
Pissing off a god during the Third Court Session

Gordon watched as the God-King addressed the Pope directly...

"Pope Lucius... Have my Judges escort the Rebel Grimnights, and, also, invite in the Third Elder of the Grimnights."

Gordon couldn't help but notice, that the God-King's voice lacked emotion. For whatever reason, it was unnerving.

The large entrance court doors opened for the second time this session. Walking in, escorted by His Judges, the Clan Head of the Grimnight clan with his fellow clan members followed behind clad in froststeel chains.

Gordon still shivered from the sight of His Judges again... He watched as they moved forward, each Judge was a large overly grown Zombie... Standing 1.9 meters tall, and while their armors were all different, each carried the same looking large two-handed mace. His Judges would laughingly call their gavels... Some of the Officials that were judged during the 'Court Cleansing' but attempted to run... Were smashed under these hammers! Even now, the hammers that were originally a silver color trimmed in bronze now took on a shimmer of maroon around the head of the hammer... They even made their own creed...

"We are His Judges; let Him have mercy for We have none!"

Gordon then looked over the Grimnights... Each of them were chained with hands in front of them, their ankles chained together, and with chains connecting both the wrists and ankles together. These rebel Grimnight's shuffled slowly behind their Clan Head.

[Why does the Grimnight Clan head look... Smug? Is he a fool, or does he have something that can persuade the God-King???] Gordon could only wonder within his mind.

"Say, Gordy... Look at his mug. Have you ever seen such a shit-eating grin?" Jake leaned over and whispered among the cascade of rattling chains that rang out from the parade of damned.

Gordon shook his head, but... As everyone watched the Grimnight's shuffle in, Gordon focused on the God-King. At first, Gordon watched the Pope speaking with an Archbishop, but then he saw the Pope sharply turning to stare at the God-King...

What was wrong, he wondered.

The other two ladies on their own thrones to the left and right of the God-King looked over to the God-King. They both wore expressions of anxiousness...

Gordon kept looking for what was wrong, as the God-King was sitting perfectly straight... But, wait...

Gordon focused his eyes on the skull that ended the arm of the Throne of the God-King... His clawed gauntlet had dug into the skull of the arm of the Throne, and it was cracking. Gordon thought if it wasn't for the chains, he might have been able to hear the sound of a crushing skull... Wasn't the God-King's throne made of Holy Bones...?

[...Holy shit...] Gordon thought he perhaps shouldn't have noticed this reaction.

It wasn't until the first consort put her left hand over the God-King's hand that was crushing the arm of his chair did he relax...

Gordon blinked a few times, as his eyes darted to the Grimnight Clan Head, [Does he actually have something? But... But if he did would he piss of a supposed god?]

Finally, the marching damned stopped before the feet of the Throne of the God-King.

The Officials finally noticed that the God-King's right hand was being patted by the First Consort, even while she looked forward to the Grimnights. He, the God-King, turned his right hand over, and gently held the First Consorts hand, as he looked to her face.

The First Consort broke her gaze from the Grimnights and met with the God-King's gaze. It seemed to be a pink color drifting between the two before the God-King turned his gaze to look upon the newly approaching undead.

An Elder Skeletal Undead made his way, seemingly unnoticed, to stand to the side of the damned Grimnights.

"Thank you for joining Us, Elroy Grimnight, Third Elder of the Grimnight clan."

The Third Elder kneeled with the help of a nearby Judge that took pity. It seemed that he had aged considerably since he first arrived in Saigunrai. This old undead somehow looked older, even though his clothes looked new, they hung upon his frame loosely. His back hunched, and his legs shaky, he replied in a tired voice, "I wish I could greet the mighty God-King of Deagoth under better circumstances."

"I know..." The God-King agreed, before his gaze shifted, again to the Grimnight Clan Head.

"Emory Grimnight... Former Clan Head of the Grimnight Clan. You're charged with kidnapping, forced prostitution, destruction of Kingdom assets, desertion of post, murder, and treason... What say you, Emory Grimnight?"

Emory laughed with a sneer, "I'm just waiting to be released, Witch King."

With the rude words and reference to God-King's former Title, the Court's faithful roared to denounce the Grimnight Clan Head.

They hurled insults at the Clan Head, while speaking other various remarks. Some of the faithful Minor Officials in the stands with Gordon attempted to move down to the Court Floor to personally dispatch the Clan Head.


Gordon who watched the faithful act like monkeys, shuddered again, from the sound. Each time that Staff slammed, it vibrated his skull... He felt that it was a real attention-getter. It, however, was more than effective, as the collective hall silenced again.

Gordon noticed that several Warmarshal's had stood up, now sat back down. He couldn't help but also notice that the Butcherer had her hand propped on her dagger on her right side...

[I thought weapons were banned during Court Ses-] Gordon had just enough time to wonder before he caught the actions of the God-King.

He returned his eyes to see the God-King lifting his hand to calm the faithful among the Officials.

"Before I proceed, I have one last charge to add..." The God-King added, now that the court returned to its silence.

"I, also, charge you with the crime of extortion." The God-King calmly spoke out the added charge.

Gordon strained his hearing, but he could not hear what Emory said in response, but he noticed the God-King looked to his First Consort, and then back to the Officials.

During this pause, a clatter of rattling bones rang out... It wasn't because the Officials knew what was happening but understood on an instinctual level... Fear of a god.

Gordon, along with the multitude of Officials, watched as the God-King's eyes went out... Leaving behind a deep black within the eye sockets... Almost as if they were chasms into the abyss. Now, the God-King faced the Grimnight Clan Head with his grisly gaze.

The golden runes of the God-King that always shined... Dimmed... One... By... One...

Gordon's first feeling was to run... To get his wife and daughter and leave... Leave the city... Just like he left the countryside, so long ago...

The ever-present light within the Grand Court Room Dimmed, as the Glowstone sputtered and sparked around them.

Gordon felt that he was paralyzed... So much will, but his body didn't obey!

He looked up to see the First Consort!

Gordon didn't understand why she could move, but no one else was able... He wanted to look around, but his head was locked into staring at the God-King and his surroundings.

Finally, with all the force of his soul, Gordon screamed out to the First Consort, and it rose above the chorus of bones, "S-SAVE US, CONSORT!!!!!"








Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here.


One thing is for sure... The Grimnight Clan head pissed Jack off with whatever he said.

Don't forget to buy me a cup of Joe, or just support me and the discord server @ https://ko-fi.com/voidmirage.

I'll try to write one more chapter this week for Friday, but my Ko-Fi cup is looking empty lately... Not sure how that will go...

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