
The Generous Undead King.

Dave appeared in the Bone Palace, standing in the Undead King's audience hall.

The king looked warmly down at Dave from his throne, like a father looking at a son.

"You have heard by now that the Demon King and the Church are to become allies."

Dave nodded.

"Those two factions do not trust each other, it will take time for them bring their unified forces to bear.

"You have grown quickly, my Childe. That is a good and necessary thing, for to serve your king and defend our Kin against the demons and the Church you must continue to grow ever stronger!"

"I will do my utmost to stand against our enemies," Dave replied.

"When I look at you, young draugr, I remember another of my Children. He was brave and powerful. Like you, he rose in rank and garnered achievements too numerous to count. He was faithful before Death and after...for a time.

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