
Waiting for Her

By next few days, it has widely spread in Ratanpur capital city that there is a very young saint present at Mahamaya temple who has arrived a few days before. Many people conjectured that he is the previous crown prince Veer Raj and when some devotees asked the young saint they only received a mysterious smile in return from him as a response.

These rumors also reached the royal palace and King Ritu Raj requested for attendance. Veer smiled and told the messenger to bring the King along with his family members. He smiled thinking of that playful prince of the past who is a responsible and famous King of Ratanpur in present.

On one afternoon, King Ritu Raj visited Veer at the temple. Two wives of Ritu Raj, Meena, and Shri Devi accompanied him. The location of the meeting is the backside of the temple where the precipice is.

Veer is standing few steps from the edge of the precipice while facing the valley in front. King and his wives approached him and stood behind him at a distance of a few meters.

Ritu Raj looked at the back of Veer and felt nostalgic and his eyes turned misty. He voiced hoarsely "Big Brother!!"

Veer slowly turned and looked at him and smiled. His smile is the smile of a saint, not attached to any ties, a smile of kindness and blessings. Veer looked at the two women beside him and nodded at them.

Meena cried seeing Veer and asked "Prince Veer! How have you been?" Shri Devi just stood at her place and looked at the expression of Veer with a face filled with guilt and sadness.

Veer looked at the expression of everyone and said while smiling "I have found what I needed to find." Then he looked at King Ritu Raj and said: "Now you should also put down your burdens of heart and do what your heart desires."

Seeing the expression of Shri Devi, Veer said "Are you still sad? Do you feel guilty? Scheming and jealousy at the age of adolescence are human nature and very few can be free from that. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Priya was also responsible for her own actions. So, you should put down all the feelings of remorse and concentrate on the things which are going to come."

"How could I put it all down? Because of me, you could not be together. She is dead and her reminders are everywhere." Shri Devi could not stop from tearing up.

Veer looked at his brother of the mortal world and said "You should stop being responsible for the love of your own brother and be true to your own feelings. Don't punish a grieving person and give her the love you feel for her. Don't destroy her current and next lifetime by reminding her about her mistakes."

Shri Devi fell down on her knees and started sobbing. This is true what Veer has mentioned. Due to the promise of Veer, Prince Ritu Raj was able to marry princess Shri Devi of Ambikapur kingdom but he never showed his affection to her because of what she has done to Veer and Priya. He has a prejudice against her because she is the reason his brother left everything. She has been living a life being resented and shunned by her own husband from last ten years.

King Ritu Raj said, "But she has made a mistake and she needs to be punished for that."

Veer smiled and said "But the crime she committed is not something you need to deliver punishment for. You should only be delivering her justice for your own feelings. The people who suffered have already forgiven her. Now you should also remove this burden from your heart."

"Meena! stop resenting her and treat her as the elder sister of Priya. Priya has already forgiven her, so no need for you to do this. Okay?" Veer asked Meena and smiled.

Then Veer looked at the crying Shri Devi and said: "Before anyone else forgives you, you have to forgive yourself."

"How can I forgive myself when I know what I did? This is my life and I have accepted it. Please do not tell me otherwise." Shri Devi said sobbing.

Veer looked at her and then smiled and said "Stand and come here" he mentioned the place few feet away in front from him. Shri Devi followed his instruction and stood in his front.

Shri Devi saw the index finger of Veer moving and next moment he tapped her at the middle of her forehead and she found herself falling into boundless space. She felt like she has entered into a dream. Next moment she is standing among the stars and many planets and meteorites moving around her.

She felt surprised and spooked at the feeling she got. The next moment she heard a burst of laughter and turned toward the source of laughter. She felt like crying seeing Priya standing hand in hand with Veer.

She mumbled with teary eyes seeing Priya "Sister! I am sorry."

Priya laughed and said "I was sad when I took the decision of leaving. But now when I think about it, it was not a bad decision. If I did not take that decision, I would have lost Veer." She then held her hand high along with the hand of Veer and said "See! Now we are together. We had some lucky encounters and finally, it all became good."

"Are you happy?" Shri Devi asked curiously.

Priya smiled and said "Elder Sister! I am really happy. In fact, I am happy that things happened the way they happened. If those things did not happen, who knows what would have happened later but now we are free from all the obstructions of the mortal world."

Then Veer said "But the question is, Are you happy now? I wanted to show you this so that you know that Priya does not blame you, So you should stop blaming yourself."

Shri Devi smiled amid her tears and said: "If Priya is happy then I really do not have any reason to not be happy."

Priya smiled and said, "Then I am happy for the sister."

Next moment Shri Devi found herself entering the dream again and then found that her reverie is broken and she is standing in front of Veer who is smiling at her.

