
Chapter Fifteen: Galvanize

While waiting for the magic guns to be finished, Siran and the rest explored around Seeira. Finn reunited with the people he used to work with. They have started up a cafeteria business with the help of some other people in Seeira and feed homeless people for free. They spent many days just site seeing and many nights at bars and other things, but had to exclude Rose because the drinking age in Seeira was 20 years-old and she was only 19. That is, until about 4 months later, where Rose celebrated her 20th birthday by finally getting to drink with the rest of the crew and then discovering that she can't handle liquor as well as she had hoped. As the next two months passed, winter was upon them again. Vivi was still working on finishing the weapons as Siran was teaching everyone else about how Endoindustria works, and how to use magic better. It was clear they all had their separate strengths, and they built up on those strengths over time. When the time came, Vivi called the crew over. What they were presented upon arrival simply amazed everyone, except Siran who had worked with Vivi for quite some time before.

"I know Rose is particularly excited about how her gun turned out" Vivi says, "so your's will be the first revealed". Vivi pulls out this small object wrapped in a burlap cloth and quickly swipes the burlap cloth off, revealing Rose's new gun. It was thin and compact, but tall with two barrels Stacked vertically at the business end of the weapon. This weapon was built in the style of a Vector .45 ACP sub machine gun, but with two barrels instead of one. It had two separate revolving chambers, one above the other in a vertical formation, each chamber with six revolving sections and each section with its own amplifier charm. It also had a foldable butt-stock, efficient for maneuverability, two transparent acrylic lenses to act as a scope for the gun. One lens, just a little farther ahead of the handle of the gun and the other at the end of the gun's body, and when Rose held the gun, her magic flowed through the gun, causing some small parts of the gun to glow, including small lights that acted as laser sights that reflected off of the acrylic lenses. The laser sights were only visible from the holder's perspective, as to not give away your position if you were to hide with this gun.

"And this one's for Finn" Vivi says as she unravels another gun. "This one I made in the style of an old Marksman Rifle called an EBR".

Finn inspects his gun in awe. As he holds his gun, it lights up the same way as Rose's gun did. His rifle didn't have two barrels or two revolving chambers, but it did have a scope that magnified vision by five times the normal view, and instead of a folded butt-stock, his had an extendable butt-stock. Great for steady aim and mid ranged combat.

"This one is for Holly" Vivi says as she unravels the next gun. "Now I couldn't find a model that allows for faster firing without over heating the barrel and causing the metal to bend, so I gave it four revolving barrels instead of just a revolving chamber. Each barrel has its own charm, and gives the gun a better chance to cool down before firing again".

As she unravels the gun, Holly is bestowed a sniper rifle that looks like a slim Gatling gun. The butt-stock doesn't fold or extend, but it's scope can swap between three settings. The holder can see at a 5x zoom, a 10x zoom, or a 20x zoom, allowing versatile use for many different combat situations.

"Now for the difficult one" Vivi says as she pulls out a large package. "This one is for Alex".

Vivi then unravels a double barreled shotgun, with two sets of revolving chambers, each set with four charms. "When the trigger is pulled, the left barrel will fire first, and the left revolving chamber will rotate. Then the right barrel will fire and chamber will rotate. This way you can fire it in succession easily without worrying about damage to the gun".

The shotgun had a foldable butt-stock also, but no scope. The ends of the barrels, however, were split, allowing the shots fired from this to spread into a concussive blast that could extend several meters.

"It was hard to make a design that didn't break itself after the first shot" Vivi says, "but I finally worked it out. I couldn't fire it very much without running out of magic and feeling exhausted. So it took a lot of testing to do".

Vivi then pulls out two wooden boxes and opens them saying "and last, Zia and Siran's guns". The two pistols she handed over to Zia were identical, and both had acrylic laser sights like Rose's gun did. They were small and compact, but each gun had a six-sectioned revolving chamber, and looked like a standard military pistol but heavier. When Zia held the guns, she also noticed that lasers not only reflected off of the acrylic, but there was a laser underneath the barrel of each gun, pointing straight forward to help further assist with aiming at the target. Siran's guns, however, were not identical. His first gun was made in the style of a classic revolver, but it was much larger than a normal revolver. His revolver also had a six-section chamber and acrylic sights, but no laser under the barrel. His other gun however, was an old style 9 millimeter handgun, with an amplifier charm on one side of the handle, and the bomb charm on the other.

"Is this an actual projectile weapon?" Siran asks.

"Yes" Vivi answers promptly. "A bullet weapon, just in case you may ever need to use such a thing. These kind of weapons haven't been used by most people in the world for over a century now, so it's rare to see one". As Vivi said this, she handed a second magazine for the gun and a pouch of bullets.

"You guys are all set now" Vivi says.

