
Buy 0 Get 2 Free

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Universe Store is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! I Am A Customer Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

[User can now purchase from and sell to the Universe Store. Do not forget to tip Master Rabbink after every purchase, Gwahahaha!]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Universe Core is unlocked.]

[Sending the knowledge to the user! Core Management Skill Lv 1 is unlocked.]

The Rabbink was unhappy after giving these skills to Trevon. He hadn't paid the kowtow, but Trevon already had 2 extra free skills. Was there any merchant who made a buy 0 get 2 free promotion?

But Master Rabbink knew that he couldn't do anything. Based on the manual, 'The Complete Dummies Guide to Teach A Donkey into A God', it was told that those two skills were obliged to be given as the first bonus from the first lesson.

Trevon took some time to absorb all new knowledge. He started to check the first skill. The first skill, I Am A Customer, was an important skill. He could access the universe store from anywhere, anytime he wanted. He tried to use the skill. Trevon needed to close his eye to use this skill.

[Welcome to the Universe Store!]

An image of a very tall building with some strange music appeared in his mind. He could see it while he was closing his eye. [The many firecrackers, the extravagant light, and the new beat were totally the kind store that Rabbink will make.] He was standing in the front of a big building.

Trevon tried to move his real body before he heard the Rabbink spoke. "Hey! You don't need to move your real body! You almost hit this handsome Rabbink. Just imagine that you move in your imagination!"

Trevon then did the same thing as the Rabbink said. When he got close to the door, the door was automatically opened. Trevon looked around, there was nobody there. [Is this building operated by a ghost? There is nobody who opens the door]

"Hey! That is an automatic door!" The Rabbink in real-world spoke to Trevon. He could hear the Rabbink voice.

When he entered the building, he felt the store was cold. [This is comfortable.] There were long shining artifacts. [Wow, so cool! Can I take it?] Trevon tried to grab one of the artifacts hanged on the ceiling. It was very similar to light stone, but this was bigger. [This must be expensive.]

"Hey! That is my lamp. For the last time do not touch anything, not from your world. You will get heavenly tribulation to bring an advance product to a backward realm."

This stopped Trevon from trying to get the strange artifact called 'lamp'. He didn't want to get a heavenly tribulation. [But, why did that Rabbink called my world backward? Bluestar is number 2 after the capital in the new trend.] Trevon felt insulted. He was one of the most updated and trendiest young master in BlueStar.

He then looked around. The building had many cabinets to put numerous products. The cabinets were too large. It was similar to a library. [Is this a shop? Why does it feel like a library? Another new trendy store?] He had visited another store like this, the unique Verdant Valley. Yet even that herb store was not this big.

[Where are the attendants?] Trevon thought. He was alone in the big building. Most store only served the customer before the sales counter.

He read several words above each alley. There were 'Weapon, Armor, Potion, Talisman, General Artifact, Spirit Herb, and many more'. [What is this?] Trevon wondered. The store was very cold, unlike the open store concept from his world. There were numerous items, but somehow, they were hazes. He couldn't touch, pick, or see their real form. Yet, he knew there were the products there.

"You could only purchase the things that you had sold to the store previously." The Rabbink said. "Try to check weapon alley! Go find the sword cabinet!"

Trevon moved to the weapon alley. There were numerous cabinets as far as his eyes could see. He tried to move, somehow, he could walk very fast and the best of all he didn't feel tired. He would already complain if he needed to walk this much in the real world.

Unlike the previous cabinets, where the products were hazy. There were some real products here. [Hey! These are my swords. This is the best sword I have.] He looked into the product. A panel appeared.

[Dark Demon Slayer Sword]

[Is this the real name of the sword?] He thought.

"Yes, that is the first name it had. This one was given by its creator." The rabbink said. "Only if the sword later got a more famous name or title. We, the universe store, will change the name."

Trevon looked into the product once again. He can't imagine that one day he looked into a product in an imagination. He picked the sword. Some additional panels appeared.

[Description: This is the sword created by Belder the Blacksmith 1.220.512 years ago. Made from the combination of Iron, Tigertooth, Dark Tiger's Blood, and Star Stones. This was his final masterpiece. The sword was famous when it used to slay the haunting Dark Demon in Invernia Castle.]

[Buying Price: 102.356.000 Energy]

[Selling Price: 122.827.200 Energy]

[Wow! It was over 1 million years old. What are these 2 prices?] Trevon asked. He didn't know what the energy was.

"Buying price was the core energy that we give for the sword when you sell it to us. Selling price is the amount of core energy you need to pay if you want to purchase a copy of the sword from us. We charge a very cheap margin of 20% just to copy the sword. I really felt made a loss, but the Light decided the margin before." The rabbink seemed sad. It knew the benefit of cloning an item, it is very cheap. Nevertheless, the Light is his boss, the owner of the universal store. The rabbink only had 1% share so he could only lose on the voting decision.

