
Hogwarts: Welcome to Slytherin (rewritten)

I found myself rudely awakened by a most peculiar surge of magic swirling around, this here was my first rodeo with such a hullabaloo, and it left me feeling rather like a wizard's sock at a tea party. In the room with my bunkmates, an intruder's existence became palpable, a being who seemed as out of place as a talking dog in a cat convention. Gazing into the dimly illuminated corner of our chamber, there stood a little man with eyes that slanted like they were about to tell a particularly crooked joke. His attire was nothing short of absurd, they'd make a peacock blush. Had a hat covered in so many bells it'd make a church choir jealous and an orange bow tie that would make a carrot green with envy. He looked at me with the expression of someone trying to decide between tea and biscuits. What really took the cake, though, was that, despite the ruckus, my buddies' bunks looked as empty as a dog's promise.

Well, let me make the first move...

"Well, I suppose 'good morning' is out of the question, considering it's still night outside. So, mind if I inquire about the distinguished guest who's chosen to grace my day?" I quipped, my fatigue evident. The abrupt awakening hadn't left me in the best of moods.

A few seconds passed, as if our peculiar guest had finally made up his mind. And then, the stranger's grin grew so wide it could've wrapped around the room twice.

???: "Well, ain't that somethin', Mr. Bellmouth," the figure drawled, his tone as dry as an old cornstalk. "Name's Peeves, though folks 'round here call me the funniest poltergeist in all of British history, don't they just."

To think, a poltergeist in these parts. Seemed Hogwarts had one of them too. But I reckoned, with all the young'uns runnin' 'round, it made sense. Best not to stir the hornet's nest, I thought to myself, 'cause only a lunatic'd go lookin' for trouble with a poltergeist.

Arthur: "Oh, heard 'bout you, I have. Who in their right mind hasn't heard 'bout the famous Peeves of Hogwarts?"

Peeves: "Well, ain't you a clever one, Mr. Bellmouth! Ten points for Slytherin, just for knowin' who I am!"

Arthur: "Say, can you really add points?"

Peeves: "Well, I reckon I could, but they let me do it only once a year, the spoilsports."

Arthur: " Oh I see... well I'm pretty new here so I can't help but ask, Peeves. What's the reason for your unexpected visit?"

let's push for some information.

Arthur: "I'm pretty new here so I can't help but ask Peeves, What is the reason for your unexpected visit?"

Peeves: "Well, you see Mr.Prince, you're invited by a friend of mine tonight, will you accept the invitation"

Well, that piqued my interest, poltergeists don't have friends, but Peeves doesn't seem like a normal poltergeist either. Looks like I only have one answer now.

Arthur: "Well show me the way," I said with a smile on my face

Peeves: "Very well, then follow me"

And once again, as I left the common room with Peeves leading the way, the chill of the dungeon and the comforting warmth of my wand in my hand enveloped me. It was a reassuring sensation given the circumstances.

Ascending the stairs and winding through the silent corridors of Hogwarts, an unusual hush prevailed, even for this hour. The paintings that usually teemed with life were vacant, and it felt as though I were the sole inhabitant of the entire castle, save for Peeves and whoever had extended this mysterious invitation.

After a few more moments of walking, we arrived in front of a peculiar painting, featuring a clown adorned with a white mask.

As I drew closer to the painting, a weary voice echoed from within.

Painting: "Nice to meet you, at last, Mr. Prince."

Arthur: "Well, I'd like to return the favor, but it seems we ain't had the pleasure of makin' each other's acquaintance yet, have we?"

Painting: "Indeed, it's a real shame we find ourselves in this peculiar situation, but better late than never."

Arthur: "Could I trouble you to explain why you've extended this invitation, then?"

Painting: "I've got a bit of a test in mind for you, young wizard."

Arthur: "A test, you say... Now, it ain't lost on me that you seem to know who I am, but I'm in the dark here, and you want to put me to the test."

Painting: "Who I am ain't the issue. What matters is whether you've got what it takes to pass the test I've got in store for you."

I could hear Peeves chuckling in the background, quite a mite annoying, just like this whole situation.

Arthur: "Well then, if you're dead set on keepin' your identity under wraps, how 'bout you give me one good reason why I should even consider takin' your test?"

The painting remained silent for a few brief moments before replying.

Painting: "Very well, there are many reasons why you should take this test, but a few that might pique your interest include strength, knowledge, and an unforgettable adventure."

