MARVEL fan gets reincarnated in MARVEL i dont own MARVEL only my mc
So there i was, Jack Frost – a huge MARVEL fan.
I was nearing a crosswalk, BUT then a fucking wasp started buzzing around my waist, i tried to shoo it away i thought 'its probably bothering me because some ice cream fell on my as*'.
Then it hit him he was standing in the middle of the crosswalk, and there was a litteral high speeding truck coming at me.
Before i could even get scared i heard a *squeel* and a cracking *crunch*.
Then everything went dark
.... after like 30 seconds everything went white.
There was laughter coming but i was too angry to care.
I screamed FUCK!!!!
After ten minutes i calmed down and checked my suroundings though everything was just white.
Then i finally reacted to the laughter. There was a guy resembling Jesus laughing his ass off.
I sheepishly with a emberassed face said "hi".
Jesus laughed a little more then wiped his tears.
He said "hello my son".
We stayed quiet, then Jesus said while smiling "i can reincarnate you, with three wishes you know".
I said "really? And why"
Jesus said "yes, and because your very amusing"
I said "okay, can i start naming them".
Jesus said "sure, go ahead"
So i started "firstly, i want to be reincarnatedin marvel. Secondly, i want to be extremely smart. Thirdly give me a 1000000X system".
God said "i can do the first two but the third wish is too much".
Jack said "then give me a 10X system"
Jesus – " ok "
I am thinking 'shit i should have asked for 100X'.
But then i was standing in the middle of New York.
I was thinking ''ahh sheet i thought it was my delusion''. But i didn't get any time to think because i heard shouting, there was a policeman running at me he probably found me popping out suspicious.
I explained to the policeman that i got lost, he asked for my name, i said ''hi my name is Jack''.
He told me to stop scaring people standing around like i was on drugs.
I chuckled and told him i was on my way.
I went to the park, then i sat on a bench and whispered "STATUS"
*wasp hive wand*
*description*= LMAO get boddied ]
Jack had a deranged smile on his face because of rage, after he got made fun of AND after he died thanks to a wasp.
I said "im gonna kill every, last, single, WASP".
I started laughing crazily.
I arranged my thoughts and decided that i should work at Oscorp to get the spider syrum. He could make it to OScorp because of his second wish *extremely smart*.
And after that i should create my own company to get lots of MONEY.