
Aurora Cloud Gate's Reputation

Great Ancestor Zenflame and Great Ancestor Rocksunder also possessed a similar expression on their faces as Davis did. They were also gratified by this scene, seeing that the fourth inheritors were not opposed to participating in the Candidacy for their sake, realizing that they were solemn in their own way.

However, it seemed like they had made their decisions, which infuriated their powers. But it wasn't like they couldn't understand the thought process of their powers, wanting to be assured to the fullest.

"Although we have had our differences, I'd like to celebrate the fact that we have resolved our misunderstandings and chosen to compromise. Our clans would never target you again. You have my word. If I don't hold up my words, you can try to kill me as you have threatened us before. I accept challenges anytime."

"I'll still target you with my one-sided love, though."


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