
Love, Loyalty and a lot of Firepower

Atop her warhorse, Erika surveyed the rear of the Imperial Army as it marched to meet the Porrish who had apparently finally decided to make their move.

Currently, she was staring at a weapon. Merely from this particular weapon's silhouette, one would assume that this weapon was just another conventional piece of artillery. Like the rest of the Drussian artillery, it was accompanied by around four men while at the same time was being pulled by at least two horses each.

Artillery usually excelled in ranged combat and was prone to being especially vulnerable once the enemy could close the distance. This weapon, on the other hand, excelled at short-mid range combat.

According to Keizwell, this weapon had been in development ever since the first victory of the Violet Army but was only able to finally be put to use when the Imperium was established due to its high consumption of ammunition.

Although it was virtually useless in long range battles and had an accuracy rating that was put to shame even by the mass-produced smoothbore V-17 Muskets, this new weapon was nonetheless way more of a killing machine than its distant cousins.

In fact, Erika would argue that it was an entirely different kind of beast.

Even with a skeleton crew of just four men, it could, and would, turn anything unfortunate enough to be in its firing range into mincemeat.

Even the 'canister shot' from a conventional low-profile cannons could not compare to the type of pure and unbridled carnage that this weapon could unleash.

It was truly a weapon to behold.

This weapon was called the 'M1 Gatling Gun'.

Erika couldn't wait to see it in action ever since she knew of its existence.

And to Erika's delight, her wish was soon about to come true.

With the clash against the Porrish imminent, there was no doubt that Erika would soon be able to witness the beauty that was the gatling gun in action.

"Someone's excited, I see. I'm guessing that you can't wait to see them in action."

Maxwell's sarcastic voice entered Erika's ear as the silver-haired emperor with violet eyes slowed down his own horse to match Erika's speed.

"That is an understatement your majesty."

Although Erika kept her professional and respectful disposition when replying to Maxwell, she had a faint, almost indiscernible, smile on her face. Erika didn't know exactly why she was wearing this expression, she just felt like it.

"Innovative and revolutionary tactics may be one thing but this... this is a weapon the likes of which the world has never witnessed before. I can't imagine there being any other heavy weapon that could even hope to compare itself to the gatling gun."

Unlike how she usually was, Erika no longer restrained herself as much as before, which was why she let that faint smile on her face grow wider and wider as she revelled in the beauty that was the gatling gun.

Perhaps it was because she felt more comfortable revealing her true self to Maxwell and preferred to do so rather than only unleashing it within the confines of her own private bedroom or tent.

Whatever it was, Erika still continued to shower praise upon praise upon the weapon that was, in essence, the brainchild of none other than Maxwell himself. How could she not? Anything else would only be a disservice to this monumental weapon.

"Trebuchets, hwachas, mangonels, and even cannons using canister shots could never even hope to compete against the gatling gun's penchant for unadulterated and ruthless yet controlled and accurate slaughter."

By now, Erika was sure that whatever ounce of sanity that her face previously displayed was now completely gone... but she didn't care. Why would she?

Erika knew that Maxwell couldn't care less about the way she acted so long as she continued to be of use to him. If she did so, he would in turn continue to tolerate her...

However, in Erika's honest opinion, she always hoped that Maxwell's current opinion of her would... 'evolve' beyond what it was now.

As for the witnessing soldiers? That wasn't even a question. They wouldn't even dare to bring up Erika's 'eccentric behaviour', not while she was the ruthless and cunning commander-in-chief of the Imperial Drussian Armed Forces.

In the end, Erika quickly finished her short monologic praise in a short yet concise sentence.

"It is truly a beautiful weapon."

In response to Erika, Maxwell only gave his trademark casual shrug before he spoke up.

"It's only as good as the situation dictates it to be. Sure, the gatling gun is unmatched in terms of short-mid ranged combat, but what about long range? What about when it faces the towering walls of a castle?"

As Maxwell spoke, Erika felt the wide and arguably fanatic smile on her face growing fainter and fainter until it returned to the original faint smile that she had at the start of this conversation. Despite Maxwell's laidback attitude, Erika always felt that there was something... calming about it.

Maybe it was because of his casual nature, which contrasted greatly with his actual competency, that emphasised just how amazing he actually was or maybe it was something else.

