
In The Blink Of An Eye

It had been a week or so since I slipped into my new routine. In the mornings I would wake up before the sun and practice my sword strokes then from there have breakfast with grandfather. I would then have lessons with Riku who I had promised to visit when I had a chance.

I then had lessons to do with war and leading armies with my grandfather, then in the evening I had court lessons and by night time I finished the day with magic practice where lady Yu would come visit and offer advice.

The new training area was a massive guardian with a low rank plant spirit beast that had been transplanted from the school. Lady Yu had brought it in as a welcome gift. I had no idea why everyone had been giving me presents but I accepted them without too much worry.

A few days ago I went to visit my mother's grave. I had been putting it off. The place was well maintained but it felt very lonely. I brought some flowers and made them grow in potted plants next to her grave and would go to visit to talk to her before my morning sword practice.

I would tell her about my day, about the friends I had made and even about my problems. I knew mother in her own way had always tried to be there for me even if she didn't know how. I wasn't sure how people on this planet grieved death so I merely did what I thought was best.

It hurt at first.

It took me several hours just to walk through the door but knowing mother's spirit has gone to another place made me feel a little relief, she didn't have to suffer anymore.

I hadn't heard any news about father yet. Not hearing anything was better than finding his corpse. I was sure that vance would be horrible enough to parade him around had they killed him. If fact I wished they would if they did.. Not knowing was much.. Much worse.

I missed that stupid old man.

I tried to be strong for the people I had left but day by day I felt the responsibility pile up on me. A month had gone by before I knew it and I felt like a robot.

I spoke to mother, trained and studied then I slept.

I spoke to mother, trained and studied then I slept.

I spoke to mother, trained and studied then I slept.

I spoke to mother, trained and studied then I slept.

The second month rolled by with the same routine.

The bandits at this point had made their way to our estate and katowed near the front door. Grandfather allowed them to join the army and make themselves useful to society. Haia had become their squad captain. They were used as public guards to make sure that there was less theft.

It was ironic but they proved themselves and became public favorites even if they looked like thugs. Ren had told me they were even given the nickname " The Thieving Guardians" lovingly by the people.

In a lot of ways doing the same thing everyday was very comforting.

I had also gotten much much stronger. My points for the Lubu Lubu system were also piling up. The more I trained the more numb to everything else I became.

The only thing that went through my mind was surviving high school and finding my father.

Cupid had also sent a message saying that he was fixing the Lubu machine and that war mode would be available just before high school started for me. I was very excited to see what he had instore for me next.

He had also told me not to level up my magic until it was ready so I wouldn't go out of control like Kibbles and I had done last time before he remotely locked the leveling system.

Three months had passed by this stage.

I woke up this morning with heavy bags under my eyes. I had spent to long last night training my wood magic. Controlling plants had become second nature to me and I had just learned the spell "Seep".

I could force seeds to grow on a person or beasts body like a parasite. This method was rather cruel but I knew I couldn't rely on Ren and Ki as much as I had been. I looked over at Kibbles and walked over to him to gently wake him.

" Is it time to see mother?" Kibbled said as he stretched.

I nodded and picked him up.

I carried Kibbles who was still half asleep in my arms to the edge of the estate where my family members found their last place to sleep. The air was so cold that there was white smoke coming from my lips as I walked through the dewy grass.

The twin moons where near the horizon and the stars were fading to make way for a blue sky. I walked down the halls of the mausoleum, some names were so old I couldn't even make them out.

The dust was thick and the walls were cold.

The few beasts that had made this place their home had been routinely cleared out but there was some remains of their activities all over. I finally got to the room where mothers remains were kept and walked inside.

The room was a lush green paradise with a open netted room to allow for sunlight and plants. Mother was kept inside a wall where it was safe and no bugs could get in. The maids had placed a table inside for me discreetly.

I took a seat and told mother about my day yesterday while Kibbles was snoring. It was rather peaceful in here. Like I was in mothers arms telling her all of my troubles. I am sure the rest of my family didn't mind my company too much either.

