
Class Time

I approach the Principal's main room with steady steps.

Each made a loud clack on the floor. I passed under a number of red Torii with guillotines attached, they radiated a sense of danger around them that would go unnoticed by the untrained eye.

Beyond the Torri is a white area filled to the brim with ancient weapons and each seems to be just as deadly as the guillotines hanging overhead. I felt a small drop of cold sweat run down my neck as i gazed upon them.

After several minutes of walking with long strides I arrived before a raised platform. Up on top of the platform stood a black clothed figure facing toward a large mirror staring into whatever it was showing.

On the mirror I noticed it was actually his son, Death the Kid while he was flying toward Anubis aboard Beelzebub.

I continued forward until I stood merely a couple meters front the black figure.

When I arrived I knelt down and lowered my head.

"Daban Paradox appears before the Principal, I must first report of my failure to execute the witch Angela. I apologize for this failure."

I then raised my head to look toward the Principal.

The dark yet slightly overbearing figure finally faces towards me and acknowledges my presence, the dark eyeless holes stare down on me and I only stare back refusing to back down or retreat.

But suddenly the air had grown lighter and the Principal practically chirps out.

"Ah, well that is perfectly fine. As long as you are in good health. I just hope you have managed to take care of the Don and his family of misfits, they are truly a troubling bunch."

He was waving his hand and spoke in a very excitably tone, it was as if I had just told him his loving wife had finished conceiving a health baby boy.

A sweat drop appeared on the back of my head and my mouth began to twitch.

"Yes, I'am in perfect health Principal Death. I must also ask for you permission on a certain matter, if I could be so bold sir."

He perked up once again and acted like a child arrogantly telling his parents a fact he just learned hoping that it could turn their entire life upside down.

"Yes yes, I already know. You would like to recumbend two people as new instructors fro the DWMA do you not. And about the witch Angela, I have also noticed that she truly is not under the influence of magic and whole heartedly agree that she can be the first step to peace."

He stole the words out of my mouth… He must have been watching me with that damn mirror of his and saw what we spoke of in private.

'Reminds me a a closet pervert with a crystal ball.'

-In the Naruto World-

"A-a-a-ACHOO-!" An aged man with plenty of wrinkles almost drops his smoking pipe as he was staring into his crystal ball while 'protecting' the village.

It was the Hokage for the Village Hidden in the Leaves, or Konohagekure.

He was a known as the 'God of Shinobi' and had the power to back up such a claim.

But now he was throwing a childish fit in his head.

'Is someone talking shit about this Great Grandfather?!' He shouted in his mind afraid to let others know his dilemma. And so now he can only weep in private at his anger.

-Back to the MC-

"Hah~ Seems you can see right through me, that was exactly what I wished to say. And so I would like you permission to bring them into the city in a half-moth from now. I believe they have their uses and can be useful for us sir."

I spoke in a tone as if praising while my eyes asked if he was gonna continue watching me. But due to the lack of owning eyes I cannot read him on the least. He continued to just stare at me.

"Yes, I give you permission to bring them into the city and have them become staff. But Angela will become a student who's identity must be kept as a secured secret. And might i also ask why you can only bring them in after a half month's time?"

"Sir, after a half month's time I will be finished creating a seal for Angela, this seal will prevent her soul from being studied and only seen as the average human. This can hide her identity greatly and allow her to roam around freely, the seal also includes the function of obstructing her magic path ways so as to prevent her from using magic as she likes. So there is no reason for worry."

The Principal was practically bouncing up and down at this rate. Quite excited about this seal I'am currently creating.

"Well now that this matter is settled I must also report that the Don and his Family are dead, all souls will now belong to me. I just wanted to make sure you knew of this. But you probably already knew."

I looked at him with a pair of eyes telling him to fess up, and he realized his mistake.

"Aiyah, you really are quite smart. Yes, I already knew of their defeat to Mifune. You may keep the kishin eggs. Ah, would you like to watch my son Kid on his job? He was sent out to kill a necromancer… No offense."

