
Traces Of Similar Myth

Walking outside the Mission Hall, he saw many grandiose buildings and in the distance, spotted a board above a structure which said Cloud Spring Treasury.

He took out his new badge and sent soul force into it. Information flowed into his mind.


Status: Warrior

Cloud Spring Points : 0


'This seems similar to jade slips I read in the novels.

This should be made from a combination of formations, albeit a little complex...' He thought, 'Can I tamper with this?'

'No... It'll probably break...' Davis shook his head.

He decided to visit the Treasury later as going now would only be useless.

'Going to my room now would be boring... Let's explore the headquarters for a bit...' Deciding so, he started to roam around.

Walking around at a slow pace, he observed the people who were passing by him to and fro, looking at him in a strange light.

He heard before that there's a population of around 400,000 Mercenaries in the Cloud Spring Mercenaries.

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