

The day has finally come. Today was one of the day which might be recorded in the history of the entire city.

One week ago, Feril, the Son of the City Lord was killed by a group of assassins. They were immediately captured and imprisoned in the prison of the City Lord Manor.

City Lord Ferlin announced the Public Execution of the Criminals in the judgement ground located outside the City Lord Manor. Many influential people and organisations were invited to be the witness of the execution. Of course, since it is the public execution, the public of the entire city has come.

And today the judgement ground was filled with crowd of people. The judgement ground is huge. At the east side of the ground, there was a huge building. The building consists of three floors.

Every influential person like the City Lord has sone pavilions or sects who works under him. These sects and pavilions obviously forms their own army. It will be weird if they didn't form any army of their own. Especially if you are the citizens of the War Realm. And these army of the sects or pavilions would fight for the City Lord on the battlefield.

This is how the army system was formed in the War Realm! Become a king! Or serve under a king. This is the forte of the War Realm. And there are couple of organisations works for the City Lord. Or else the City Lord wouldn't be in the place where he is right now.

The small pavilions or sects were placed in the first floor of the building. This is the minimum respect they were given for their services towards the City Lord.

On the second floor, the highly influential pavilions or organisation who works for the City Lord were placed. And the services they receive during the period of their stay in the second floor is greater than the people in the first floor. For example, there are beautiful girls who serve wine and provide hospitality according to the guests personal interest. But the people in the first floor doesn't have this privilege.

And on the third floor, all the elders and courtyard officials like the City Lord were placed. Since they work in the courtyard of the City Lord Manor, their status is obviously far greater than the influential people in the second floor.

But apart from the officials of the City Lord Manor, there were some outsiders who had this unique privilege to enjoy the treatment of the third floor. And they are none other than the various higher officials of the churches of various gods.

City Lord Ferlin is the devotee of the War God! This is the culture that City Lord followed since his childhood. In fact, this was the culture which was followed by the City Lord Ferlin's ancestors. This culture was followed as the family trend for generations.

So allowing the Church of War which he follows is the kind of respect he showed towards the War God. But just because he follows War God, he shouldn't neglect other churches. If he showed bias between the church he follows and other churches, then he will attract negative opinion from the public. After all, in the world of politics, people's positive opinion also matters the most. So all the higher officials of the all four Churches were allocated their seats in the third floor.

The higher officials of the City Lord Courtyard were seated at the right side in the third floor. While the higher officials of the Churches were seated at the left side in the third floor. And in the middle, there was a grand looking chair which could resemble a throne of a king. And without any doubt, that seat was allocated for none other than the City Lord. As the host and the leader of the entire City, that Grand place could be occupied by none other than the City Lord himself.

Taking this giant building as a pivotal point, a giant circular stadium was built. This circular stadium has series of steps in an ascending order. These steps were occupied by the commoners who came to watch the execution.

Right at the centre of the ground there were sixty noose hanging on the wooden pole. This 60 nooses were arranged in order to hang Sitaram and others. This is the execution method that City Lord always arranges for all the sinners.

The crowd finally gathered. Since they have nothing to do, they were chatting among themselves. The group of chitchatting were like whispers to hear.

As they were whispering among themselves they found a Mechanical vehicle was approaching the stadium. There was a banner on top of the mechanical vehicle. After seeing the banner on top of the mechanical vehicle some part of the crowd started to cheer loudly. It came mostly from the barbarian and lustily people. There was a naked male and female black colour diagram on the banner. In fact that is the sketch of the banner. And this is disgusting manner belongs to the Church of The Lust!

And It explains why only barbaric and lusty people cheered when the people from the Church of Lust appeared. After all all they ever think is nothing but females and lust. So as the church encourages this kind of people obviously they love this kind of church. The officials from the Church of Lust were received grandly and were led to the third floor.

Similar situation appeared when the Church of Thief appeared. But unlike the lustily banner the Church of Thief's banner is a little better. The banner has a black human shadow who wore a mask. It might be weird to describe, but it is a little better than the banner of the Church of Lust!

What is the majority Of the crowd suddenly started to cheer loudly. Because this time the one who came is the higher officials of the Church of War. As the natives of the War Realm, it is obvious that among the four churches, the most of the people who worships is the War God. So they cheered for the charge of their own believe God.

Looking at the commotion which was made when the Church of War appeared, The Pope of the Churches shook their heads in a little disappointment. But they didn't show their disappointment on their face. After all this is the War Continent. And in the War Continent the Church of war has always poses the higher number of followers.

As soon as all the three Churches appeared one after the other, they were received simultaneously. After the Pope of all three churches met and greeted each other, they were led to the third floor. Even the Pope of the Church of Lust who was led to the third floor stopped in order to meet the Pope of other Churches.

Soon after some exchange of greetings out of courtesy, they finally entered the third floor. But when they entered the third floor, they were surprised when they found a group of people. They were completely stunned.

Because the one whom they had seen is the Pope of the Church of Deception! And many higher officials were present as well.

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