

A circular beam of light was emitted from the Formation Array. And in the middle of it, Sitaram and his team were trapped.

Charles smiled and said, " I truly wish for the things to be as it used to be in the past. But the situation that I am in, only one of us would stay alive. And it was certainly I will be the one who would go out alive."

"So you made your choice." , Sitaram said, " It's as you have said. Only one of us would go out alive."

"You might be very knowledgeable person." , Charles said, " But you don't know the terrifying background of the Assassins Organisation. And this Array Formation was given us by them."

"Heh! What terrifying background?" , Sitaram said, " What's so terrifying about them? Their organisation began with ten people in total. They were the weakest people in their organisation from the God Realm. They took the advantage of the fact that they are Gods and the magic will have no effect of them and they looked terrifying in your eyes. But I can tell you with assurance that they were treated as garbages in the higher realm. But they act as kings here. If training in Willpower was as common as it was in the God Realm, then they would gave been fart."

Gutherson said, " They have 10 people who acts as the higher ups in this realm. One king, two chiefs, three Musketeers and Four Asuras. And the leader of the Assassins Organisation is known as "Your Majesty" in your organisation. But his real name is "Yin"! You people live and operate from the Darklord Forest in the Dark Moon Empire."

"This is just the small information that we told you." , Gnan said, " Or do you want to learn more. We would be happy to tell you."

The room fell silent. Charles, Emma and Nege opened their mouths in shock and astonishment. They were wondering what they have heard right now is right or if they heard it wrong. Sitaram told them the biggest secret of the Assassins Organisation as if this news was like fart for him. This was truly unbelievable news.

"Ho...How did you know all this?" , Charles asked in shock.

"It's pointless." , Nege said, " It explains how Arjun ended up in their base and creating some kind of headache. You heard angry tone of Chief."

"Let's go." , Emma said, " I want to see how they are going to deal with the formation."

Charles glaced at Sitaram one final time. His face was full of complex feelings. He turned back and left with the two ladies.

As the golden light from the Array Formation started to glow bright the sense of danger for Sitaram and other two grew.

"What is this Array Formation?" , Gnan asked.

"Who knows?" , Gutherson said, " We didn't have enough time like those kids to learn anything related to Supporting Occupation. We are total noobs in this aspect."

"Shut up!" , Sitaram shouted, " Be cautious! Don't do anything until you understand this formation."

At one moment, the Formation glow turned from gold to red. Then the sense of danger grew as well.

There were multiple sigils on the formations. A from the centre of these sigils, a sword flew very quickly towards the head of the targets. Of Course, the targets were none other than Sitaram and other two.

The sword flew towards Sitaram first. But Sitaram who was not only experienced but also an excellent fighter, easily blocked it with his sword.

But before they can relax, two more swords flew towards them. This time one sword was blocked by Sitaram, while the second sword was blocked by Gutherson.

But once again before they can relax, three swords flew from the sigils and targeted Sitaram and other two. Sitaram and Gutherson blocked the sword with their sword. While Gnan blocked the third sword with his guardian shield.

But once again, before they can relax, these time four swords flew out of the sigils in the formation and targeted them once again.

"Damn it!" , Gnan shouted and used little bit of Divine Power and set up a defensive barrier around all three of them. The swords clashed against the defensive barrier and deflected.

"This won't do." Gutherson took a deep breath and said, " Each time we defend ourselves from these swords, the swords will come back again with addition of one more. If this will continue, there will come a moment where we have to face the number of swords that exceeds our limit."

"How long your barrier can hold these swords?" , Sitaram asked.

"I don't know, father!" , Gnan said, " But the more swords that I block, the more quickly my Divine Power is being consumed. So this barrier won't last long. Approximately, I can hold for another one minute."

Gnan is a Guardian Knight. The thing that he specialises was in defence. But even it has it's limit. That's why this defensive barrier won't last long. After all, Gnan just put his feet in the cultivation of Willpower. So the Divine Power he has is very little compared to the powerful people from the God Realm.

"That means we had to find a solution within one minute." , Gutherson said worriedly, " Boss! What are we supposed to do. We don't have much time."

Sitaram lost in thoughts. He was running his brain for any ideas that could be applied to get away from this tricky situation. Even if he could find a solution, that solution should be something that can solve the situation in an instant. Because even if he found the solution, if the solution lies in a place where a little far from the place they are standing, then they had to move from their place.

That was possible only when Gnan would remove the barrier. If that was the case, then immediately after removing the barrier, he had to face the monstrous amount of swords.

"Father! , do something!" , Gnan shouted, " The number of swords is raised to 38!"

'What to do?' , Sitaram thought.

At that time he raised his brows. He suddenly thought of an idea.

"That's it!" , Sitaram suddenly shouted, " Why didn't I thought about it till now?"

"What is it boss?" , Gutherson asked, " Did you think of a way to get out of this?"

"We don't have time." , Sitaram said, " Gnan can't hold much longer. Let me concentrate."

He closed his eyes and opened after a split second. He looked at the Formation and smiled. Because he looked at the energy flow in the formation. He could look at the source of the formation.

"I knew it!" , Sitaram said, " Nothing could be hidden from the Yin-Yan Eyes!"

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