"Can we test the guns out here?" Rose asks, her eyes still lit up with excitement.

"Absolutely not" Vivi replies. "I would like my store to remain in one piece, thank you".

"How're we gonna get the hang of our guns?" Finn asks.

"I don't know, nor do I care how you do it" Vivi tells him. "Just don't do it anywhere near this place. Those things you are holding are the strongest weapons I've made so far, and when I had to test fire any of them, I had to use them underground".

"Why don't we go underground then?" Finn asks.

"Because my underground tunnel collapsed" Vivi replies. Vivi then reclines in her chair and drinks some coffee straight out of the pot.

"Come on" Siran says to the group, "we can go out to a forest nearby, and test them there".

As the crew tests out their new guns, it was apparent the forest never stood a chance. Alex's gun shot blasts of magic, cutting a tree in half and causing it to collapse. Rose had a hard time keeping a hold on her gun at first, as did Finn, but they eventually got used to keeping their grip after sacrificing several trees to do so. Holly's gun, however, was able to split several trees in a single shot and hopefully not a house in a nearby town somewhere. Zia and Siran's pistols didn't display as much power, but much more maneuverability while firing. The only thing not tested was Siran's 9 millimeter.

"That was more power than I was expecting" Holly says.

"These guns turned out great!" Finn says.

"It's surprising to me that we can fire so much power and still not feel effects such as exhaustion from losing so much magic" Holly says.

"That's because of how much magic you all have now" Siran says. "You can handle bigger things now".

"By the way" Rose says, "how does the revolving chamber help cool off the guns and whatnot? Wouldn't it be possible that we could accidentally fire all of the amplifier charms at the same time?"

"Not really, no" Siran says. "The channeling charm in your guns are attached to a specific type of metal that can easily transfer power, and the amplifier charms are built out of the same material. But for the channeling to work, there must be a direct connection to the two charms. So when the chamber revolves, it disconnects that amp charm's direct connection and the channeling is now connected to a different charm".

"That makes sense" Alex says.

"I don't get it, but oh well" Rose says.

The crew goes back to Vivi's place again as they start discussing more things.

"So if we're going to be a crew" Siran says, "we'll need Call signs and probably a crew name".

"Our crew name could be something cool like The Shadows" Finn suggests.

"Terrible" Alex says.

"Agreed" Vivi says. "We'll work on Call signs first and think about a name later".

"What'd you have in mind?" Alex asks.

"Well we can go with something easy to remember" Vivi says. "Like the names of cards from a playing card deck. You know, like Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Joker and so on".

"Which one can I be?" Finn asks.

"Well" Vivi says as she points at each of them. "Alex can be King since he's the oldest of you, Finn can be Jack since he's a jackass, Rose can be Queen since she's from Egypt which is a country that was prominent for having Pharos and Queens in ancient times, Holly can be Joker since she's good with intelligence which will be a vital tool to getting whatever you want, and Zia can be the Ace".

"Why does Zia get to be the Ace?" Finn asks impatiently.

"Because I like her more than you" Vivi says calmly.

"I'll be 9 then" Siran says, "because it's my lucky number".

"You're odd" Vivi says, unsurprised, "and that's an odd number to have as a lucky number".

"Then you can be 10, Vivi" Siran says. "Since you're the one trying to keep us in order, and supporting us. Also because it'll be weird if we just go from 9 to Jack without having a position in between that needs to be filled".

"Suit yourself" Vivi says.

"Ha ha" Finn laughs. "SUIT yourself... no? Well I thought it was funny".

"Anyways" Siran says, "prepare yourselves, everyone, because soon it'll be time to rise up and take action. Even if we don't succeed, we have to at least inspire other people to let them know that they don't have to take abuse while sitting down, and that it's okay to fight for yourselves!"

"Are we the bad guys?" Alex asks himself.

"Who knows?" Vivi says.

"No matter how good of a person you are" Siran says, "and no matter what you do in life, you'll always be the bad guy in someone else's story".

"Again, you are the worst person when it comes to motivational speeches" Alex says.

"Anyways" Vivi says, "take your time planning your next move, because from here on out, you'll need to remain more vigilant than ever".

"She's right" Siran says, "let's take our time and find the right moment and place to strike. We don't want to leave them a small scratch on their front door, only for them to be better prepared the next time. We'll want to hit them where it hurts, and not give them the chance to fight back. More importantly, we'll need to do it without sacrificing any of your lives".

"There you go, excluding yourself from us again" Finn says. "We're not letting you die on us you know, so that goes for you too, Siran".

"I'll try to keep that in mind" Siran says.

When life is only fair by being unfair to everyone, then it comes a time when people have to stand up for what’s right. There’s no time to wait for heroes, this is the time to galvanize.

LeoFraustcreators' thoughts
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