I said some things to Cupid in my mind as I normally would hoping that mother would be taken care of and send some wood energy to the plants which all hummed with delight. The place was a little overgrown now. It looked more like the inside of a tree rather than a tomb.

I hoped mother would think all the flowers I left were pretty.

It was finally time to say goodbye.

I left as quietly as I came and headed for the training grounds.

As soon as we got there Kibbles jumped out my arms and stretched.

" I will definitely beat you this time!" Kibbles said with pride.

" Give it your best shot." I said as I took a training sword from the rack.

Kibbles and I fought all morning, We had improved so much that looking back to our fight with the bandits I felt embarrassed. It was strange that I had amassed over 800 points on the Lubu system and had nothing to really to spend on them.

I had no room in my heart for love anymore.

I couldn't see a point to it now I knew what was in store for me.

Seeing my stats had all risen into the 20's had made me feel more confident however.

Name: Yuki

[ Status ]

Current Doki Dollars: 875

Current System: Love Mode

Doki Dollars: 150

Strength: 20 (Unlock: 75DD)

Dexterity : 20 ( Unlock: 60 DD)

Magic: Level 2 Earth ( Unlock Unavailable )

Spells: Growth, Seep ( Unlock Unavailable)

Intelligence : 25 ( Unlock: 60 DD )

( Familiar ) Kibbles

Level: 3 ( Rank 2) ( Unlock Unavailable )

Strength: 20 ( Unlock: 50 DD)

Dexterity : 20 (Unlock: 50 DD)

Magic: Level 2 Fire ( Unlock Unavailable)

Spells: Burst, Smokescreen (Unlock Unavailable)

{ Mission: Trim some plants x 500 (45/500) | Reward 100 DD }

{ Mission: Raise poisonous plants (0/10) | Reward 30 DD }

{ Practice sword fighting once a day | Reward 10 DD ( Reoccurring Mission) }

I was probably on par with Riku now. I at least would not make people worry anymore. I took my shirt off to wipe down my body. It was no longer slim but slightly muscular. A six pack hand began to make its way across my chest.

My finger tips also had a faint green glow on them which was according to Yu a sign that my magic had improved dramatically. My magic was pulsing through my system strong enough that I could faintly see it.

When I said that I had never noticed it on anyone else she told me that most people hide it with makeup because they think it's ugly.

I of course didn't care if it looked like my fingertips were dipped in green ink, I had better things to worry about.

I finished drying the sweat off and Ki was waiting for me back in my room with clothes for the day. She had also made me a piping hot bath before telling me that breakfast would be ready soon.

I took my bath as per usual and got dress before I was lead down stairs to where my grandfather was waiting for me.

I took my seat across from him and waited for him to start eating as per usual. He spoke to me about my training and how it was going just like he normally did and we started to eat our meal.I had been eating much more lately due to how much I had to study and train so my side of the table was packed with plain tasting food.

I swallowed it all mouthful by mouthful.

Grandfather seemed to be watching me from the corner of his eye before he sighed and put down his fork.

" Yuki is there anything wrong?" Reo said suddenly.

" No grandfather" I replied as I chewed.

" I see" Grandfather replied.

Reo went to put another spoonful of food into his mouth. I watched as he seemed to be thinking over something.

" I have a mission for you" Grandfather said.

" As you wish" I answered robotically.

Grandfather sighed before holding up a letter in his hand which the maid next to him took and handed to me.

I was pretty used to this treatment.

Most of the missions were go to some place without being seen or train the troops. I had gotten rather good at both.

I took the letter after I put down my cutlery and opened it.

In my grandfathers terrible writing there was something that had been written then crossed out with large bold strokes.

Then under it a small message that said:

" Go to the palace then head to Riku's house. Have a nice day off"

I looked at my grandfather shocked.

" Will you accept this mission?" Reo said with an eyebrow raised.

" Yes grandfather" I said and nodded.

" Good head off after breakfast" Reo said smiling.

I couldn't sleep have a bonus chapter.

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