
Disappointment leads to Decapitation

"Don't mind me. I will keep anything you say a secret from the Grand Tomb of Neolith." Emily spoke up while nodding from where she was perched up on her chair. She wanted to seduce the Holy Witch King and marry him. This would tie her Country to his, and this would also strengthen them. So keeping a few secrets for the Witch King wasn't going to be a big deal to her.

"Ambassador, I fail to believe that. You represent your Country. Why would you keep Our secrets...? I wasn't born yesterday, and so you insult me." Jack spoke with a calm tone, but a thick killing intent filled the air. This killing intent did not emanate from Jack, but from his people.

Lucius looked around the massive form of Verruca, while Verruca looked down from on high at this small undead Ambassador. Leslie who was lounging on the couch had sat up straight, and a few twinkles of light flashed around the edges of the room.

Emily could feel an almost tangible feeling of death in the air, like a boulder on her rib cage pressing down, making it hard to move. Never had she thought that a simple word from the Witch King of Deagoth could make her feel this way? Her mother, spider queen of Neolith, couldn't produce this feeling. Her mother was powerful, and a King rank cultivator, but her subjects didn't react as fiercely like the Witch King's. The scariest part of the Witch King, in Emily's opinion, wasn't him or his Cultivation, but his subjects of his kingdom.

Jack could notice an awkward and angry atmosphere in the room. He didn't mean to turn everyone against Emily, but he really couldn't believe she wouldn't tote this information back to Neolith... He had to think of a way to ensure his secrets would remain just that... Secrets. He would later ponder over how to complete that task.

"Alright now, Ambassador Emily. Return to your dwelling. I will call upon you to review the possible treaty. I thank you for the time you have already spent, and your willingness to assist with Our kingdom."

"Ah... Yes, your Grace." Emily had actually address Jack as his Grace, and not by his Title. One could guess the crazy amount of pressure she was under. She slid off her seat and walked to the door. The Door was opened from the outside by two Holy Sentinels, who escorted her to her room, along with her two servant-guards.

In the office, Lucius finally made a statement, "Knowing Boss Crag will join us is something you want Neolith to know?"

This wasn't actually something Jack wanted Neolith to know. It was just that he had forgotten she was here, and by being a little too excited for the plan he had in mind said too much. Jack naturally wouldn't admit this, "It wouldn't hurt for Neolith to know, that We are unifying. This leaves one less avenue for them to exploit."

"Why let them know this?" Verruca asked.

"Boss Crag isn't a big name or a small name, but I have plans to use him internally."

"So you're sending a message to Neolith, that you're going to bring the mafia into the kingdom?"


"I object to bringing Boss Crag and his cohorts into the kingdom, your Grace." Lucius made a rare objection.

"What's your objection?"

"They are lawless, sinful, miscreants, that only lust for Glowstone. They are not fit for the kingdom or the Holy Faith of Deagoth."

Jack mulled his words over for a moment, before replying, "Grand Minister Lucius, Let me ask you a question."

Taken slightly aback, "Yes...? Your Grace...?"

"Do We make money? The kingdom, that is."

"Yes... Yes, We do." Lucius said after a moment of thought, Verruca and Leslie were watching with interest. Verruca didn't want to see the Mafia become a part of them, while Leslie's thoughts reflected approval.

"Then have We engaged in battle before with other powers?"

"Ah, but the-"

"No. Have We engaged in battle before with other powers?"

"Yes," Lucius spoke again.

"Have We killed undead in the interest of the kingdom?"


"What makes Us any right to do these, then the Mafioso?"

"Because We are the Holy Kingdom of Deagoth!" Lucius said proudly.

"That's true. Let me ask another question. If the Mafioso were a kingdom, let's call them the Crag Kingdom and We weren't the kingdoms, who would be the mafia then?"

Lucius thought this over but didn't want to say aloud what he thought of... Leslie spoke in his place, "We would be the mafia. So you mean there are no differences between the Mafia and Countries?"

"Exactly... Even Trading Companies are the same, as large ruling powers. Only Countries make the law of the land, and are exempt from crime, as long as We stay to Ourselves. This means We do not act against other sovereign powers."

Leslie nodded and praised! "What a keen observation! What about Clans and Large Families? Aren't they the same thing?"

"They are. They are just smaller versions."

"So taking over the Crag Families is the same as taking over a Clan, a Trading company, or even taking over another Country."

"That's a part of the plan. Boss Crag will complete a mission for me first, and then We will then absorb him into the Kingdom."

Verruca asked this time, as she was interested in this topic. She wasn't into the Mafia and felt a lot like Lucius. Now that she heard his Grace explains that there is no difference... She felt rather subtle about it, "What mission?"

"I plan to use Boss Crag to take over the Undead Eastern Trading Company. When he finishes this, I will move him, his and the Undead Eastern Trading Company into the Kingdom."