"None taken, most necromancers are evil beings and that is why I'am not necessarily good. So the death of more evil necromancers might make me seem nicer in comparison to the ones you have killed."

He looked slightly taken aback at my calmness toward the killing of other necromancers, he thought I would defend them but noticed that I knew such a job was considered to go against all of nature and therefore evil in nature.

"I see. Then here, you will need this for work."

He then whips out a clipboard from out of nowhere and hands it to me. It was a class roster.

"Your first class begins in two hours, I suggest not to make a bad first impression by not showing up. Now get along with your students, considering you might be the same age.

Also, I will say it once again. Do not try and force a student to be your personal Demon Weapon, or attempt to make any advances on them. If they graduate or you meet out of school then it would be fine but on school property that is not allowed. No matter your age."

He was now speaking in a heavier tone than before and was pointing his finger to my nose as a form of threat. And I wasn't looking to get an infamous Death Chop.

"Yes sir" I simply reply.

After this I then excused myself and left.

Throughout this entire interaction I was as respectful as I could stand to be… Why?


The strong deserve respect and this bastard could kill me with a thought if he really wanted me dead. He was the literal God of Death in this world. Those students don't show much respect and neither do other employees.

And why is this?

Because they let their guards down, and he trusts each of them.

But me, I knew better than to let down my guard in this dangerous world. And he still doesn't completely trust me, I can tell through how he just threatened me for a crime I haven't committed nor plan to.

He is just a crazy wildcard.

Just like me. And a great grin grew on my face as I thought like this to myself.

Now, no student dared to speak to me as they would tremble upon me donning such a scary smile.

Though it was not viable it was still felt as I walked through the hallways.

I only got a small hello from the nurse or rather Witch Medusa.


-Two Hours Later-

An entire class was lead out onto the school's training arena, here would be the location where misters and their weapons would fight and spar showing off their skills and coordination.

The entire class was confused at this, were they to spar each other? No, most likely not as there was no prior notice. They were only told this would be another class for them to attend.

The only ones who had an idea of what was happening were Maka, Soul, BlackStar, and Tsubaki. The only thing was that they had a wry smile on their faces.

*Took, took, took, took…* the sounds of footstep were slowly approaching the area. And the muscles of everyone were beginning to tense up.

Slowly a figure appeared, he had a black coat with five blood red clouds on it. he had a single sword on his right hip and wore black cargo pants with just as black boots. His hair though was so black that it seemed as if they were gazing into the void a bottomless abyss with no hope of finding the light, it was in a style that was a single ponytail and parted on both sides of his face (Itachi). Yet his eyes were just as bloody red as the clouds on his cloak almost as if at any moment he would cry the blood free from his eyes, these eyes scared the students and as those who dared to stare into them the man's presence only grew larger and only served to frighten them more. Nobody could see anything below his eyes as it was covered by his cloak and hidden from the world but the class assumed he was either extremely scary looking or handsome, the thought that he looked as ordinary as them never crossed their minds.

As he positioned himself ten meters away from the class, he only looked them all up and down.

It felt as if their whole soul was open and in plain view, he could see through all of them. He was a monster, no he was a Devil.

Finally after looking at all of them once over. He spoke out in a deep tone that demanded respect and fear.

"Hello Class, my name is Daban Paradox. Today is my first class as your Physical Education Teacher. And just to get it out of the way… You disobey and I will dish out punishment."

As he spoke his piece the entire class began to murmur amongst themselves. While four brave figures stood from the crowd and walked forward. It was the students Daban had met before.

""Let's get along Teacher"" Those four said in unison as they bowed their heads.

They had already long since seen Daban's capabilities and truly wished to grow as strong as him.

The other students only managed to look on in confusion.

"Mm, let's." Daban only spoke a short curtesy.

