
Front-line (11)

Max walked down the hall while looking around the place. The people were curious but did not approach him. He went to the infirmary to ask for the person in charge, following what his grandmother told him. There were no walls that divided this large hall, only curtains were drawn indicating that there is a person inside.

Max stood outside of one drawed curtain and announced his arrival. "Excuse me. I'm Max and I'm looking for the person in charge of the infirmary."

The curtains swayed as the person inside heard his voice. There was movement inside the curtains as steps were heard coming near his position.


The curtains moved and a person who looked to be in his 40's appeared. He had grey hair and a grey beard. It might be his natural color but Max was not sure. There are wrinkles that can be seen near his eyes and some lines on his forehead. While Max was observing the person in charge, the other person was doing the same. He was informed by the head that her grandson will be coming to assist while he was in the fortress. It was said that he is well versed in healing types of magic from light to heavy injuries. He happily accepted having a person with such capabilities under his wing. However, he did not expect the person to be so young. He looked at Max who seemed to be a teenager, a boy who is around 14 or 15 years old.

The head said that his potential is high, which is equivalent to a person being able to have high standings in the mage tower in the future. Having a good relationship with people who are able to climb to the upper echelons would surely be beneficial for his future.

The person in charge reached for Max's hand as a sign that he wanted to shake his hand as a greeting. Max took the other person's hand without hesitation and shook it once before letting go. This was the normal greeting for men in the human race.

"Welcome to our small infirmary. It may be small but we have a purpose in this fortress. We are here to support the soldiers who fight in the war, making sure that they can come back to their families alive." The person in charge said.

Max thought the statement was a bit lacking. Why are they only hoping for the person to return alive but not in a good condition? He did not ask for this as he knows in his heart, the answer.

War is inhumane.

You kill or you get killed, therefore, they do not have allowances for the opposing party. They give it their all, and that is to kill.

He understood what it meant but his heart could not bear to see his fellow countrymen dying. If they could do something shouldn't they help?

As healers, it is their calling to heal a person completely. Not by letting them live or survive but by letting them live as the same way they came as soldiers… complete!

He had these thoughts but he did not say it in front of the person in charge. Maybe he was too naïve and has not experienced a war that is why he had these thoughts. He would experience it himself to see if his belief would falter or if he can make a difference in the battlefield.

Max was having these thoughts while the person in charge continued to introduce Max to their procedures and assignments once the injured soldiers come in.

"You can call me Thomas. For now, I would like to introduce you to the other healing mages in the infirmary. In case something happens, it is best to know your fellow healers that may assist you if you are having difficulties." Thomas said kindly as he explained the ins and outs in the infirmary.

Hierarchy did not matter in the infirmary as they only have one purpose. To heal the injured! They heal everyone no matter who he is or what his family signifies. This was the rule of the infirmary.

Thomas and Max approached a group of men and women who are aged from 20's to their 40's. There are 7 who are currently in the infirmary at the moment but they totaled to 20 healers, not including Max and the Head which was Max's grandmother. Thomas explained this while he introduced the 7 people.

The people looked at Max with slight interest as they gave a precursory greeting. However, their interest did not last long as Thomas led Max to another destination.

"Since there are no attacks from the demon's army, there aren't many people who are in need of healing. A couple of injured soldiers from accidents, but they are minimal as you can see. There are fewer people in the infirmary but once there is a battle the other mages will gather here." Thomas wanted Max to be fully informed of the situation in the infirmary. He did not want Max to be lax as he was too young that inexperience with wars, or so he thought.

Max listened attentively to Thomas' explanations. He did not know how long before the elf's envoy will arrive so he made sure to be able to assist the other light mages while he was here. The elf's territory is said to be a month and a half travel by normal means. In that case, he wanted to see the demon race's battle prowess. He wanted to compare the demon that was summoned with the demons who are living in this world.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa.

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