
You are the Alpha?

I was walking in the front leading the caravan.

I got a feeling that there were going to be more beasts, but I wasn't as worried as before. Our defenses and attack power have improved a lot.

As an overlord… Rose was over the buildings flying and looking for any signals of an attack. The beasts were nowhere to be seen. As I walked ahead, I just counted the remaining blocks.






At the time I already was inside the area that Dante had cleaned from beasts.

Since at the beginning we have to move a little to the south we have to walk a couple of blocks back to the north too.

From time to time I could feel Chambers watching us, but there was someone else watching from afar.

My worries decreased as we advanced deeper into the area that Dante created, where he can know what happens and will be able to tell us when something goes wrong.

I could still feel someone watching us, but I couldn't pinpoint his location which made me feel weird.


We were getting near, as we already knew the three who were severely wounded and the woman that needed surgery couldn't make it and died on the way.

What happened was sad, but it was either this or leaving her behind at the clinic, so she was doomed anyway, at least that's what I say to myself.

I had 4 hours left on the mission and just 5 blocks left to go. All I wanted was to go home, get cleaned and sleep. Not because I was tired but because I just wanted to relax a while.

But a childish voice interrupted my train of thought and crushed my dreams of relaxation

'Sorry~, but that will have to wait~… 3 beasts are moving toward you from the east~.'

'Just three?'


I thought a second if I can go with a small group to stop them it would be enough for everyone to get safe. Also, I didn't need to win the battle all I need is to be sure that they are not getting near this group.

Since I got the information, I have to act fast.

"Blake, can you take over from here? I'll go to the rear."

He questioned me with his eyes. So I had to add my reasons.

"We are too close to Green Shelter, I don't think that something is going to happen but if something happens then is going to be in the rear."

He understood and nodded.

"Take more people with you."

"Yeah, I was planning to bring Zak and Leon with me."

Before I could say anything, Hayley was at my side.

"I'm going with you."

I wanted to reject her, but I didn't have any good reason to do it. I was supposed to be just going in the case that something happens, most likely she figured out that I had another reason for it.

"Sure… I'm going with Hayley and Zak then…"

He nodded. I didn't want to take G with me because he has been fighting with a lot more pressure on him than the others.

"I want to go too!"

"Sorry Hope but you and Gabriel are the only ones that can use and MRGR, and he is already in the rear."

She pouted and complained, but in the end, she stood there. Up in the air, Rose was moving towards the east to take a look at the beasts that were coming.


I arrived at the rear, with Dante's telepathic powers, I explained the situation to Giorgio, Zak, Gabriel, Milo, and Hayley.

Milo was left in charge, and the rest of us started to move towards the east to intercept the beast. Rose confused voice sounded on my head.

'They don't look like beasts.'

'What do you mean?'

In front of me I could feel a powerful aura coming in our way, and it when I saw the "beasts"… I understood Rose's confusion.

'Dante didn't you said that they were beasts?'

'They are~…'

In front of me, a man covered in brown hair, with muscle on his muscles, and the head of a bull stopped his movements to look at us.

At his side, a skinny man with a similar furry body but goat horn and hooves stopped on his tracks after the man-bull stopped moving.

The last beast was and oversized Boar 4 m high that looked particularly dangerous with tusks in front of him.

Both parties stood there looking at each other. The man-bull seemed to be the leader and was sizing us as I did the same.

Is this the aura of a D-Rank?

'Aren't they those experiments from the NDR?'

'At least I didn't saw them on Cecily's memories if they are it was before Cecily started working with them which is unlikely.'

At my side, the rest of the team was more confused by the situation than me.

"Are those a minotaur and a satyr?"

No one answered, so the question was just left in the air… The leader was the strongest if I manage to fight it to a stalemate, and Zak can fight the satyr, the other three might have enough time to kill the boar.

The importance of this was to win time, so the rest of the caravan has enough time to arrive at Green Shelter.

"Are you the Alpha?"

If he is smart, I might be able to talk this out and avoid a confrontation.

The bull squinted his eyes, he understood what I was asking. The satyr didn't get anything and just tilted his head.

"Why are you doing this? We can live in peace."

He stood there silently looking at me.


"We can work together! There is no need to fight!"


In the last phrase, he charged forward together with the Boar. I ran ahead at the same time. I used Slow on the Boar who seemed to have stepped on the brake.

"Hayley, Giorgio, Gabriel focus the Boar. Zak, you handle the Goat!"

The second slow went to the man-goat to support Zak on his fight.

I used my time bubble to slow down the man-bull that was already in front of me. His speed took me entirely off guard, even under the effects of the time bubble it was faster than me.

The first to attack grazed me and pushed me back.

After the initial confusion due to the speed change from the attackers, everyone started their own fights.

The slowed boar was an easy target for Hayley's power, unfortunately, due to its size, the amount of power required was a lot higher.

Despite my orders, I could feel the cold around the man-bull, his movements were a lot slower than before. Which left him around my level.

Gabriel had disappeared, probably went to higher ground at some point to get a better angle.

In the meantime, somehow Zak had lost the spear during the fight, and now he was fighting against the goat with half spear and a stick.

As both the boar was also under the effect of Hayley's ability, Giorgio was capable of using hit and run tactics to bring the boar near to the sidewalk. Where he threw it a whole building on top of it.

Since it had nothing to do with me, I could only hope that it was dead.

"Focus the goat, leave to bull for the later!!"

I saw that they wanted to help me out right away, but I felt like it would be better for us to kill his partners first since it's probably going to be more challenging to deal with this one. I could feel that Hayley's ability effect was starting to wear off, but as the boar was out of combat, I could use slow on it now.

The problem was that all that the bull was using was until now, were his natural strength, speed, raw power and I don't think that a beast of this level doesn't have a stronger ability.

The flow of the aura was growing during the battle too, and I could feel it becoming stronger, faster, even under the effects of slow. I tried using the chakrams during the fight, but by the time that I finally managed to make a little wound on it, the poison had no effect on it.

The goat-man was already in a deadlock while fighting Zak even if with the state of his weapons, so when Hayley and Giorgio started their relentless attacks there was nothing more that could be done.

When one of his legs froze, it was already over.

Chapters 3/7+0/10

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