
Like A Walk In The Park (Part 2)

Ki unlike usual had woken me up before the sun had risen. Sleeping under my bed covers was so warm and comfortable that I struggled to awaken. I grumbled slightly before rolling over my bed trying to ignore Ki.

[ Just five more minutes! ]

Alas her calls turned into whining and then she finally grabbed my arm and attempted to shake me away. At this point, she shook me hard enough that I had almost fallen out onto the floor.

" You're finally awake young master" Ki cooed.

With my arm over my face, I opened one eye to see Ki not wearing her usual maid attire. She was in brown leather pants, a long white shirt and some black riding boots. It was all covered in a brown travelling cloak. She also had a belt around her waist that had an array of tiny black throwing knives as well as two black daggers one on each hip.

[ Oh right we are leaving for the forest today I forgot ]

To her side were two bags that I guessed were filled to the brim with supplies as well as two small pouches. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Ki picked up a bowl of breakfast and placed it on my bedside table. She then walked up to the bags to produce a set of clothing for me.

The clothing I changed into was black leather pants and a long black shirt as well as a black travelling cloak. She also handed me a bandana with gold markings on it, which she told me to wear if I smelled any fumes or if there was some sort of dirt storm.

I couldn't see myself but I assumed I either looked like a very small assassin or some sort of vigilante. I decided not to complain because they fit really well and seemed to be tailor-made for me.

[ Just how long ago did they plan this trip? ]

There was a knock at the door. Ki had answered it to find my mother standing there. In her hands she held a small box. She also carried with her a sad expression. Mother looked me up and down before walking up to me and hugging me tightly. I swayed from side to side as she seemed to want to squish me into a ball.

" My son, your father didn't want to see you off, he was too heartbroken! My small little guy is going on his first adventure, I am so proud! Please be safe and come home. I know you have Ki and Ren with you but I still worry! Ahhh you're getting too big to hold! Soon you will tower over me and I know that my work will be done" She half sobs and half sighs.

[ Oh Mother… ]

I thought back to how my previous mother was, cold and detached treating me like any other stranger on the street. I remembered that when I went to visit her after uni she would barely say two words to me before she would find an excuse for me to leave.

[ I …]

Tears started trickling down my face. First, it was just one or two but then they came out in a flood. I held my new mother close to me. My heart filling with a warmth I had never felt before. I was both jealous of the previous Yuki and thankful to him for giving me the love of a family I never thought I'd have.

I felt selfish and also very lucky.

My mother seemed shocked for a moment before she held me tighter in her arms. I started to settle down after a few minutes.

" I know your scared son but mother is here, mother will always be here" She whispered in my ear.

" Mmm Thank you for everything… Mother" I said, calling her mother for the first time honestly. I let my body go soft in her arms and smiled as I buried my head into her shoulder. The smell of sweet-smelling hair wafting into my nostrils.

She pushed me back a little after a while and handed me the box she still held in her had. Since she had been holding me tightly the corners of the box had been imprinted in her hand. I had put the box down for a moment before stoking her hand slightly.

" Does it hurt?" I asked sincerely.

" Not at all! Now open your present soon silly or you are going to be late!" replied mother.

I picked up the box I had put gently on the floor and opened it gently with a smile.

[ It feels like Christmas! ]

Inside there was a small round container and a charm. The charm was bright red and the sewing on the packet seemed like it was hand stitched. It said "Y. A" in big bold red letters. I looked at mother confused.

" There is a tradition when a child does something big for the first time in their life. A mother will make them an item to bring them luck. Mother cut a bit of her hair and put it in this charm so you can always carry her with you." Said, mother, as she showed a length of hair that was shorter than the others.

She then said " Your father on one of his travels found this wonder cream that can be used for burns, cuts and other wounds. We hope that these things will help keep you safe!"

Mother and I spoke for a little while longer before she left. As I watched her leave I vowed to myself that no matter what happens to me in the future, I would keep both her and father safe. Ki picked up the bags and we headed for the front of the building where Ren had been waiting.