Arthur: "Now, that does sound downright interestin', but you seem to have me pegged pretty well. Can you spare a few words about who you are?"

The painting remained silent once again for a few short moments before responding.

Painting: "If you manage to pass my test, then I'll spill the beans on who I am."

Arthur: "Well now, that seems like a fair proposition. So, what does this here test entail?"

Painting: "You've got to save someone who doesn't even know they need savin'."

Arthur: "A few hints might come in handy. I'm still green around the gills in this world, and you seem to know me better than I do myself."

Painting: "Fair enough, I'll provide you with a hint. Keep an eye out for the ghost who betrayed her mother. This ghost happened to be a very close friend of the person you must save."

A clue that's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine... Just my luck. It was becoming painfully obvious that this journey wouldn't be a Sunday stroll, and this enigmatic character was certainly adding a dash of spice to the mix.

I'm as lost as a duck in the desert, plain and simple. I'm standing at a fork in the road, pondering whether I should make tracks and pretend this whole escapade was a figment of my imagination. My plate's already overflowing, and I'm not so sure I want seconds.

Painting: "So, what's it going to be, Mr. Prince? Ready to confront your destiny... or are you inclined to retreat like a nervous nelly?"

me...a coward?...

I let out a hearty laugh, louder than a bullhorn at a church picnic. The sound echoed through the dark corridor, like a cannon shot on a quiet day. I sure needed that laugh.

after some time I finally cooled my jets. If that's the way this painting wants to play it, then so be it.

Arthur: "You sure know how to persuade folks, even for a painting."

Painting: "I've been known to have a way with words. So, what's your verdict, Mr. Prince?"

Arthur: "You've already got my answer. Challenge accepted."

Arthur: "Then..." I began to feel an ache coursing through my body, an unpleasant sensation.

Painting: "Seems like you've reached your limit for now... Very well, Arthur Belmont-Prince, you know where to find me once you've completed the test." My vision blurred.

"See you 'round," I could hear Peeves chiming in.

A few moments later, I jolted upright in my bed, clutching my chest as I gasped for air. Sweat coursed down my brow, and my body burned like a furnace. I cast my gaze around the dormitory, the soft glow of dawn slipping through the window, illuminating the slumbering forms of my fellow students. My eyes flicked to the clock by the door; though it displayed a vague time, I had no doubt it was well before seven.

With each labored breath, I wrestled my senses back under control. I began to rummage through my belongings, my fingers seeking out something specific. After a few moments of fumbling, I unearthed a pendant nestled beneath my crisp new uniform. The pendant caught the morning light, casting a gentle, soothing radiance upon my face as I turned it over in my trembling hands. Its mere presence acted as an anchor, calming the tempest within me. I allowed my gaze to linger on it a while longer before tucking it carefully back into its hiding place.

After I had freshened up, I donned my uniform in hushed tones, gathering all the essentials I'd need for the day ahead. The week was looking to be a long one...

My roommates were still sleeping. And as for me, I was already dressed in a clean set of black robes,and settled quietly in the common room.

Following that bewildering dream, it seemed unlikely that sleep would return to anyone's eyes. Doubt gnawed at me—was it a reality or the onset of madness? Perhaps it was best to turn to a book, seeking solace in its pages.

With the ascent of the sun, the oversized silver lanterns hanging above dimmed, casting an eerie greenish glow across the entire common room. I pondered whether the glass ceiling had been treated with some curious tint. A swift glance upwards confirmed otherwise—the ceiling was the sole barrier between me and the murky, green waters.

My gaze wandered to a dark green leather couch opposite me, and I discerned a shadowy figure by the window. Amidst the distorted view in the water, with a touch of concentration, I could make out this figure—a creature with an angular, scaly visage. Its yellow eyes were framed by verdant hair, and a mischievous grin adorned its face. But the most peculiar aspect was its lower half—a clear, silver, fish-like tail...

Before I could react, the screaming clocks went off. The noise was a nightmarish symphony, sending shivers crawling up my arms like electric eels. I silently thanked my early awakening. Gazing out the window again, I found the creature...no the Merepeople had vanished.

At least I'd had a glimpse... a glimpse of the Merpeople...

Once the shrill cacophony subsided, I returned to my reading. I was fascinated by the different Potions one could brew. The detailed pictures of a cauldron set-up reminded me a little of the set-up I'd seen on the front of Chemistry books. I stopped trying to read when I didn't understand any of the examples or recognize any of the names mentioned.

