
Black Tears Stain the Path to Desolation

Before the tall undead zombie could complete his sentence, the slow shambling zombie, exploded with speed. Caught off guard by the sudden speed. The fungus infected zombie quickly wrapped its limbs around its victim.

As it did this, the rest of the villagers ran, save two that couldn't run either due to morbid curiosity or petrifying fear. They could see that the infected bit into its prey, as black blood spurted from the undead farmer. The Mushrooms in its eyes bellowed orange dust. Spores were released, from this dust, and attached to the farmer. In a rapid growth, these spores soon took root into the eyes of the undead farmer, and his struggles ceased.

These mushrooms grew rapidly, as the eyes were quickly eaten away by the fungus. The bits of the liquefied eyes of the zombie farmer trickled down his face, followed by black tears.

The two infected released each other from their grasps and soon turned as they started to shamble to the other two undead that continued to gawk.

Finally, the villager that was paralyzed by fear, turned and began to run, but not before the farmer caught up with this undead, with explosive speed. This undead that tried to turn was a skeletal undead, but this didn't stop the infected farmer. He too, like his predator before him, latched on to the fleeing undead. Spores were released from his eyes, as the farmer tore off one of skeletal undead's arms, in the struggle. Soon from the eyes of this skeletal undead came black tears, it was unknown, at this time, if these tears were from the mushrooms or the fabled tears of the skeleton, but these black tears that streamed from these dark mushrooms would become the horror of many to come.

The skeletal undead tried to get away, as the pair fell to the ground in melee, the villager groped the ground with its remaining arm while screaming for help, but was unable make any progress. In but a few moments, in the skull of this undead, a pair of black mushrooms grew from its bony sockets. They also stood, and separated, as they shambled toward more villagers. These villagers, in turn, went into their homes; others grabbed weapons.

The first infected had made its way into a nearby home, and soon screams were heard, and then they silenced...

This family of villagers shambled out of their home, each of them had dark mushrooms grown from their eyes and each of them with their faces twisted into crying expressions. Black tears dribbled from their chins, even the little one of the family wasn't spared.

Out of the larger home of the village came a small militia of undead that came forth bearing light leather armor, short sword, and shield. This small militia consisted of five male undead of the village that practiced arms in their spare time to ward off wondering underworld wildlife. They would rally in times of need.

The Zombie captain howled his warcry, as soon his four comrades issued theirs, to gather their courage and hardened their heart to kill those that they once knew and once loved, as they charged at the small newly formed horde of infected. Their shields bashed into the incoming infected. A loud dull bone-cracking sound was issued, as the pushed back the infected. Some of the infected fell to the ground, to soon be chopped by the militia. As they finished off these undead, by chopping off their heads, these severed heads issued spores, up into the air in the faces of these warriors.

The Militia pressed on and cut another two infected down. A little girl infected rapidly ran on all fours around the bulwark of the Militia and leaped on to the back of the leading undead. Soon orange spores were released from her, chocking the zombie town captain.

The undead that had chopped several undead, soon turned sluggish in their movements. The Zombie captain, who was trying to shake the little infected from his back had his movements dull, as well. The iBats in the sky could clearly see that three of the Militia grew black mushrooms from their eyes, as they turned on their former comrades, with black tear-stained faces.

"Most impressive, Chief Researcher. We see that our glowstones were well spent." The Third Bishop spoke with laughter in his voice.

The group crowded around the crystal slab taking in the gruesome acts.

Vincent laughed, "That goes without saying. This kind of work is the best. I really love taking something so simple and making it so far-reaching."

"Far-reaching indeed." The Third Bishop gave a light laugh, as the group watched with a silent glee. The whole village soon turned into a body of shuffling undead of which each had a pair of black mushrooms growing from their eyes. A few of the first infected showed signs of the mushrooms growing on their arms and along their spine.

"So, these mindless undead can be directed by the infected servitor, and how does one direct the infected servitor. Your reports on this topic have been the vaguest, so far. I hope this step has been completed, or we risk this coming back to infect our territories."

