
Acting like a fool (2)

Redakteur: Misty Cloud Translations

She gave a sharp shrill and covered her face immediately.

"You… you actually dare… dare to push the screen… you've gone overboard, too malicious! Go away quickly! Go away!"

Huang Yueli gave a cold smile as she said, "Feng Xiaoyan, touch your own conscience and ask yourself, who is the one who went overboard? Who's malicious? You're the one hiding behind the screen pretending to cry, finding some shameless things to be witnesses and you think that you are able to frame me? If I were to say, your state today is something that you've reaped on your own! It's retribution!"

Feng Xiaoyan's miserable state was exposed in front of the crowd and she felt extremely embarrassed. Her heart was originally anxious and awkward and now that she had been criticised by Huang Yueli, she was on the verge of a breakdown.

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