I really need more knowledge, what is quite frustrating is the fact that there is something or someone who knows more than they should about me...They dangled my desires like bait...

"What're you doing up so bloody early?" Draco groused next to him.

Putting the book away, I smiled and said

Arthur:" "I'm an early riser. Did you have trouble falling asleep?"

"Hardly, but I finally fell asleep, I'm not used to sharing a room." the pale boy said. The other two seem to have had the same problem,

Crabbe and Goyle looked equally exhausted.

"What about you Arthur?" Asked Goyle in a tired voice

Arthur: "I understand what you are saying, but with time we will get used to it, i hope.."

Sharp grey eyes looked down at the Potions book in his hands.

Draco: "Are you bringing your school books to breakfast?"

Arthur:" Probably yes, the book is quite interesting, why?"

"Prince, there are certain things you can't learn from books," Draco said through a yawn.

Then I just then remembered that I was supposed to be using surnames from the Code they'd been told about last night.

Draco: "Besides, you're a Slytherin, not a Ravenclaw. Don't be so bookish."

"What terrible advice, Mr. Malfoy," Professor Slughorn murmured from behind them.

I was startled. Where had the professor popped in from? I straightened my robes to hide the slight shake in my hands... Are all adults like that, scaring children for no reason...

"Considering Mr. Prince's considerable Curiosity" and here professor Slughorn looked down his nose at Malfoy, "A certain amount of bookishness is essential to get where you want."

Professor Slughorn: "And yes Mr. Prince, I talked to your aunt about you, if you keep it that way, I might have to invite you to my club, Mr. Prince, and that's not easy, especially for the first years. That should speak for itself how talented you are, glad to have you in my Hause"

"Good morning, professor," Malfoy said sounding much more drained than before. "Surely you have a pick-me-up I can have…?"

Professor Slughorn: "Good morning, to you as well Mr. Malfoy, go ask Madam Pomfrey if you have need of a Wideye Potion."

I looked at Draco curiously,

"He's a family friend, my father has many important connections " Malfoy whispered loudly with deep pride.

"Don't sound so disappointed, Mr. Prince," Professor Slughorn said neutrally. "I never play favorites among my students."

Arthur: "I didn't even think about it, Professor"

Professor Slughorn:" Good, Now that I have your attention, know that every year I want to meet every student, who is new in this house, Mr. Zabini you are the first with whom I'm going talk today. come to my office after breakfast"

I could see a black boy with high cheekbones and long, slanting eyes coming forward

Zabini: "Understood Professor Slughorn"

When I looked around to see who was present in the room I saw Daphne and nodded, as a sign of good morning she looked at me and gave no answer. probably because of the people in the common room.

As we went outside the common room and down the main corridor there were a lot of stairs. The same stairs that I walked around last night in my dream...

I was greeted by the other Slytherins who were returning from breakfast to collect their school books from their rooms.

I and Malfoy and his other 2 friends Crabble and Goyle navigated through Hogwarts in silence, every now and then a student from a different house would point and say,

Stranger: "There. Look! Did you see him?"

I ignored them. But Draco seemed to like the attention. Soon we were in the Great Hall.

When I entered I could hear the whispers of the students wondering who had already gotten 10 points for Slytherin, Well, it seems that my dream is not a dream after all ...

I took a seat at the long table beside Draco...

At the Gryffindor's table was Elias, sitting next to the boy with the red hair and the one with the strange glasses.

When he saw me he greeted me with a smile.

I nodded and winked at him.

His face became serious and he nodded too.

the wink is a secret signal, which we made together a long time ago, we use it when one of us has something to say...something serious, unfortunately.

The food appeared on the main plates. Like last night, everything you'd expect from an English breakfast...

"Finally, I was so hungry," Crabble said quite excited as he piled his plate with food

"I know right, me too," Goyle said with the same excitement.

As we were eating Draco asked me

Draco: "Hey Prince I couldn't help but notice the suitcase, you came with, it's very rare where did you get it?"

Arthur: "it was a gift from my uncle"

Draco: "Oh, I see..."

Arthur: "Why is there something wrong with her?"

Draco: "No, on the contrary, it has the seal of a story I heard when I was little... but as far as I know, Lord Black is a collector of rare things like these."

Breakfast was relatively good, we didn't talk much.

Draco: "We have Herbology first, which isn't so bad to get to, we need to hurry now. We'll lose House points if we're tardy."

