
Add A Juice With It

Pu YunJi did not want to go back to school. He was having so much fun touring the world performing with his band mates. Being the youngest member, YunJi had received the most love from their measly amount of fans. However, they had spent almost 2 years and much money on this dream of theirs with not much rewards. All they got was a handful of fans who quickly went to chase another band as soon as they disband.

His parents were glad they disbanded though, as YunJi came from a family of very successful businessmen, doctors and lawyers. Him getting into the entertainment industry, especially before he is finished with his studies was majorly frowned upon in their gigantic and well-known family.

Just like his rotten luck! Pu YunJi is pretty sure his parents had a hand in bringing down the band and leading to them disbanding. And as soon as they were no longer together as a band, his parents plucked him up from the other end of the world, brought him back home, and very soon, had signed him up for college.

Urgh! Pu YunJi threw himself onto the sofa in his room. He would much rather throw something instead but most of the stuffs in his room are expensive and belonged to his parents instead. His eyes roamed around the room, noting that his room had not changed at all since the last day he spent at home 2 years ago before he went on tour. Whatever, it's not like he had a say in how it was designed in the first place. However, the more he stayed in the room, the more stifled he felt.

Unable to stand that feeling, Pu YunJi decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

At the kitchen, Pu YunJi is dumbfounded. It has been so long since he was home and all his stash of chips. cookies and snacks have long expired and thrown away. Now, the kitchen is stock up with only vegetable and fruits plus some whole grains. "Where's the fun in eating all this?", YunJI groaned.

A few moments, later, armed with a plater full of sandwiches (mostly tuna, the most unhealthy food he managed to find), Pu YunJi was heading up to his room when he bumped into the house butler - Housekeeper Fu. Housekeeper Fu passed a A4 envelope to him and said, "This is some background information of your school guide, Ma'am Pu asked me to remind you to do well this year or you will be put in a public school instead." Then, when Housekeeper Fu saw the food in Pu YunJi's hands, he suggested, "How about you add a juice with all that, young master?", before walking away.

Grunting, Pu YunJi struggled to go up the stairs with a A4 envelope in between his lips and a full platter on his hands which seems to be getting heavier by the second. Once he reached his room, the platter was immediately plonked down on his empty study table.

Picking up one of the sandwiches, Pu Yunji lied down on his sofa. Chewing while mumbling, he pondered out loud, "School guifff? Who needs fhose? Urgh wholefrain tastes fo bad! Whaa's a school guiff gonnaf help me wif? Whaa puflic school? Who faid I even wanna fo to school? Tsk!"

Remembering the envelop, Pu YunJi opened it and took out a couple of data paper full of information. From these informations, YunJi garnered that Qin XiuTing comes from a very poor family and only came to such a high and pristine private due to scholarships. However, she has never stopped working hard even though she has a scholarship. Instead, even at Year 1, she is already the top academic student and still works outside every free time she has to support her father and her studies.

Looking at her headshot[1] picture included in the documents, Pu YunJi sneered, "What a waste, pretty girl wasting her youth on studies. This is gonna be a long year with her guiding damn." He dreaded school already.

Thinking about school and how horrible wholegrain bread is compared to normal white bread, he forgot about how stifled he felt in this room and time passed very quickly. Soon, it was time for dinner. The Pu family had a tradition. Every time it is dinner, everyone has to be at the dining table. Even if they have no appetite of has nothing to share with each other over food, which most of the time is the case.

Hence when the dinner bell chimed softly from downstairs, Pu YunJi reluctantly dragged his body out the room, down the stairs and into the dining hall. Settling into his dining seat, he dragged over the pot of rice and spooned some into his bowl before someone knocked his hands away.

"Wha--" Looking back, he saw his mum, "Ma? Whats wrong?"

"You eat porridge." 3 simple words which makes Pu YunJi's feelings dropped once more that day.

"Your mum feels that you have been eating too much unhealthy food outside these few years," Pu Yunji's father stated matter-of-factly as a maid filled YunJi's bowl with wet, lumpy porridge from behind. "She also wants you to eat more greens so she reminded the cook to only cook one meat dish."

As Pu YunJi looked at the meat dish his father pointed out and his appetite is totally lost. It is minced meat on steamed tofu. Nonetheless, YunJi does not believe in wasting food so he ate his fill and left the dining hall for his room.

Lying on the bed that nigh, Pu YunJi misses his time on the road already.


[1] Headshot here does not literally means the headshot kill in video and online game! It means like a passport photo, a picture taken of you of your head to above your shoulders.

Im so sorry for the slow updates uwu! Trying my best to upload more, please do not hate me! :,-(

I tried my best and I feel you all are also a little tired of my updates so I burned some midnight oil for another chapter for all of you this week!

Do let me know what you think! :-)

Xeslynncreators' thoughts
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