Vincent looked up to see the iBats circling the village. He pulled out a small crystal from his pocket, different than the one used for the iBats. As he held this crystal in his hand, some magic power-infused from him into it, and the shuffling undead began to move in a swarm formation, like a flock of birds.

"Oh? This is most interesting." The Third Bishop had turned his attention back to the screen.

"Yes. These control crystals I use to the iBats are surprisingly efficient for the infected servitors." Vincent gave a smug smile.

"What happens if the infected servitor is destroyed?" Another clergy asked slightly behind the Third Bishop. The Third Bishop furrowed his brows under his hood, unknown to any present, but didn't speak against the question. He, too, wanted to know.

"Well, they fall into a state of basic instincts of the infected. Which is mostly roam aimlessly, and attack anything that moves really." Vincent slowly explained. Explaining such things to unknowledgeable people gave him a headache. If he didn't have to think so hard on how to explain it to an idiot, it would be a casual conversation, but these people were his cash cows. It was best to take his time and milk them slowly, as per the plan.

"Ah... Then that's no good." The Third Bishop slowly shook his head.

Fearing they misunderstood, Vincent quickly cleared up, "It takes a few hours, but a new servitor will emerge from the horde of infected that is left. I've designed a sort of hierarchical structure to them, sort of like termites. If the king or queen dies, another will take its place. The best thing is that in small groups of twenty to fifty, only one infected servitor will appear, but for every fifty afterward, another infected servitor will emerge. This way in large masses, there will be many servitors to lead them. They communicate with each other through a method that's similar to pheromones, but through spores."

Vincent just laid down a block of speech. It took the clergy a few minutes to decipher his meaning.

"So the bigger the pack of infected, the more servitors that will change from the basic infected?" Another clergy asked. The Third Bishop showed signs of irritation, from the talking of these priests. These were priests that were here under the guidance of the First and Second Bishops. He felt they were meddling in his business. Though, he had little to fear, as he had the backing of the Head Priestess that took power, not long ago.

"Right. Exactly." Vincent nodded approvingly. Though they were somewhat slow, they were clearly not stupid.

"Well, I believe we have seen enough. When can this be ready to ship?" The Third Bishop asked the question he had been wanting since he saw the first infected rise on the crystal slab.

After fiddling with his crystal, Vincent commanded the servitor to shuffle back to the researchers. It was unknown what method he used to have the servitor know who to attack and who not too.....

"We have thirteen servitors, including our test subject we just showed, all of which can be sent out at any time you so choose. Name a time and place, and these infect servitors will see a tide of mindless infected wash over the lands we wish to take. Though I do have to add, that the Senators are asking if the City of Sosuhalf can be included.

"It seems that Stonedge has already planned to take the Glooming mines. That's not an issue. In that case, it would be best to start on the outskirts of Sosuhalf, LaZorn, and Souigak. Start in all the small towns and villages, and then wash the Cities clean of the filth that is the faith of Deagoth. The survivors will prey, and their poor faith will not protect them. Then we in their moment of need, will swoop in and save them from a wretched ending. It would be best if the infected make their way to Sufenrun, but if they don't make it in time... That's fine, as well."

"Sosuhalf, LaZorn, and Souigak. No problem. Now when is the question."

After some quick calculations, "In Three months time, We want to hear reports of a growing concern."

"Then I better get started in two!" Vincent wasn't one to procrastinate.

As the two talked, the town behind them was slowly being burned down to the grown by the liquid fire that was employed by the military of Stonedge. So hot were the flames, that a smooth sheet of glass was made from the husk that was once a lively town. Not even the bones of the homes remained. A warm wind blew across the shiny mirror-like glass, and a few laughs were heard among the military as they echoed across the glossy plain.

Voidmirage here!

I have put together a map, so they it would be easier to know the location of the many Cities and Contriues of Our story!

Please enjoy the map.


On a side note, big thanks to everyone that has rated the story! I may not say it, but I am deeply thankful for every Power Stone given, as every Power Stone counts!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts
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