Crabbe and Goyle moved on either side of me and Malfoy and we exited the Great Hall.

As they walked together, I noticed that other students would stare as they passed, whispering.

"Didn't I just see those two…?" I murmured as two black-haired girls walked past me.

"They probably doubled back around to get another look at you, the famous Arthur Prince the child of a hero," said Draco

I felt bewildered. I'd never been popular at school before.

"For celebrities like us, it's to be expected. The novelty will wear off soon I'm sure," Draco quipped.

Soon, we were outside, crossing Hogwarts' immense lawn to the greenhouse.

The plump, dumpy Herbology professor turned to greet the Slytherins warmly. There were numerous odd-looking plants from leaf to root laid out on the greenhouse tables with whatever types of seeds each had if any. Every one of them had a card propped up with a large letter.

Without calling roll, Professor Sprout immediately began the lesson, instructing each student to carefully match the name of the plant to the correct specimen. "You may work together to figure it out or use the One Thousand Magical Plans and Fungi reference text! Once you are done, turn in your scrolls and be on your way. Any questions? No? I'll be in the storeroom should anyone need me."

It was an introduction to the classification system Herbologists used. it reminded me of Biology lessons, I immediately stepped up to a rubbery purple plant with white hairs all over it and curled leaves. Its roots were bulbous and it had a sharp acrid smell to it if I remember correctly was Wiseman's Sage...

"Wiseman's Sage," Draco answered contemptuously.

The illustration shifted in an invisible breeze and looked less wilted than the dead counterpart on the table. I began to read aloud.

"If the leaves of the Wiseman's Sage are eaten, it provides a temporary Pepper-Up remedy. The roots are a highly prized ingredient when harvested on a new moon and dried appropriately. Furthermore"

"Prince, read on your own time. I'd like to get done with this lesson."

I closed the book, following Malfoy, and was likewise followed by Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy easily listed each of the plants laid out and pointed out their basic characteristics.

On our final plant, the blond looked back at me. "If we'd done it your way, we'd be here for the rest of the period."

"Oh, shove it, Malfoy. Some of us don't have Professor Slughorn as a private tutor when we were young," brown-haired Pansy Parkinson sniped.

"Prince, may I look at your scroll?" Millicent Bulstrode asked politely. Her large size and stature were completely at odds with her manners.

"As long as you turn mine in when you're done with it," I handed it to her and she carefully unrolled it marking the remaining three plants she had missed. Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass were on either side of Millicent also taking down notes.

"What class do we have after this?" I asked at large while Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy continued to argue. Crabbe and Goyle were poking at the plants queued up along the walls, laughing at one another as the carnivorous ones snapped at their fingers. Theodore Nott was inspecting a plant that looked somewhat like a cactus.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," a lavender-bespectacled girl who was slightly taller than me answered. "Did you not get your schedule from Prefect Grimmet?"

"No. I must have missed him." I frowned. "I'm sorry. I seem to have forgotten your name."

"Sally-Anne Perks," she said quietly behind a fringe of light brown hair.

Being neither pretty nor of a solid frame, the brown-eyed girl didn't look like the rest of the Slytherin girls either, but I had little room to point fingers since I was the shortest and youngest among the Slytherin boys.

It's quite all right that you didn't see me. I'm practically invisible to most people," she said with a small smile.

"Oh, that sounds terrible," I said with a commiserating tone.

Her smile widened, revealing slightly crooked teeth.

"Come on, Prince." Draco gave Sally-Anne a patronizing look and then turned on his heel. "Crabbe! Goyle! Let's go!"

I said goodbye to the girls and joined the group I came with.

Soon we had passed over the Hogwarts lawns and back into the castle's cool exterior.

after a few moments of silence, I could hear Dracu saying

"You shouldn't associate yourself with Perks' type," Draco said loftily.

Arthur: "Why not?"

Draco: "She's a Mudblood."

The term sounded foul to my ears. I stared at Draco.

Draco: "There's not a drop of wizard blood in her. It's obscene for her to be in this house with her dirty blood."

Arthur: "You mean she's a Muggle-born witch, don't you?" I said coldly.

Draco: "Can you believe it? A pure-blood deserved to be a Slytherin more than that filthy, little Mudblood. She'll sully Salazar Slytherin's good name!"

