

"We can't teleport! It's still locked, I checked again! And no matter what trinket I use, I'm sure I can't break it! Just keep the little guy covered! I'll hold on!"

Hearing these words which were shouted by the mage over the din being made by the thousands of people around them who were scrambling to get out, Norcet nodded and used his robe to cover his son up more so that none of his body would be exposed to the air.

It seemed like an eternity ago, when they were all watching the final round of the Mage Handball Tournament to see who would be the winner.

Both of them had also bet all of their money on Lanthanor just like the little kid, and this had made his eyes shine like lanterns.

His mother had passed away many years ago in a raid on their caravan when Norcet was still a baby. From then, it had just been Norcet and the Mage who had brought him up.

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