[F*CK!!!] Trevon screamed in his mind. [Who sells this sword to you? I didn't want to sell this sword to you! You took it by force!] He was reminded of his lost assets.

[What is this price?] Trevon really cried. He liked the sword so much. His father even said it was a good sword. [If I want to buy the copy back, I need to pay 122.827 spirit stones.] He hated when he thought this.

"No! You need to pay 122.828 spirit stones. We give change in core energy." Master Rabbink corrected.

[I bought it for only 1.286 spirit stones before!] Trevon screamed. He didn't know why he needed to pay almost 10 times more to repurchase his own sword. Taking that ring that day was really the beginning of his nightmare. If Jerry and the six-men heard this they would spit blood. They needed to harass the previous owner for an entire week before the person decided to sell the sword to their young master.

"I only count the energy worth of a product. The more energy an item worth, often it was better. It is the fairest valuation. I had calculated the mastery of the maker, the material used, the endurance, the quantity remained, even the killing intent inside. I even paid 102.356.000 energy when I converted it for you. Even all parts of the product were perfected by This Rabbink. We even removed all damages from the product."

Trevon was frustrated. He was the only one who harassed people to sell their item to him. This time he tasted his own medicine. This Rabbink was more unreasonable. He just took things without even harassing first.

[I had to buy this sword first.] Trevon decided to get the sword back first, he liked it so much. He never knew the sword was very strong. He truly made lots of profit back then.

[Do you want to pay 122.827.200 energy for a Dark Demon Slayer Sword?] He heard that Seiyuu's voice again.

[Yes, give me back my sword.] Trevon thought. A sword appeared in Trevon's hands in the store. When Trevon opened his eyes on his real body, he was still in the same dark place, but he had a sword in his hand similar to the Trevon in the store. The sword really looked new. All previous usage was disappeared. Even the damage that the sword had was gone. [But as a repairing service, this 20% charge was too much.] Trevon complained in his heart.

"Welcome back to the real world! Hope you enjoy your shopping with the Universe Store! Badum... Badum... Badum..." The rabbink sang the store jingle. This was the same strange song Trevon heard when he entered the shop. It didn't care about the complaint, is not like his store has a competitor.

"Now, the ring won't eat my sword again?" The last disappearance of his assets made Trevon trauma.

"Of course not! As long as it managed to absorb 200.000.000 worth of energy it could restart itself." Master Rabbink smiled. He just got 20.471.200 energy profit from the transaction. His 1% share could net him 204.712 energies. That was 204 spirit stones. Gwahahaha. [I should steal his treasure again.] Master Rabbink could pay his equipment rental fee soon.

Trevon put the sword in his storage ring. He also took it out again to check. [The sword is fine.] He felt a big burden was removed from his shoulder. There was no defect with his storage ring. Just some stupid ring messed things up. [Wait! Where is the cursed ring?]

"You are looking for the ring?" Master Rabbink asked. Trevon nodded.

"It has turned into the core of this universe. Try to use your second skill!"

Trevon used his Core Management skill. This skill required him to blink his eyes. He appeared above a cloud.

[F*ck! I will fall.] He thought. He fell into his buttock. [Wait! I am alive.]

"Don't be that backward!" Master Rabbink appeared next to him. "Look above!" Master Rabbink materialized a finger pointed above.

A huge dark ball was floating, the diameter was 500 meters.

"That is the real thief. I am a pure and fair Rabbink."

"Whoaaa!" Trevon was shocked. There was a magnificent aura coming from the dark ball.

"This is the seed of a universe! The core! This core can expand your universe." Master Rabbink explained. No matter how many times it saw the core, the same magnificent feeling was there. "This core is powering your Planet Making skill."

"Is this mine?" Trevon asked. He didn't know about this thing, he might even can't lift it. But he wanted it, no, it seemed the thing was him.

"Yes, it had already merged its destiny with you. It is part of you. You need to give it more energy to grow, but you just purchase some sword. Gwahahaha. It used to be 2 times bigger than this."

Trevon somehow felt some regrets. He didn't know. He really wished this thing to grow bigger, bigger, and bigger. [What a strange feeling!]

"Do you want to know the trick to get free energy to make it grow?" Master Rabbink put a bait.


"Kowtow before this Master Rabbink then! Gwahahaha."

"WHAT?! I don't want to know then."

"Hey! I will give you a discount! How about a half-kowtow?"


"A quarter! That is my final price."

"No. No negotiation."

[F*CK! Based on the manual, an Apprentice God need to be told about this thing.] Master Rabbink fell into a deep thought. "Fine, I will give you a 100% discount. You didn't need to kowtow."

"Hehehe. That is great. I know you are a good, handsome, and kindhearted Rabbink." Trevon said.