He thinks he's higher than her, then I realized that if I don't do anything at this moment, nothing will change, and this person will force me to believe in something I don't believe at all... these children are the next generation.. .and after what I learned yesterday, every child in this house comes from a family of politicians...this means that the Ministry will not be useful to me in the future if I don't change it first...but at this moment, I will not allow that, at least not in front of me. because more than anything I hate bullies.

Angry as I was, I grabbed the front of Malfoy's robes. "Stop badmouthing her! She didn't do anything to you!" I said

Malfoy sneered. "Why did you get so angry, wait, don't tell me is your mother a Mudblood too?" Draco started laughing as if he told the best joke so far

Well, so far I've played nice, I was going to let him think he was great for a while ... until I found out everything I wanted to know...but unfortunately it seems that plan A failed faster than I expected.

Arthur" I'll tell you only once so listen very carefully, don't bad mouth my mother. *

When Draco smirked nastily, "I'll call a Half-Breed when I see one, child of the savior of the Wizarding World or not."

When I heard this, I lost my temper

My fist swung, and Draco went down with a cry. I followed after him with a wordless shout.

Crabbe grabbed me by my robes before I could hit Draco again and lifted me up. I didn't like the grin on the larger boy's face. Luckily I had the book I put down before I hit Draco.

Arthur"Hey, Crabble, I think you need to read a book"..After I grabbed the book in my hand, I started hitting him with it "I'll lend you mine" I could hear a scream of pain from Crabble after I saw him fall down. I probably shouldn't have hit him so hard...

Goyle ran towards me, I stepped aside, tripping him at the same time., he fell down and I climbed on him, being on top I had an advantage, I hit him, and every fist of mine was harder than the other.

"Geoff!" Goyle yelled in panic, I could hear from where Draco was

"Petrphtcus—" Draco's nasal yell was muffled through his bloodied nose. "Totalas!"

As I rolled off of Goyle, something red sparked out of Malfoy's wand

With just one of my wand movements, the spell disappeared...

something I've learned since I first got my wand.

Draco stood up and kept his wand trained on me. "That," Draco's voice was stuffy and nasal, "was completely uncalled for, Prince. You know the Code."

I kept my wand on him as well and said

Arthur: "I dare to say you started it, What happened to courteousness regardless of bloodline? You broke the Code before I did"

Draco appeared startled by the pronouncement.

"Sally-Anne Perks is a Slytherin. As such, she's owed your respect! We Slytherins are supposed to be like family,"

"Hmph," Draco said, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. "I blame those Muggles for your savagery," He jeered, wiping the remaining blood off his swollen lip. A little more dribbled from his mottled, misshaped nose. "Crabbe, Goyle. We're going to the infirmary." Without another glance towards me, he tilted his head back haughtily, pinching his nose, and walked away with the two limping large boys, leaving me alone in the corridor.

When I reached down to pick up my Book, I winced. My hands were awfully sore and my wrists ached. I looked at his swollen knuckles which were an angry sort of red.

Maybe I exaggerated a little, but honestly, I feel better now...

At the sound of a yelp, I was startled and turned to see what it was.

The corridor was empty save for silent sets of armor, which alternated between holding swords and pikes.

I suddenly realized that I had no idea where I was. There was movement out of the corner of my eye. A dusty, grey moggy with yellow eyes stared at him.

I blinked. The cat was hanging in the air, body twisted as if it'd fallen, and was trying to place feet on the ground.

Arthur: "Are you all right there?"

It growled loudly at me when I walked towards it. I stopped. A good thing I did too. I belatedly noticed that the little stones on the ground were in some sort of pattern.

I crouched by the circle, inspecting it. I ran through my options. I didn't know any spells that might let the cat down, but I didn't trust that I could put my hands through the magic whatever it was either.

I looked around. Spotting a set of armor next to me, I slipped the sword out of the armor's grip and almost dropped it due to my sore knuckles. It weighed nearly as much as a small boulder in my opinion. He dragged it back to the pebbles and stones. Two-handed, I made quite a clatter dragging the sword across the floor at the stones. The dull blade scattered the pattern, sliding out of my hands with a large CLANK, and the mysterious cat landed gracefully on its feet.

It flicked its ears at me and then fluffed up. "Meow," the cat said.

"I hope you weren't there long," I told it, "That looked uncomfortable."

"What was that noise?!" screeched a scrawny man with greasy grey strings of hair falling down his head. He looked unwashed and his clothes were stained and dirty.

Bruised hands at his sides concealed behind his robes, I blinked at the adult not recognizing him.

