
Consequences of Provoking the Deadly Little Devil

There are different kinds of thugs you will meet in your lifetime and I am sure you have met at least one of them before. One are those thugs that act tough when in a group and usually praises the alpha dog of the gang but was a literal coward if confronted directly without them.

The others are those thug looking guys, but were not truly bad people. I met them a few times and honestly, they were just with the wrong friends and deserved something better.

Then there are those complete arseholes that took the thug and delinquent seriously. They are the guys I usually squash when I was a delinquent at that time and they are the most numerous populace. I nearly wish most of the thugs are similar to those on the second option but that is just a pipe dream as they are much rarer than the first one.

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