"Gwahahaha! That is me, Master Rabbink the Creator." The Rabbink felt something was wrong, but it felt happy being told handsome by other people. If only he had a mother rabbink, then he would be told handsome more.

"Fine, try to use 'Core Management' skill again! This time use this on the core. Next time, you could go directly to the Core." Master Rabbink intentionally made every apprentice saw the magnificent core first.

Trevon used the skill and found he teleported to a big room. There were multiple monitors in the room. [How did I know this is a monitor? Perhaps it comes from one of the skills.] He thought.

He looked around. There are over 100 monitors in the black room. Lots of data and information was there. He didn't know what he should do.

"Just sit in one of the chairs!" Master Rabbink guided him. Trevon did as he was told.

"You had that 'Tablet Using' skill, right? This is similar. You can consider this as a one-app-only tablet. You only need to type on the panel in front of you. The monitor will give you the response." Master Rabbink guided him.

After being in front of the panel, Trevon saw multiple buttons as the option, but all of them was grayed. Only 3 options were unlocked.

He pressed the first one. A panel appeared on the monitor.


[Core Name: Unnamed]

[Do you want to name the Core?] He heard Seiyuu again.

[Wohooo! Who should I name this? Cecillia or Margareth? Seiyuu? Hm... I can't think about this. Wait! I will use the name of my first girlfriend to remember our relation. Hehehe.]

[Just keep it unnamed for now!] Trevon answered. He hadn't had any girlfriend. He was rejected after every first date.

[Core will be kept 'Unnamed' for now. It will be automatically named as the first girlfriend of the God.]

[Wait!!! Oh, No. I was joking before.] Trevon didn't know this thing could read his mind like Master Rabbink.

[Do you want to change the name of the Core? You need to pay energy. God doesn't have enough energy. Option removed.]

[F*CK! How many zeroes is that?] Trevon was surprised. He didn't know that changing name was one of the most difficult things in real life and virtual life. He didn't know, but he wouldn't regret this decision.

Trevon continued to see the other panels.

[Core Energy: 90.193.112]

[Core Status: Lv 1 – Mortal Core]

[Universe Population: 1] [This one is me] Trevon thought.

[Universe Planet: 1]

"You need to increase the planet and the population to increase your core level. The higher your core level, you can unlock more lessons from me and more options from the panel. Gwahahaha! Don't you feel your core energy being too low by the way?"

"Then check the second option on the panel."

Trevon checked the second available option.

[Summon Demon Beast]

He saw the last option. [Planet Making]

[This must be the same as Planet Making skill.] Trevon thought about the last option. He pressed the second available option.

The panel on the monitor changed into a blank one. There was no more option after this Summon Demon Beast.

"You will need to bring a demon beast from your universe to this universe for an option to appear." Master Rabbink informed. "I will give you a free option. It was the reward to open this option."

[Common Rabbink is available.]

There is another option on the panel appeared after the 'Summon Demon Beast' panel.

[Common Rabbink Lv 0 - Rank 0 - 1 Energy]

Trevon didn't like to be forced like this, yet he only had this option. So, he selected the common rabbink. Nothing happened. Trevon kept pressing the button again and again.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop that!" Master Rabbink complained. "Just press it once! You have pressed 20 times, use [Status] to check."

Trevon checked the [Status]. Everything still the same, except:

[Universe Population: 21]

[What?] Trevon wondered.

"Use your Core Management Skill to back to your last position before coming into the Core. The last option, 'Planet Making' is the same as your 'Planet Making' skill."

Trevon used the Core Management skill and found that he was in the same 25 square meters area, his first planet. There were 20 white baby Rabbink jumped here and there.

"Wow! Look at those cute Rabbink! Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink laughed. It patted those little rabbinks. Each of them only a hundredth of Master Rabbink size, the normal size a common baby rabbink should be.

"These rabbinks would be your first citizen, like every Apprentice God before you." Master Rabbink felt proud.

"What is these rabbinks about?"

"This rabbink was summoned from the core. The core could create creatures as long as it had a DNA sample. But the core didn't make a clone. This is a creation ability bestowed by The Light. Each was a different rabbink. Their gender was randomized, the same as their attributes. Try to use your Scout skill!"

Trevon tried to use his Scout.

[Potential: 0/0]

[Potential: 0/0]

[Potential: 0/1]

[Potential: 0/0]

"There is one who was different." Trevon said. He stopped after 4 tries. This time using the skill was very easy. It didn't cost him too much of his spiritual energy.

"Yup! That rabbink has a chance to reach Lv 1, or a Primary Rank 1 demon beast." Master Rabbink answered.

"Is this possible?" Trevon knew rabbink could only reach maximum Rank 0.

"It is still weak though, nobody could see the difference." Master Rabbink said.

