
Ki Control and Ki Sense

After two years of training like this Grandmaster Long finally said I was ready to learn to fight. Thus began a new set of exercises which were much stricter, for Grandmaster Longs school did not have a set of special forms but used Ki to enhance the basic forms of martial arts. Grandmaster Long said that the strongest martial artist was not necessarily the one with the most powerful Ki but the one with the most control. As long as I could master complete control of my body's Ki I would be able to utilize all sorts of useful and powerful Ki techniques.

However before I could control my Ki I first had to be able to sense it. Although I had been meditating for 2 years already to enhance and purify my Ki, I still could not easily sense my Ki. Over the past 2 years there had been a few times while I was in the midst of meditating that I had briefly sensed the Ki within me flowing smoothly along what Grandmaster Long said was the "Microcosmic Circuit" however this feeling would only last for a few seconds before being lost.

In order for me to be able to sense my Ki Grandmaster Long decided to teach me Tao Yin and Tai Chi. Tao Yin would help me gain flexibility and develop what Grandmaster Long called "Minds Eye-Heart Power", which I would couple with Tai Chi which promotes balance of the self, which Grandmaster Long said was the first step towards control of self and in turn Ki Control.

I took another 2 years before I was able to freely sense the Ki within my body. Despite my own belief Grandmaster Long said I was a talented genius since it usually took at least twice as much time for most gifted martial artists to sense their body's Ki. After 4 years of diligently training I could easily sense my Ki, which had grown to nearly 4 times the average humans. Grandmaster Long using the power level system from Dragon Ball would jokingly say that I had started with a power level of 10 and now had a power level of 40 but I still had a long way to reach Grandmaster Roshi.

Taking these words to heart I continued to assiduously train every single day. After one year of training I had basic Ki Control. The following year I had achieved advanced Ki Control. After three long years of tirelessly training I had mastered Ki Control and was able to freely control all of the Ki within my body moving anywhere I wanted or sealing it within my body.

Being able to suppress ones Ki and prevent it from leaking out was apparently very important according to Grandmaster Long, who said just like in Dragon Ball skilled and powerful martial artist's could use Ki Sense to detect a person's Ki. Grandmaster Long apparently had also mastered Ki Sense and was able to detect even the weakest persons Ki for miles around him, which explained why he had always easily won when we would "train" my stealthiness by playing hide and seek.

Now that I had mastered Ki Control Grandmaster Long said I was ready to learn Ki Sense or Ki Detecting. The ability to sense my own Ki that I had already learned which apparently was just initial Ki Sense was just the basic requirement to learn Ki Control and not the Ki Sense Grandmaster Long planned to teach me. Grandmaster Long explained that Ki Sense was the ability to sense the location, amount and type of Ki all around you. The range of what you were able to sense would depend on first the level of mastery of Ki Sense one had attained and secondly how much Ki one possessed.

Ki Sense training was actually easier than Ki Control training. Grandmaster Long and I would simply sit facing each other with a distance of no more than 2 feet apart, then would close our eyes and meditate. While I would try to Sense Grandmaster Long's Ki he would release enough Ki to radiate a power level of 50. After another year of continuous hard training I finally had basic Ki Sense and could sense Ki within 5 feet of me. After another year I managed to increase my range tenfold reaching 50 feet. The following year I once again increased my range another tenfold reaching 500 feet.

Now with both Ki Control and Ki Sense Grandmaster Long began to spar with me, saying that while I had a strong foundation I was still lacking the most important part for one to become a powerful martial artist, experience. At first we fought slowly as Grandmaster Long explained the various tactics and techniques of using Ki when one fights, using it to strengthen attacks and ones defense while also increasing ones speed of movement then once I had a few days to practice he no longer spoke simply attacked.

Every day after that he would attack me randomly, day or night, asleep or awake, while i was eating or studying, even if I was showering or on the toilet, I quickly learned that no place was exempt from Grandmaster Long's merciless assault as he continued to ambush me, raining down a few precise powerful strikes with his Ki infused fist's before retreating far away in an instant leaving the demeaning sound of his mocking laughter in his wake.

The worst part was that at the exact moment he attacked he would suddenly shout "OPENING" causing me to momentarily pause out of shock.

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