"Now, I will have each of you come at me on your own. This will tell me where you are and if you are worth my time. If I say you can be my student then you will be trained to the best of my ability but if not then you will leave. If you do not leave, then don't whine if I end up killing you."

Though the first parts were greatly expected, but the last few words shook them to their cores. They wanted to retaliate and teach this instructor a lesson… But suddenly an overbearing amount of killing intent focused on their group and they couldn't help but kneel and forget how to breath in.

He was serious about what he said. And everyone knew it now.

Only death awaited those who disobeyed.


After several hours of fighting Daban concluded all of his testing which included the meisters using their weapons as well as just individuals.

*CLAP* the air felt as if it was vibrating when a suddenly pound clap happened.

Daban clapped to get the attention of his students yet also show they were nothing if they cannot handle even this. And there they stood with their hands on their ears in apparent pain.

This was due to a technique Daban had been practicing in the Dungeon so as to easily draw all the mobs into his direction. It worked like a stunning ability and taunt. Very affective against weak mobs. Yet it wasn't on the level of being an actual skill.

Only naming it Giant Clap. A technique that mainly uses strength, endurance and speed. Later on another that involves lightning magic to amplify the sound will be named Thunder Clap.

"Alright class, the results are in."

The entire class looks at him with great respect, the spars show just how skilled he was in battle as he never drew his blade once. Yet everyone was easily defeated.

He was clearly stronger than even some three star meistars. Being his student was a great privilege.

So now all had their ears perked and awaited his results.

Would they fail, or pass. Nobody knew the answer to this.

He put a smile on his face though it went unnoticed other than when his eyes went all smiles and spoke in an uppidy voice.

"You all pass."


The entire class fell over at his proclamation.

"What?! Then why did you say that some might not pass?!"

A student shouted out his pain to the new teacher.

Daban gave a simple explanation.

"I was just so that you would all put serious effort to become my students… Why did you think I had BlackStar and them go first? It was because they had truly seen what I was capable of and knew that I was worth being a teacher."

Then every student looked at the first four student in shock… They knew how powerful he was?!

"Hahaha!!! Yeah, this Teacher is one of the few who this GREAT BLACKSTAR will study under!" BlackStar though cocky had actually managed to lower his head. Figuratively.

"Yes, seeing him in actual battle is something entirely different from what he had just shown us, seems he was just playing with us." Tsubaki spoke this as she remembered th fight I had with Konan.

"Though he is a pain at times, Teach here is quite something." Soul found it a pain to complement me yet still spoke positively.

"Mm, leaning from such a capable person is a very rare chance. He can do much more than this." Maka spoke her very thoughts.

The entire field was is silence… 'The most capable people in their class were actually saying such praises?! And what was that about him not going all out?! This is him just playing around?!'

The entire class proceeded to accept Daban as their new teacher, through this he will make them into great fighters.

He also made several documents for his students to fill out such as a legal waiver, skill set chart, and even an ordinary medical document.


-Self Training Time-

The class has received instructions from me one how to correct their form, how to help develop muscle and how to efficiently work with their weapon partners.

I'am looking throughout the list and finding anyone who can be good partners and assign them together. I'am also searching for a temporary partner for myself, as of now I can chose between three people.

Mina a weapon who's forms are Kodachi, Katana and Odachi. She is a more traditional japanese lady, very quiet and refined but slightly overbearing in battle. Very beautiful with her refined Oujo-sama features, she will be a great beauty in the future.

Hugh a weapon who's forms are 44.Magnum, M4 Carbine and Barrette 50.Cal. He is a Militaristic American who is a bit thick skulled, he has more muscle than I do but isn't close in strength a buzz cut hair style and refuses to listen to direct orders. Basically a berserker in battle.

Finally there is Daisy who's forms are Scythe, Combat Knife and M9 Pistol. She is a wonderful looking blond girl from Britain that cannot keep quiet in the least, she constantly ask questions and even seeks out more ways to become more intone with her future meister. Loves to fight, but prefers to work alongside someone.