"Well, well if it isn't Arthur Prince," the man said looking down at the mess in the hall and then reaching down to pet the cat. "Mrs. Norris, there you are. Some nasty student set you in a trap again, is it?"

The cat let out a crabby meow.

The man turned a baleful eye on me. "It was you who broke her out of the ruddy Runic Octagon?"

"Er, yes… Who're you?" I asked politely. I was so damn tired already

"The name's Argus Filch, Caretaker of Hogwarts. Reckon you paid naught attention to me last night."

I could hear the cat's rumbly purr from where he stood. "Er, sorry."

A crooning Mr. Filch again reached to pet Mrs. Norris, who quite enjoyed the attention.

I started scratching my head, worried that I might be late for my next class. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but do you know the way to Professor Quirrell's classroom?"

Mr. Filch smiled a nasty smile. "I know all the shortcuts in this ruddy place as does Mrs. Norris." The caretaker looked towards his feet. "Lead the way, my sweet."

Obediently, I followed the trotting cat, whose tail was standing up as if it were a banner to lead a charge into battle. I learned many secret passages from him, he offered to show me the rest, apparently, I am in his book of good children. I hope it's a good thing. There were so many doors as they zigzagged in almost a straight path through Hogwarts. At one point they passed the door to the Great Hall where the meals were served.

Finally, Mrs. Norris sat down in front of the door in a long hallway with sets of armor on either side.

"Here we are. Professor Quirrell's classroom," Filch said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Norris, Mr. Filch." The cat rubbed itself across my legs. My experience with cats told me that this was a very good thing.

"If I catch you wandering the halls after curfew, don't think I won't tell your Head of House. Professor Slughorn punishes his little vipers well and good in the old way." With another mostly toothless sneer, Argus Filch walked away muttering to himself about lost first years interrupting his important work.

Because I'd arrived too early, I hung out in the hallway for some time, bored. I inspected the tall sets of armor and statues around me and then enjoyed the view through the vaulted windows across from them. I could never stay bored in a place with breathtaking views like this...

A bell tolled in the distance and suddenly the classroom door opened flooding the corridor with first-year Hufflepuffs. A pale girl with blonde pigtails squeaked when she almost ran into me and her friend whispered loudly, "Hannah! You almost ran into Semone, be careful!"

The rest stared as well but left quickly down the hallway. "Is that him, he is shorter than I expected?" Many of them whispered to each other.

"a-Arthur P-Prince. Welcome. I didn't e-expect to see you so-so soon. C-come in," Professor Quirrell gestured to his classroom. When I followed the professor into the room, it stank mostly of garlic and some unmentionable foulness that I couldn't pinpoint.

Something about the man set me on edge. Perhaps it was the way he kept washing his hands together, looking at him expectantly.

"So, Sl-Slytherin, e-eh? A g-good h-house for s-strong wizards."Proffesor Quirell said

Arthur: "yea.. maybe... For the dark ones you mean.. "

"Th-the strongest ge-generally are," Professor Quirrell agreed. "And th-the b-best defense a-against the D-Dark Arts en-entails i-its study."

I was skeptical of this, but I was saved from answering when the Slytherin girls and Nott opened the door, and sitting next to me I could hear from one of the girls,

"Where's Malfoy?" Parkinson's high-pitched voice asked.

"He went to the infirmary. Crabbe and Goyle went along with him," I answered.

Parkinson: "Oh? wait, what happened??!?"

Arthur: "Nothing serious, just a headache."

Theodore Nott: "And why did he leave you alone?"

Arthur: " Oh? do not worry Professor Quirrell kept me company. Didn't you Professor?"

"Y-yes, P-prince." Flustered at having to be put on the spot, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher stammered even worse than usual.

I took a seat, and blue-eyed Theodore Nott sat next to me.

The other boy leaned close to him. "Did you hex them or something?" Nott whispered.

Arthur: "No... What makes you say that?"

Nott's steel blue eyes looked at something around me and then he nodded. "You had a row with them then." His classmate looked specifically at my swollen hands...

Arthur: "I'm beginning to think that everyone in this house is paying attention to details"

He smiled after hearing that

Theodore:" Well Mr. Prince, Welcome to Slytherin"

I put my head on the table and I growled after hearing what he had said...

Theodore only chuckled at that

Not long after, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle reappeared looking as good as new, and the class started.