In that casual yet calming voice, Maxwell continued speaking.

"You always have to take into consideration the nature of the situation before you can accurately judge the usefulness of a weapon. The base stats alone are not enough to warrant the use of any weapon, no matter how amazing this weapon may seem on paper."

"But of course, your majesty."

Erika gave a small bow before she resumed.

"I was simply praising it in terms of 'potential,' the gatling gun is truly unparalleled in its art. If it were to be placed in the fields that the other heavy weapons usually excel at and fight with long range warfare, their extremely short bullet-drop and horrendous accuracy would mean that it would take a miracle for them to cause any damage, much less take a life. On the other hand..."

In contrast to how Erika was a few moments before, this time she was able to keep herself fairly restrained as she continued to hold that faint smile on her face.

"When the gatling is fighting in its own area of expertise, within short-mid range, its relatively low accuracy is largely offset by its extremely high rate of fire. Even its closest competitor, a cannon using canister shot rounds, still has one inherent disadvantage that makes gatling guns the superior weapon."

"Well... why don't you tell me?"

Although Erika was sure that Maxwell already knew the answer, there was no reason for her to not answer his question.

"Gladly, your majesty."

With that faint smile still on her face, Erika started to explain why she held the gatling gun is such high regard.

"The problem with something like the canister shot is the same inherent problem that every cannon contains. It's painstakingly slow reload speed. Every shot fired means another few moments that the surviving enemy cavalry could use to close the distance."

When Erika said this, she saw a slight change in Maxwell's expression. It's almost as if... he was proud of her... or was it just her imagination? Whatever it was, be it reality or fantasy, it still filled Erika's heart with profound joy.

"But gatling guns don't contain this inherent problem. They are able to continuously apply pressure for an extended period of time. Also, it only takes a few sparse moments when it finally needs to reload. Just this factor alone makes gatling guns leagues better than their other counterparts."

Seemingly satisfied with Erika, Maxwell gave an approving nod before he gave his response.

"Excellent. As expected of the Imperium's commander-in-chief. This may sound like a lie, but I am truly grateful to have someone like you by my side."

Erika once again gave a short bow before she responded.

"Although I am sincerely thankful for your praises your majesty, I would also like to remind you that this should be what is to be expected from someone under the service of someone as great as you. Truly, this one cannot show enough gratitude to repay your benevolence."

"You really believe so?"

With a smile, Erika answered Maxwell's question.

"Yes, your majesty."

However, to Erika's surprise, Maxwell had not asked that question in his usual nonchalant tone. Instead, on top of his casual demeanour, what Erika thought to be pride and regret were also present, and maybe even a hint of awkwardness was thrown into the mix too.

To Erika, it was all a very jarring experience, to say the least.

"I... see... Do you mind if I abruptly change the subject?"

Despite, the sudden change in atmosphere, Erika still had to act according to procedure.

"I don't see why not your majesty."

"It's just that... there's something I want to tell you."

[Something he wants to tell me? Could it be?] Although thoughts like that one ran through Erika's mind, to her dismay, she had been mistaken.

"There may come a time where..."

Maxwell gave out a long drawn out sigh before he continued.

"Where I may 'kick the bucket,' so to speak. So in that case, I just wanted to let you know that should that event ever occur, that I want you to continue... my... legacy?.."

Maxwell trailed off in response to Erika's sudden change in expression when she heard what Maxwell really had to say. In particular, it was the tears that started to form in her eyes.

"H-how... could you possibly saying something like that?.."

Soon the tears started to leak out of Erika's eyes as she gave him her reply.

"I'd... I'd rather shoot myself in the head than live in a world without you."

Soon, only the sound of horses trotting and and men marching filled the air as the two sat there in silence.

Maxwell put on a very similar expression to the one he had a few days ago.

The day that Erika could never possibly let herself ever forget.

The day when Maxwell embraced Erika in his oh so delicate and comforting arms.

It was only when the tears finally stopped falling out of Erika's eyes did Maxwell break the silence between them.

"It seems that you are starting to become tired, I will order the army to stop marching for the day."

As soon as he finished his sentence, he ordered his horse to pick up speed. All Erika could do, was just stare at his receding figure until he became nothing more than a small speck in Erika's sight.

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