She suddenly felt like she has dropped from the sky and felt like she has lost something. That feeling was too divine and suddenly she lost it.

She looked at the smiling face of Veer with a lost expression. She lowered her head and said to him "Thank You."

Veer smiled and said, "This is something which we have owed you." Yes, they have owed it to Shri. Even if Priya left the world, but they have found the eternal bliss due to the yogic practices of Veer and the support of fate. In a sense, it would not be fair for Shri Devi to live her life grieving when the ultimate outcome of her actions have become so positive for Veer and Priya.

King Ritu Raj and Meena saw the change in expression of Shri Devi and found that her gloomy face has turned into smiling one and her pitiful expression turned into a determined one. They felt like something has changed for consort Shri Devi but they could not pinpoint what it is.

Veer asked them to depart after some time and promised them to visit Ratanpur palace the next day. They left reluctantly. Previous Veer was no more and the present person is just an indifferent and aloof recluse.

Next day Veer left the temple to Visit the royal palace of Ratanpur. He passed through the main market of Ratanpur and smiled at curious and distracted people. He moved ahead amid the whispers and curious gazes of people. Many people even knelt on roadside seeing his attire of a sadhu and feeling his otherworldly aura.

Veer could only feel kindness toward the people of the mortal world. These worldly people respect ascetics thinking that they are the people who are nearest to God and can bless and ease their pains. People of the world are in pain or in happiness only due to worldly things but they are delusional to think that the blessing of someone can change everything without them understanding and working on the real cause.

Veer could only wish them to be happy but it will still ultimately depend on their own Karma. He slowly walked and entered the palace without being stopped by anyone. He directly entered the King's court in the palace.

Veer is welcome enthusiastically by everyone in the court and is seated at a seat which is at the same level as King Ritu Raj. Whole royal family including the Veer's father the previous king, Head Priest, Prime Minister, Other Ministers, His uncle Bhishma Raj and his two sons, Army commanders of four side and also city governess of many cities have hurried hearing the news of an important session today.

Veer found the mother of Priya, lady Mandakini also is present here and she is sitting with Shri Devi and he smiled at her. He did not need to ask why she is here. He already can understand the heart of a mother.

Veer took his seat and did not greet anyone as there is no need to do so because as a recluse his place is considered above all worldly people. He himself has forgotten the customs of the world or simply does not care. His father and mother felt sad seeing his distant and unemotional countenance but they still felt good that he did not look sad. In fact, seeing the expressions of many people Veer felt like he needs to provide an explanation to everyone and relieve them from their pain.

Veer looked at everyone and then his eyes met those misty eyes of the girl who is clutching the lapel of consort Shri and looking at him expectantly. Veer looked at the girl and seeing his adopted daughter Arya who is about fifteen years of age, his lips curved in a smile of adoration for the first time. He extended his hand toward her and she ran toward him and held his hand with flowing tears.

He made her sit beside her and said lovingly "You need to understand how to be happy and not care by the world because everyone is responsible for their own actions."

"I am crying because of you. You did not even remember me and left me here just like that." She mumbled and her expression looked pitiful.

Veer looked at the girl who is sitting beside him and pouting, he could not help remembering the first time he met her in the market. He remembered her complaining gaze due to hunger. He suddenly laughed and then stroked the hair of girl and responded to her questioning stare "I suddenly got reminded of a small girl of five years who blocked our path and complained that she was hungry."

Many people in court saw this side of Veer and their anxious hearts are a bit controlled and the atmosphere became a bit calmer.

Suddenly a person who is an important messenger from Ambikapur stood up and said "Respected King! Can you please address our request of help? I was told yesterday that it will be done first thing in today's session and that is why I am here."

Many people felt discontent from the interruption of this person. Their prince Veer has returned from his ten or so years of seclusion and they wished to know about him more than anything else. Even King Ritu Raj felt annoyed from this.

Veer saw this and then asked calmly "What is the problem with Ambikapur kingdom?"

Consort Shri who has been calm till now said "There are forests of Vindhya which are not occupied by any kingdom due to its dense and wild forests at the border of Ambikapur kingdom. Due to the rich nature of its feral products, now Ambikapur kingdom wishes to occupy it. This thing has caused a conflict with the kingdom of Kashi. They need the help of the Kingdom of Ratanpur to suppress Kashi and other interfering kingdoms and occupy the forests."

This statement of Consort Shri almost made everyone hung their mouths wide due to shock and surprise. Her statement is too impartial. In fact, she seems disinterested to whatever happens to the kingdom of her father, Ambikapur.

