
Struck By Fate

"The time has come." A purple-robed woman with a voluptuous figure spoke in a sexy voice.

"So quickly?"

A crimson-robed, icy-crimson-haired beauty squinted her brows, appearing to frown.

"It doesn't matter." Another beauty who wore a golden robe cast a confident smile, "I presume that this information has directly been transmitted to us through some kind of karmic connection we have with the inheritance, so our emperor must be unaware. Let's inform him."

"I agree."

The other two nodded, quickly calling a black-robed woman who appeared in front of them like a ghost. Regardless, they weren't intimidated by the pressure but, instead, even seemed to exude a similar pressure as they explained the situation to her, causing the black-robed woman's eyes to widen.

"Such a thing happened?"

"Indeed. Make sure you inform husband, Nadia."

"Will do."

Nadia solemnly nodded at Evelynn, Isabella, and Shirley.

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