These three are who I'am look at and constantly working with during practice.

Now that we are doing self-training the entire class is separate and finding the best way to work on themselves at the moment.

I'am off in the corner standing with my eyes closed and arms crossed facing inward toward the field. While like this I'am in a meditative like state wondering on how I should go about strengthening myself.

When suddenly I remember my Bloodline. I have two, but only one is really usable at this point.

Vampire Bloodline from Hellsing Ultimate.

This Bloodline is only the weakest in their world other than the Ghoul and Nosferatu.

But with this I should still have at least one Vampiric ability. So that is my goal to discover and use this ability.

But even so, I'am at most on the same level of purity in Vampire Bloodline as that Seras Victoria. It's almost not even worth mentioning, as this is the same as an Artificial Vampire.

But if I want a Bloodline on the same level as Alucard the Bloodline will probably have a rarity of <X> rather than <SSS> possibly even higher. This rank is even above True Vampires which I suspect to be on <SSS> due to him possibly refining his blood and even then we still cannot forget that even Alucard is not the most powerful Vampire to exist. UQ:Holder has some powerful vampires as well, they probably exceed even <X> rank.

Now to run through the list of possible abilities…

[Enhanced-Strength] [Immortality]

[Super-Speed] [High-Endurance]

[Telepathy] [Shape-Shifting]

[Underling-Authority] [Levitation]

[Essence-Transfer] [Dark-Magic]

[Conjuration] [Intangibility]

[Mind-Control] [Hypnosis]

[Advanced-Regeneration] [Third-Eye]

[Superhuman-Accuracy] [Superhuman-Reflexes]

[Shadow-Manipulation] [Blood-Manipulation]

[Weather-Control] [Illusions]

[Teleportation] [Telekinesis]

[Precognition] [Hibernation]

[Supernatural-Sense] [Omnipresence]

While I'am thinking of this I must also greatly appreciate the fact that most non-normal weakness don't apply to me like the sunlight and holy items.

My loos began to flow in a weird way, it shook my vessels and muscles began to tear apart, I could feel all of this happening to me all at once. The blood began to leave even more than before, but as it did it began to shape itself into some unknown item.

It felt as if I grew a new body part and this was my spare limb, it moved as I liked and I could move it as easily as breathing. This was possibly Blood Manipulation considering it uses my blood to activate.

As I stared down at this blood limb of mine I gaze into it and feel as if it were not my own. As if it were something completely different yet the same.

So I broke off a piece, and threw it toward the ground.

Upon hitting the ground it took the shape of a blob. And I can feel a connection with it. This blob was a literal part of my being and can easily be controlled by me with no effort. It was still only blood manipulation but it worked in a similar manner to the butterflies of Konan and the limb part was like the Kagune in the Anime: Tokyo Ghoul.

'I guess the regeneration that was shown in the description of the Bloodline was just a sample of what this Bloodline is able to do.' This was my only reaction to discovering all this information.

But through thinking of the abilities I have a chance at receiving some are clearly ludicrous at thinking it was possible to receive them or have a use for them.

[Omniprecense] is an ability which would make me 100% completely immortal and impossible to kill, therefor the chance of me being allowed such ability is mere fantasy and I have no use for [Illusion] as I have both Genjutsu and the Sharingan.

So some abilities I won't even try to find out if I have and waste time developing something I will never use.

I could use Supernatural Sense but it can only sense the supernatural and not anything else like people. So it is useless as well and Hibernation ain't any use.

Precognition will be greatly appreciated, so Imma summon up Kirito next chance I get along with others, so I can practice using it in spars if I even have it at all. Not Saeko though as I don't want her to know what I'm capable of and it might affect my work her as I'd be too distracted with teaching her everything and ignore the plot of the world.

Also…Blair. Cannot let them meet. They'd kill me.

Now that I have a small path of training set inside my mind I have to get to it immediately.

As I look up from my Kagune like limb that finished dissipating, I saw a crowd of students look at me in shock and terror. While others got into a battle stance expecting a fight.