"Why do you told me to summon demon beasts?" Trevon asked. It was also another thing that bothered him.

"Do you know cultivator are stealing the core energy and make it their own?" Master Rabbink asked.

Trevon was an Apprentice God, at this time he knew about that. He was even afraid to cultivate before this. No, he was not afraid, he was just lazy and looking for a reason not to cultivate. "Yes?"

"Demon Beasts are unlike human or other cultivators. They create their own cores from the food." Master Rabbink materialized a common rabbink picture.

"The demon beast turned normal energy from food, into a core energy or what you called spiritual energy. They used the energy in their core to fight, to summon powerful ability. This process of summoning powerful abilities or martial arts for cultivator were returning those energies back into the universe. Every cultivator's martial art, every demon beast's ability is the trade between an individual and the universe. The universe lends a small power and the creature paid the fee by using core or spiritual energy." There was an animation of energy came into rabbink from food, and rabbink used an ability to return the energy.

"The same also happened when a demon beast or even a cultivator dies. All energy inside their body will be returned to the environment. This is why the energy on any demon beast core would disappear if not put in a jade box. Even when using the jade box, there would be some loss of energy. This is also why God didn't care about cultivators even if they use demon beast's core or even stealing the core energy. As long as those cultivators die, the stolen energy would be returned back to the Core, to the God." The drawing was showing a dead rabbink. Its energy was returned to a big black circle.

"Do not kill these rabbinks directly! They are still babies, you haven't got your investment back." Master Rabbink guessed Trevon intention. Trevon almost wanted to throw those little rabbinks to the sky.

"Rabbinks are the most efficient food-to-spiritual-energy converter. They eat everything and breed fast no matter where. If you can breed your own rabbinks you will get huge profit." Master Rabbink materialized multiple clapping hands. "This is why every apprentice God fist demon beast was always rabbink. Every piece of land you step was the blood and body of rabbinks' ancestors. Pray to the Rabbink God, Me! Gwahahaha."

"This is great, right? Don't you feel happy? You have just created your first baby!"

[A baby rabbink? And 20 at the same time?] Trevon felt disappointed. He had hoped he could create a smart, handsome baby like himself. Of course, especially the joining part necessary to create a baby. He never knew he could make a baby just pressing a button.

"Wait! Can I make a human baby using the Core?" Trevon asked.

"Yes, you can. This is what I said before. You could create your own Golden Elves Harem. HweHweHwe."

"How do I do that?" Trevon asked with a smiling face.

"Just level up your core! You could open the option someday." Master Rabbink answered. [Yes, someday. Gwahahaha. I will put the option on Lv 100 – Divine Core. Can I change that or not? I need to read the manual.] It pondered.

"HweHweHwe. I will work hard." Trevon was motivated. "The first step is to find a crystal fox, it would be better. HweHweHwe." He could make more demon beast baby using the core.

[You didn't know a Crystal Fox needs to be an immortal before it can turn into Demon?] Master Rabbink didn't tell this to Trevon of course. Currently, He was very dedicated to the job.

"Wait! I need to go back if I want to start finding a crystal fox." Trevon said. "How do I get back?"

"You need to use the core's function." Master Rabbink answered. "There should be an option to return to your own universe. You will appear in the last place that you teleported to this universe. It will be free. Gwahahaha." [Wait! Perhaps I should make the gate charge some toll fees for free players.]

"Sorry, it is 1 energy per transportation. Gwahahaha." A blue and red cloud appeared above Master Rabbink's head. "Wait! It was free, it was free. FREE!!! My main body wasn't fun." It complained.

Trevon was relieved, at least this Rabbink couldn't lie to him. Perhaps it would get a heavenly tribulation if It lied. He used the 'Core Management' skill. He directly appeared inside the core room this time. He went to the panel, and 2 new options appeared.

[Exit Control Room] [This must be on how I return to the Cloud space outside. Could I put demon beasts there?] Trevon thought.

[Universe Portal] [This must be the option to go back.]

He selected the [Universe Portal] option.

[User will be returned to the previous universe using the last location. Is that Ok?] A prompt panel appeared in Trevon head. He also heard the Seiyuu's voice.

[OK] He answered.

"Wait!" Master Rabbink said. "I suggest you keep this a secret! You might get killed if people know you had the ring. Only by killing you people will get the ring!" Master Rabbink shouted.

Trevon was back to his own universe. [Good Riddance!] He thought.

Chapter for 11/07/2018. Finally Trevon returned to his real world. After not paying this Rabbink the kowtow.

Please vote with Power Stone!

Thank you for MrDhull and WintersEnd for double Power Stone again! For YinBenkey for the Power Stone! Thanks for the support.

53 Chapters in Storage. I was busy today. Gonna write Chapter 72 and 73 today. I try to make the pace faster and removed some filler plots.

MasterRabbinkcreators' thoughts
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