

In gym building rows and rows of beds are lining up and at the end of the building, I see a row of weird machines. We're told to line up and with 10 doctors checking each of student vitals the line goes slowly and I can see the bed getting filled up with some student laying down wearing a helmet. It took 5-15 minutes for each person to wake up and every time one wake up there'll be following student to use the bed. I already pass my dad message to my sister so she becomes a bit more relaxed although seeing lines and lines of unconscious people didn't help her get to loosen up.

Soon it was our turn to do the checkup by the doctors. We're lead to different doctors and they start hooking up some kind of reader to our body. The doctor asked me some questions that you usually get from a doctor like are you nervous kinda stuff. I answer it without a hiccup and she also explains a bit stuff about the experiment like what you expect to feel went we go through with this. I paid a little attention to what she said cause I can't concentrate remembering my sister frightened face when she leads to her doctor.

"Okay you are all checked up now all I need is you to do is find an empty bed lay down, relax, and wear the helmet. You'll feel a bit nauseous and you'll be unconscious for 5 to 15 minutes. After you woke up you can go to that machine at the end of the building. Follow the machine instruction and after that, you just wait in the sides for all of this to finished and you can go."

Once the doctor finishes with me she called the next person and I walk towards an empty bed beside Kana. I can see Alice already in her bed but there is no empty spot beside her and I can't see James anywhere. Mr. Poe my homeroom teacher help me off from my floating chair to the bed. I wear the helmet and I feel a heat from it making my head a bit warm. It was a nice feeling when suddenly I feel a pain in my neck that I can't describe. Before I can scream to express the pain that I feel, my visions become red and a nauseousness kick in and I fell unconscious.

After I don't know how long I woke up and the nauseousness has not gone yet. I can't see Kana and Alice in their bed so I start scanning the room to see if I can spot a familiar face. I see Alice was fiddling her comlink on the sides but the rest is not on my radar. I sigh a breath of relief seeing that she was ok. I sat on the bed and when I try to get into my floating chair I feel my waist are weighing me downs.

'Wait why is my waist weighing me down. I thought it was paralyzed for good. Maybe it just a little side effect that would go away along with my nauseousness.'

I hop into my floating chair and goes into the weird machine at the end of the building. I can see Kana's back in one of the machine and when I step in into the other empty machine little platform I can see a hologram and a row of instruction was written on there.

-Scan both your hand into the machine and wait for it to complete before taking it off-

-Drop your blood on the card that emerges and slides it back in-

-Scan your comlink onto the machine and take the card that will emerge with you-

It took 3 minutes for the machine to complete scanning and a black card emerge alongside with a needle. I prick my finger with the needle and drop my blood on the card. I can see card have some kind of veins and when the blood touch the card the blood seems to go into the veins and spreading to all the path in the card. I slide back in the card into the machine and scan my right hand where my comlink resides to the machine. The whole thing took under 5 minutes and I float out with a new card in hand to the sides. I took off the helmet and give it to the guy that wears a black uniform and float towards Kana and Alice. I see James standing on one of the machine and Kana and Alice having a discussion on the side.

"How are you guys feeling?"I asked as I approached the two girls

"I'm okay a bit dizzy but Alice said her dizziness already gone so I figure it would go away soon"

"Hey hey hey. What class did you acquire is it a combat or non-combat class?" Alice asked excitedly

"Class?? What are you talking about? Are you really okay?"

"Hey, I'm okay alright. I just curious about what class you get I get Monk as my class "

"You get Monk as your class? Is this the result of the experiment? How can you see your class? And what is the difference between class? What else do you get from the experiment?" The gear in my brain starts to work and barrage Alice with questions that seem to make her brain shortcircuited.

As a game fanatic I when I heard about acquiring a class my brain goes straight to an RPG game that I usually play. Alice was not a game fanatic like me so the only explanation that makes sense is that the experiment did something. Is this experiment make me a game character with a class and that weird stuff.

"Whoa whoa whoa, one at the time, one at the time." Alice was taken aback by the barrage before Kana safe her from all the pain of answering all of it.

"You can see on your comlink and see your status tab and just open it up and you'll understand. "

I open my comlink and there are 3 new tabs on it. Status,Skill & Mastery,Equipment & Inventory

Name: Albert Ward(UNDETERMINED)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 1

Class: Minstrel ( +2 Dex, +1 Int, 2 Free)

Traits: Sound Domain




Weight Limit: 1

Str 1

Vit 6

End 2

Dex 10

Int 6

Wis 8

Free Point: 2

I have not figure out to make a neat status screen so it would just be listed down like that for now. If anyone knows how to input tab in the inkstone it would be helpful

Plekicreators' thoughts
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