"Oh? What? Never seen such a skill before? And now you want a piece of me? Well you may just be able to turn into weapons but me controlling my blood into a tail like object is a bit to much for you plebeian brains… I should have guessed."

This taunt I dished out to the students enraged them, they may not have seen such an ability before but they'd be damned to let someone walk all over their pride.

And so they attacked, all of them did so at once. And it was remembered as Day of Crucification.

Not a single student wasn't hanging from the wall at the end of the battle, all were stuck in place due to nailing their clothes to the concrete wall.


I finally made it to my new apartment for the first time, as I approach I hear the sounds of familiar humming emerge from the bathroom window, though I hated her choice of songs, just hearing her sing relaxed my mood greatly.

I open the door and let myself inside. For the first time in my life I never felt such a rush of blood fill up my heart as I said out loud.

"I'm home!"

As I said this, I heard so clutter happen in the bath. i ignored this and continued to the room at the end of the hallway which already had a sign with my name atop of it.

I open it up and what greeted me was an average room.

There it had a TV, Tabletop Computer and a dresser filled with clothes that were recently bought.

Finally the bed was actually a queen size and was greatly appreciated by me.

So first thing I did was flop down onto the bed and stare at the ceiling, it was a fairly calm moment in my life. I felt as if nothing had mattered and never will.

I accepted that and let the feeling of enlightenment enter me and relieve my stress.

When suddenly I hear a *tap tap tap tap tap* it was the sound of light foot steps. They were heading right towards me, yet I never thought of getting up I was so relaxed.

As I heard a voice call out "Wait Blair, you shouldn't disturb him!" I felt a huge weight suddenly fall onto my stomach, almost making me holler in surprise and pain. Yet the wind was already knocked out of me so no sound was created.

"NYA~ Your back! What'd you bring me?! Huh, huh?!"

It was Blair the Little Kitten. Though she was wearing a towel.

"Hehehe… Well it is god to see you too Little Blair. I managed to get my hands on a large Salmon while in Boston and I'll whip up something good for dinner tonight. Okay?"

She looked at me with eyes filled with happiness and after she opened her mouth to say something she said in a slightly irritated voice "Is that it? I expected something more."

I was shocked and downhearted, how could she be so damn mean?

After Blair left the room, I was truly exhausted and what peace and relaxation I had before went up in smoke.

'Conquering her heart will be a great challenge won't it?'

As I sighed to myself again for the hundredth time. I hear a small voice clear their throat with an "Ahem."

I look toward the voice and see Katsumi my first clone and current guard of Blair.

I spoke in a voice that seemed I was truly speaking to a subordinate than an equal, this was all do to my mood being tanked in a moments notice.

"What is it Katsumi, do you have something to report."

Katsumi was wondering what she got herself into as she spoke of Blair's everyday habit and how she was excitedly awaiting my return. 'Must be for the damn present I would inevitably bring.'

She even spoke of how she had bought all the items in the apartment and even set up a room for the Undead Jacks, while Blair had a room for herself and Katsumi her own and also gave me my own.

The bills I received from Katsumi nearly made me cough up blood and I realized I gotta go and rob so stupid Kishins later. Maybe even check the vault of my old friend the Don.

As the day came to a close, I made an entire set of meals using the Salmon I got as the main ingredient and was greatly thanked by both the girls.

As I head to my room, I feel to sets of arms wrap around my own and a quick kiss on both cheeks.

Then the perpetrators took off to their own rooms for the night without a word.

'Woman are so confusing… And Katsumi does realize she is a clone of myself, right?'

With this thought I drifted off into the great unknown of sleep.

Yep, I skipped a week.

Get over it, my bad.

I just wasn't up to making a chapter, so if you were looking forward to it.

I apologize.

Also, I ain't dropping this bad boy anytime soon.

It's just that the upload rate is forever changing.

Thanks for reading.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts
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