
This Can't Be

Lilith watches over her sleeping brother with worry. She had to knock him out or he was going to blow us all to hell... I never thought he would do something so... extreme...sigh. "You should get some rest.. I will watch over him." Ren says laying a gentle hand on Lilith's shoulder.

Lilith looks at Ren and sighs. She lays a hand on Rune's and squeezes before getting up and leaving. She didn't know what to make of all this.. She had no idea the human would really die.. I have no idea how Rune will handle this.. if he even can. How bad was this going to destroy Rune? .. Only time will tell but Lilith vowed in her heart, that she would be there for her brother.. no matter how bad it gets.


I open my tired eyes and find Nexus looking down at me. "I guess this is it..." I say and watch Nexus nod his large head. "Thank you for helping me get rid of the crazy, evil psycho... I couldn't have done it without you." I say with a small smile and watch as Nexus returns it.

"Nah.. that was all you. You didn't need any of my help. I have made you a soft bed of moss and flowers... it's not much but it's all I have." Nexus says and I look to find that I am indeed laying on a bed made of moss and flowers. I smile at the thoughtfulness.

I look up to find the top of the cave and what looks like millions of stars "Are those stars or are they something that resembles stars..." I ask in wonder. Nexus looks up and grins. "They are my brethren... they are all gone now and this is what is left of them. I stay and guard them.. keeping watch and keeping them safe."

He moves closer to me and lays a blanket made of moss over me but it does little to chase the cold away. "I was suppose to meet my other brethren but I can not leave this cave.. I can't bring them home.. I can't protect them. I ran into an accident and lost most of my power and now I am nothing... I will also perish in the years to come."

I don't do anything but listen to his story and I find peace in it... but something nags at me. His breathren? Waiting for him? Why does this sound so familiar? The moss he placed on me begins to warm and I look down in wonder. "How is it warming?" I ask in confusion and Nexus laughs.

"Silly little one.. I am connected to nature in this world.. I was from the beginning and I will return to nature when I leave." Nexus looks back up to the stars lost in thought and my sleepy brain suddenly comes to life. "When you get closer to.. dying.. what will happen to you?" I ask suddenly nervous.

Nexus doesn't look away from the stars as he says "I was going to turn into a tree... a grand tree. I was suppose to meet my brothers but... I will never get that chance." My head spins at the possiblities and I shake my head. It can't be... there's no way.. but if I remember correctly the old tree had said they were waiting.. were they waiting for Nexus??

I lift my shaky hand to the necklace Rune had given me and remove the seed. "Nexus.." I call and lift my hand up to him, offering the seed. The second Nexus saw the seed he froze. His eyes began to glow an errie blue and I watch in wonder when the seed does the same.

"Where... where did you get this little one.." Nexus ask in a low shaky voice and I say "Remember how I got here? The old trees.. I wasn't sure but hearing you talk about it made me think that... that they might be your breathren." Nexus lifts a clawed hand and the seed lifts up and drifts over to him. He holds it like it's made of glass and I suddenly feel like I've done something right since coming here.

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