The lesson turned into a bit of a joke. The Professor gave no demonstrations and hardly seemed prepared to teach them anything. He told the class stories, mainly, but even those were dubious. He wouldn't give them enough details about defeating the vampire in Romania or the zombie in Africa.

After they were dismissed as soon as the bell tolled, Draco complained loudly down the corridor. "What a load of tosh! I'd hoped he'd teach us new curses. I wanted to try them out on the Gryffindorks after our Double Potions Class on Friday."

"Quit complaining, Malfoy. We're all disappointed," Parkinson said. Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass, her two cohorts, agreed. Bulstrode was behind them reading as they walked.

"You can ask the upperclassmen for some tips," Perks offered quietly.

"Right, they duel later this week, don't they?" Nott grinned.

Well, that sounds interesting, it makes me wonder what a magical duel looks like

"Y'know, I'm glad that class is over," Goyle said tiredly. "I'm hungry."

Crabbe grunted in agreement.

I silently agreed with the two. Then an idea struck me. "I know a shortcut to the Great Hall," I said to Nott.

"You? Since when?" Draco's expression was rich with incredulity.

"This way," I said, not letting Draco's jibe bother me. I retraced my steps through numerous musty passageways until they were all stepping out of a portrait right outside the Great Hall.

"Blimey, Prince," Nott breathed out. "That was amazing. did someone give you a map?"

I only smiled, and Nott surprisingly didn't pester me about it. I doubted any of them would have released an errant cat stuck in a magical trap. Well, I amended it, maybe Perks or Bulstrode would have. They seemed the type.

We walked into the Great Hall which was already filled with students. There I could see Elias, and his friends he didn't spot me good for him, he made friends already...

"Tomorrow morning we have History of Magic. Professor Binns is going to bore us to death," Pansy Parkinson said.

The Slytherins laughed around her. I didn't get it, and he didn't remember Draco pointing the teacher out the previous night.

"Professor Binns is a ghost," Perks said next to him. "Rumor has it one day he fell asleep in the staffroom and got up to go teach a class, but left his earthly body behind."

"Oh," I said taking a seat next to her at the Slytherin long table. Perfect Samantha Pitts took the other side of me and said

Samantha: "But who would have thought that we would have the opportunity to stay with the child of the person who killed him.. you know who"

The other Slytherins fell silent around me, whispering quietly as they watched me after hearing what she said.

A hand clapped my shoulder. Theodore Nott was smirking ear to ear. "This just proves that we are not all evil, the hero also comes from this house and his child was sorted here too. That must mean something."

Some of them cheered at that

The food appeared to distract me from the conversation. As always it tastes good, I was surprised that Draco hadn't threatened me yet, though, but then I noticed that Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle had not chosen to sit as close to me as they did earlier...

"Y'know, I'm not really Muggle-born," Sally-Anne Perks whispered very quietly to me, while the others conversed loudly enough to have their voices carried in a large hall packed with other children. "That's what Malfoy told you, right? That's why you had a row with him." Nott must have told her I thought.

Arthur "Why would it matter if you were?" It didn't make any sense to me... Why so much senseless hate for blood purity...

Her face grew pink at his comment. "My parents are actually Squibs who've learned to live among Muggles. They were disinherited, you see."

I had just taken a large bite of an apple, and I shot her a questioning look.

Perks: "A Squib is someone who is born to a wizarding family and doesn't possess any magic of their own. My mum and dad were so proud when I did my first little bit of accidental magic. I turned a bike I'd gotten on my sixth birthday from black to pink right in front of my Muggle friends."

Arthur"So you're a pure-blood?"

Perks nodded shyly. "Sometimes the magic skips a generation. That's why most wizarding families are small. The more children you have, the more likely you'll get a Squib. It's why so many pure-bloods are jealous of the Weasleys. There's not a Squib among them."

I thought that was very interesting.

"Anyway," Perks continued, "I don't mind that you're only half-pure. My mum told me that if Muggle-borns weren't around, magical folk would have died out a long time ago or all been born Squibs by now.

And I heard that Severus Prince, your father had been a brilliant wizard at potions, and spell making, even better than the pure-bloods in his year. Most would say that he was stronger than even Dumbledore.. "

I could only smile, it looks like you didn't die in vain ... After all father...

Are you okay?" Perks asked curiously.

"The roast beef isn't settling as it should," I said quickly. It was partly the truth. I'd eaten too much again.

Another bell tolled, and the Slytherins parted ways by year...

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