
Together Again

Myria looked at everyone's reaction vary. Some couldn't understand at all.

However, she knew that it wasn't that they couldn't understand, but they were disallowed from reaching the answer unless their karmic burdens or cultivation were high enough already. It wasn't like they couldn't grasp it, but when mentioned vaguely, it was even more difficult to grasp.

If she openly said it and if it conformed to the truth, then she might trigger a karmic burden on them as well.

Thinking that this curious bunch would dwell more into the unfathomable secrets of heaven and the universe, she opened her mouth.

"That's enough. Everyone should disperse if you have anything else important to do, as it is important that he gets to rest."

Myria panned her gaze at the others before she returned her gaze to her other half.

"Ellia, help me heal him."

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