I felt a little bad that he had waited out in the cold for me. Once we met we fist-bumped each other in greeting. Ren was wearing a grey travelling tunic with chain mail underneath and black leggings. He also wore a travelling cloak, however, his was very tattered. Even the boots looked like they had walked over a thousand miles.

Behind him were three large animals. They walked on two legs and were covered in red scales. They had saddles on their backs and a beak lined with large teeth. They also had large tails that looked like they were made of snakes. What was most interesting was the part of their heads that looked like something you would see on a rooster. I stared at them with my mouth open slightly.

" Oh, you like them? These cockatrices may seem scary but they can actually be really cute! " Ren said as one of the creatures rubbed up against his cheek.

Ren had already put his bags on one of the animals so Ki had put mine and hers on the other two beasts. The smallest one was given to me which I was grateful for. Ren spent a few minutes teaching me how to ride. Just as the sun rose we had jumped on the creatures and headed towards the forest.

" BE SAFE MY SON! " Shouted the voice of a man from behind.

I turned to look to see mother and father arm in arm waving at me. I unsteadily removed one hand from the reigns and waved back.

[ Looks like he couldn't stop himself from saying goodbye ]

I smiled and caught up to Ren and Ki.

We had spent the day travelling, I had seen many sites that I had never seen before. People picking what looked like yellow apples from floating trees. Cow looking creatures in paddocks with purple spots, people using wind magic to sow seeds and even a real-life unicorn!

In the distance a massive forest that stemmed as far as the eye could see appeared. The trees were so tall that if someone were to tell me it was enchanted I would believe them. Unlike a regular forest, the trees all seemed like a mix of sakura blossoms in full bloom and bamboo.

[ Amazing! I guess in future if all else fails I can go exploring, this world is so beautiful!]

Ren lead us to a small town just outside of the forest. It was less of a town and more of a mercenary camp, There were no real buildings more like a collection of makeshift places to sit, cook and sleep.

Ki helped me dismount and we walked up to what looked like an inn. As we walked we saw people had set up stalls selling everything from potions to animal hides. To the side of the inn was a series of stalls containing animals happily munching on grass and a stocky man sitting on a log smoking a pipe.

" Come to drop of ye animals hav ya?" said the man looking at the three of us.

" Right!" said Ren

" Good steeds they are, that be 7 silvers a night feed included," said the man looking behind us.

Ren fished into his robe and handed the man some coins. The man then grunted lightly and stood up before tapping his lower back. The man reached into his pocket and handed ren three tokens before leading the animals to their stalls.

"Ki, how does money work?" having watched the transaction take place.

I realised that I have never actually bought anything before.

[ Ahh it's good to be from a wealthy family! ]

" 100 coppers are 1 silver, 100 silvers are 1 gold," said Ki and she reached into her pocket. She took a copper a sliver and a gold piece out to show me. The man with the pipe looked over to watch us.

" Damn, more rich kids coming to the forest" the man mumbled under his breath before shaking his head.

Ki shot a glance at the man and he froze on the spot. Ren then came up to Ki and I before saying " We better go."

Ren, Ki and I each took a bag each before we left the camp. Ren and Ki both looked at each other for some reason and nodded. Ren walked from in front of me to my right side and Ki matched my pace on the left.

We made it to the forest entrance. Ren had reached behind him and given me one of the two swords on his back as well as a sheath. The blade was a cold black metal with a white coloured handle.

" Consider it a gift, its name is Malice," Ren said as he smiled.

[ That's not a sinister name at all..]

I took a few swings of the sword it seemed to leave a black afterglow in the air.

" Good Blade! " I excitedly said.

I put the blade in the sheath and put it under my travelling cloak.

Looking at the trees ahead of us I felt so very small…

I gulped as we marched forward into the gloom.

I have decided on the gift to thank you all for your support. I have hired someone to paint a new cover for the book. I should have it in a few days no more MS Paint art in your libaries!

Special thank you to Aki, Noirkat and Griseldamaldonado for their top 3 controbution rankings and to kaoru_rosen for their recent book review! Thank you to everyone else for controbuting as well! The lovely DaoistSoulweaver will have this ch edited tommorrow! Ps. I wish I had a pet chicken monster! :(

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