This time Leslie was surprised. This was outside her expectation. This was... This was... This was an amazing move! She couldn't help herself but blurt out, "As expected of my love!"

Lucius and Verruca turned to look at the undead beauty. What was she on about...? This sounded stupid. Didn't his Grace say he was going to take over the Trading Company as a part of the kingdom?

Leslie saw the two look over at her, and couldn't help shaking her head, "You guys don't deal with money or merchandise on a regular basis, so you wouldn't know. My love plans to use Boss Crag as a Mafia Boss to take over the Trading Company. If anyone tries to accuse My love as being a tyrant, he can say it's just the mafia and take no action. It's not his problem. Then when Boss Crag completes his mission, he scoops it all up. No one can blame or stop My Love." Leslie's eyes shined.

"Exactly." Jack nodded, but he had a different thought appear in his mind.

[I really can't wait to get to the changing room and be stripped of these heavy clothes... I've been wearing these robes since I lef-] Jack's thoughts to himself were cut short when he realized he needed to take another bath... The last bath was firmly etched in his mind... No! It was acid etched into his mind. Jack mentally shook his head.

Realization dawned on both Verruca and Lucius, but they also wondered what this had to do with money or merchandise...

"Alight then, We need to replenish the ranks of the Officials of Unlife. How many have We executed from trying to leave the City in my absence."

Leslie glared at both Verruca and Lucius, and Jack noticed this.

"I take it something happened..." Jack asked.

"Well... We locked up those Officials that tried to leave." Lucius said a little wearily.

"Locked... Up...? Why didn't you execute them...? How many are We talking?"

"Well five of the Officials of Unlife tried to leave, and forty-five minor Officials tried to skip, as well. Verruca spoke up.

"Alright then... Just why are they jailed and not truly dead?"

Lucius and Verruca remained silent. They just didn't have it in them to execute so many Officials. This had led the Officials of the kingdom to believe that The Holy Witch King wasn't going to actually cleanse the court.

Leslie spoke up, "Because these two couldn't bring themselves to execute your orders. I had wanted to execute the Official filth from the Court, per your Orders, but they were not willing. I even took the time to go through the background of each Official that's in jail. Each one of these scum bags has exploited their positions within the last five hundred years.

Jack looked over to Lucius and Verruca, "Even if you didn't know they have committed offenses to the kingdom. Why are they still among Us?"

"Ah... We... I..." Verruca was at a loss, she didn't think that Jack would react quite like this. Lucius remained silent.

Jack sighed out loud, "I'm not angry with you two." As Jack said this one could see the relief on the face of Verruca, and the drooping posture of Lucius.

"I am, however, disappointed." Jack finished.

Verruca's metaphysical heart shattered...

[Dis-Dis-Disappointed in me?]

While Lucius continued to remain silent, When was the last time he had ever disappointed The Holy Witch King.

Jack sighed again out loud, as he stood up to pace behind his desk and chair.

"Let me tell all three of you a secret."

Verruca and Lucius looked up from where their head drooped; Leslie's eyes brightened. She watched with fervor.

"I know about things... Things I shouldn't know. Things that I doubt many in this world know."

The three remained listened; wondering where this was going.

"I have seen things. Things that I doubt many in this world has seen."

This mystified the three.

"We must unite, only then can We face the horrors that lay outside. If We do not clean up Our court, kingdom, and solidify Our position... Then everything We have done up until now will be for naught!" Jack had turned and slapped his bony hand on the Black bone desk to make a sick thud sound.

Verruca broke out of her trance and couldn't help but ask, "Uh-Uh Your Grace, Can I ask a question?"

Jack adjusted his posture, "You may."

"Did you... When you were entombed... Did you see beyond...? Did you see beyond the veil of Our world?" Verruca asked this question based on Warmarshal's Stephanie Chaoshood's theory, though because of the situation she forgot the part where no one is supposed to know this.

Jack's flames that danced in his eye sockets became a bit more fierce. "Yes. Yes, I did."

A sharp air was taken in by Leslie and Verruca. Leslie knew what this meant, and Verruca had recently learned what this meant. Lucius looked to have turned to stone; He also knew... what this meant.

Jack took his seat. "Let Us comprise. Using the evidence provided by My Consort put these scum on trial. I want this trail to be with high exposure. Show everyone in the kingdom what these Officials have done, and then after each trail. If they are found to be guilty, I want them executed on the spot. No waiting, No leisure, no excuses. I want their skulls to be piled up in the city center and guarded by palace guards, and I want posted signs telling what each of these so-called-Officials did, and the reason for their execution."

"I want every citizen and Official to see the skull of each decapitated Official, and know the crime they committed. I want the unlife of these traitors to be snuffed. No Questions!"

Jack stated all his demands in a chilling tone. This tone... Could this tone be produced by the same Jack they knew a thousand years ago?

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