

Inside the dining hall, there were the other Members of the order who were each sitting at their spots at the table. Mad-Eye Moody was sitting on Dumbledore's right while Severus was on his left. Others were sitting at the long table and they included Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks just to name a few.

Dumbledore gestured for the newcomers to take a seat and waited for them to take their places. After everybody was seated, Ron and Hermione on Harry's sides, Dumbledore began his report.

"This meeting was called because of the individual that I have just encountered. As many of you are aware, I was just at Hogwarts seeing the new candidates for joining the school and I met an incredibly dangerous entity.

This individual is a great threat and I have no clue what his motives or goals, he did tell both Severus and I that he was assigned to teach in Hogwarts because of the so-called subpar education level.

Naturally when Hogwarts was insulted Severus retaliated and verbally defended the insults before insulting the entity. When he realized that he couldn't win he decided to use legilimency on me and almost overcame my defenses.

Since there was no proof he entered the board room and appears to have gotten the job if the fact that they finished the interviews after his one means something. This thing is a member of the Dark Lords' Court and a high ranking member at that. I believe that there is a chance that he used his legilimency to control them and take the position.

He isn't a wizard or even human in this regard, instead, he is some sort of dark creature or being, an extremely powerful one at that. I believe that he could very well hurt the students if he wishes too. I am not aware of his true form and this could mean that he is a potential B-A class being."

"Albus, surely you don't mean it? I mean If this was true then you wouldn't have let him be hired." Molly said after a dramatic gasp.

"As much as I wished to forbid him from joining Hogwarts, he is a part of the Dark Lords' Court, an organization that has the most amount of resources in the known magical world. This means he can easily bribe many of the members of the board as they too are either too greedy or are members of the Court themselves. And those that resisted were confounded or mind controlled." Dumbledore answered Molly's question.

"The Court has ties to every type of magical creature community, dark or not. And they don't have a problem forcing others to obey their will. The ministry itself is wary of the organization and if push comes to shove, they won't stand in the Court's way."

"Professor, why don't you just fire him as soon as he arrives?" Hermione asked. "If he is such a dangerous individual can't you just fire him?"

"Hermione my dear if it was that simple, I wouldn't have brought this up, but since you have unfortunately I cannot. He isn't going to slip up that easily or do anything incriminating and will not do anything that can cause anyone to point any fingers at him. I hope that answers your question."

"It did thank you, professor." The know-it-all bowed her head in thanks and was silent, waiting for the headmaster to continue his speech.

"This individual is from the Dark Lords' Court, I have managed to learn that he is a high ranking executive and should be dangerous and powerful to reach such a level in that organization.

From what we have gathered, to reach such heights in an organization like this he must have done many horrendous crimes that are too horrid to name here."

Dumbledore finished his views on Kai and addressed the children. "I hope that you do your very best to stay away from this person until I manage to send him away. He is incredibly dangerous and his goals could have many things that are to related to you." He looked at Harry before continuing "Keep your distance and try your best to hide and make your presence as miniscule as possible."

When the headmaster said the last sentence, he looked directly at Hermione, who blushed in embarrassment as she usually caused much commotion and liked to flaunt her knowledge.

After saying his report and warning he let the rest of the members bring up other subjects that would be a cause to look out for.

The meeting continued for another hour before it was finished. Harry and the rest of the teenagers left the dining hall quickly and ran to Harry and Ron's room.

It was the largest and therefore the best to use when everybody wanted to talk. "This is terrible," Hermione said after closing the door. "We have a new threat coming to Hogwarts now and I cannot believe that Professor Dumbledore cannot do a thing to stop him for the moment."

"Well, Dumbledore hasn't failed once yet and has managed to vanquish 2 dark lords so he will be able to kick a dark creature from school." Ron attempted to placate Hermione.

"Well…" Fred started. "Until he manages we will-" George continued and together they said, "Mess with him until he leaves himself."

"NO!" Hermione said firmly. "You can't risk angering him and receiving his ire. He is a dark creature and has no qualms about killing. You could end up in the hospital wing for weeks or worse in St. Mungo's and even end up dead."

Ron sensed the tense atmosphere and decided to try and reduce the tension. "What kind of creature do you think he is?" He asked in hope of changing the subject.

His attempt worked when Ginny answered the question, she had noticed his attempt and said "I think that he is going to look like a snake. With slit yellow eyes and a forked tongue along with a hiss in his words.

Some sort of serpentine creature for sure, snakes are known for their highly efficient minds and cunning nature. It would make sense that the entity would be one if he almost pierced Dumbledore's mental defenses."

Her joining in helped relieve the tension when Harry chimed in his opinion and said "I think that he is a Chimera, it is possible. I mean if he appeared in human form then he should be able to transform like a sort of reverse animagus, and a chimera has the greatest chance of transforming separate body parts to completely different forms."

"Harry that's just a myth, it was written in a Basic Guide to Dark Creatures and how to Avoid Them. To quote them "…while many believe that a Chimera can change its shape because of all of the different animal parts on its body, it never will..."

So, this explains that they never will. Also, you should know that a chimera is created through a dark ritual of magical creature melding. Professor Lupin taught us that two years ago."

Ron grinned when his plan worked and Hermione had returned to her usual informative state. Fred looked at Ron with a mischievous grin before saying "I don't think that it could be a dark creature, in fact, I believe that it is a werewolf. That makes sense you see-"

A werewolf wasn't a dark creature instead it was considered a dark being as they were conscious most of the time and only in their wolf forms would they be bestial bloodthirsty beasts.

George picked up where his brother left off. They always had this weird quirk where the other twin would always finish the first twin's sentences.

"- As you know they have two forms and they can easily kill in their wolf forms. It is obvious-" He leaned in and said to Ron, Hermione and Harry "you should know." Then gave a wink and leaned back.

"But for the meantime, we will be focusing on making more merchandise for the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes." After saying their part, the twins left their room to go work on another death trap.

Harry also left after Sirius called him from downstairs and immediately Hermione left as well, telling Ron that she had Snape's potions essay to finish. Ginny left with Hermione leaving Ron alone. "Did nobody want to hear my idea, I was the first one to propose this topic." He complained out loud.

Almost inaudibly he said, "Well I was going to propose that he is a vampire…"

Do the conversations in this chapter feel natural? I had some serious problems writing the conversations and they feel incredibly unnatural to me. I would love it if someone could tell me what to improve to give the conversations more life.

dragonfang1917creators' thoughts
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