
Vampirism 101 (VI): Total Recall

Aura was freaking amazing! Not that I've mastered it or anything, but the effects brought about from using it, for just a few minutes was amazing. I didn't just get the memories of my sword skill back, I got back all my memories. Every minor or major detail that has been missing in my life, all came back full force almost as if they were never missing in the first place. I remembered faces, contacts, enemies, assets, and most importantly skill, and also my first soul rune [Summon].

I was excited, and somehow, I felt complete. Baeki looked up at me, completely surprised by the move I just displayed with the staff. Then right in front of her, I placed the staff over my knee, and broke it into two equal halves. I held one of them above my head, and placed the other pointing at her, it's tip angled vertically, while the other end was just below my waist.

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