.

Others had tried to uproot them with earth magic which had just made them breath in more pollen.

[ It's too late for you all.. Sweet dreams!]

I took one last look behind me as the enemies began collapsing one after another.

" What did we just do to them?" Ren said as he ran next to me.

" These plants are Sour Sweets" I said.

" Very clever young man, The sour sweets are harmless unless they are in yin dense areas. It is then that they decide to send their pollen which works as a sleeping tonic on humans!' Loki said smiling and he ran effortlessly.

" That should count as our win. A cup of tea's time and four groups have been left exhausted by us!" Ki said excitedly.

" We have to find the crown princes team. Something fishy is going on." I said as we finally made it into the forest zone.

" But for we need to rest for a moment" Ren as said puffing.

" Right let's find a place to catch our breath and make our next plans" Loki said in agreement.

[ Since when did these two get along so well? ]

The area was lush and green the trees were happily humming as fighting noises were heard off in the distance. It took us a little over the time it takes to make a meal to find somewhere to rest or bones.

We had had a few skirmishes in the meantime as we looked around trying our best to flee at every chance we had.

We needed to save our energy since for some reason all the teams on site would gang up to try and defeat us even if they were in the middle of fighting another team.

I was not too keen on entering the arena to begin with but all the battles we had fought and won so far had made my blood boiled and awakened something that I didn't know I had inside me.

Pure Excitement.

Every near miss, every sword swipe and every kick made me boil with anticipation for the next match!

[ I can see why people become mercenaries ]

There was a certain freedom in feeling like you were putting your life on the line. A certain commanderie that you could have entrusting your back to someone else and a feeling of accomplishment upon victory.

Our team work had become much better from the fights we had and now we had found a nice tree to hide in for a while so we wouldn't get ambushed whole we regained our magic.

I estimated there was approximately four or so hours left.

Using the humming of the trees as a warning system Ki, Ren Loki and I all planned for our on coming battles.

We looked out at the sea of trees and decided that regardless of the plots they may be happening we want to win and bring glory to my grandfather…

At least Ki, Ren and I do.

Loki just wants to say his he better then Rinny.

We had some water and ate a few dry goods that Ki had brought and I closed my eyes pondering what would be thrown at us next!

The book dropped like 10 ranks last night NOOoooOo.

I guess it could be worse! I hope you all enjoyed this fight scene. I had to google how to write them haha let me know what you think in the comments!

Transparencycreators' thoughts
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