Even King Ritu Raj felt surprised by the statement of his wife Shri. Just a few days back she pleaded with him to help her father but he ignored her pleas but today it seems she does not care. He felt like something changed in his wife and she became so distant and detached from yesterday when she met Veer. It seems she is breaking away from all the ties. She did not mind those things which made her sad or even cry other times. Suddenly he has a premonition that he is going to lose her.

King Ritu Raj looked at his brother who still looks of the same age when he left. He wondered what has happened with his brother to make him so aloof. Veer looked at the King and then smiled and said "Worldly affairs progress due to the selfishness of people. Selfishness generates greed and it also starts politics and war. The selfishness of people also drives them to create the excuse of well being of others to glorify their cause."

Previous king Bhoj Raj who is listening silently and then asked "Then what about helping the kingdom of Ambikapur?"

Veer smiled and then he stroked the head of Arya sitting beside him and said "A king should decide the right and wrong before making any decision. His decisions will impact the lives of many people and they are not only of his kingdom but also of other kingdoms. No one can do anything for the greed of someone. They are creating their own virtues and sins and if you interfere you are actually sharing them with others. A kingdom will last longer due to the virtues accumulated by its rulers."

Seeing the indifference of Veer toward everything his mother felt sad and asked "How do you feel? Are you happy."

Veer looked at the gentle lady sitting across him and smiled and said "I am really thankful to you for giving birth to me and letting me take the path which my heart desired. I am really happy today. This happiness cannot be described by any means."

King Ritu Raj addressed the messenger of Ambikapur and said "I have decided that our kingdom of Ratanpur will not partake in this conflict. I believe if we decided to join it will cause a few more kingdoms to join and it will cause more harm then." He looked toward consort Shri "I am sorry, but I believe you also understand our reason."

Consort Shri replied nonchalantly "That is the right way to do. Considering the king of Ambikapur, he will never enter a large scale conflict if he ha no assurance of winning. Considering the prestige and status of king of Kashi, it is difficult for the kingdom of Ambikapur to be able to defeat them alone. Then the only conclusion there will be that no war will happen and it all will end without any output."

Messenger of Ambikapur received his reply and he excused himself and after that again all the eyes bore onto Veer. Veer looked at everyone and then understanding their questions in heart, he said "I simply left before due to the unrest I felt within my heart and due to my fate I was able to get a great saint as my Guru. I have understood the truth about the world and feel thankful to all of you about being part in guiding me toward this path. This is why feel that I owed you an explanation and I am here."

Veer stood holding the hands of his adopted daughter and said while looking toward the two sons of Meena and blessed them to be good ruler and leader in future. He told Meena to live happily.

Veer looked at consort Shri and said "Don't think about those things now. You must have understood that everything which happens is for something better to happen later."

Hearing the words of Veer, consort Shri Devi smiled and said: "I also suddenly feel like I should be thankful for whatever happened." Her smile is most beautiful which no one has ever seen before. This smile is of being free and of true happiness. She has experienced the secret of the world which she never felt existed before. She suddenly felt like she now knows the purpose of her life.

Veer looked toward King Ritu Raj who is looking toward his wife Shri as in daze and said "Unburden yourself from anger and resentment. Then only you will be happy and your subjects will be happier." He then looked toward Meena and then her two sons and said while looking toward her "Be happy with your husband and sons. They will be good rulers in the future." Meena smiled with misty eyes.

When Veer saw the teary eyes of lady Mandakini, he said to her "Priya is thankful to you for bringing her in this world so that we could meet. Do not feel sad because Priya and I are no longer separated." He did not explain but her blissful smile has almost made lady Mandakini believe him. Veer smiled seeing Consort Shri squeezing the hand of lady Mandakini in assurance.

Veer moved a bit forward with his daughter Arya and lowered his head and said to her "Follow father from now on, okay?" The girl smiled and nodded.

Veer looked at everyone and then his father and mother of this life and smiled at them reassuringly and next moment he vanished along with Arya. His last words resonated in the minds of everyone "Remember me but do not miss me. Respect me but do not endear me. Be happy because I am at peace. Unburden yourself and unburden me."

Many people suddenly felt a deep level of respect and reverence toward Veer. They suddenly felt like seeing him was like the most virtuous deed of their life. Many people left their seats and knelt toward the direction where Veer vanished.

His father and mother felt proud and their sadness and anxiety about their son is replaced with happiness and worship toward their son. They even found their thoughts of reverence to their own son funny but it still is there.

King Ritu Raj, Meena, Lady Mandakini and many other suddenly felt like all their unanswered questions have been answered at this moment.

Many years passed from that day of visit of Veer to the kingdom of Ambikapur. Crown prince Veer has become the pride of Ratanpur kingdom and his stories of love and then sainthood has spread by folklore in many directions. His last love letter and message on the wooden table before his departure have become the important historical relics of the kingdom of Ratanpur.

On the same day of his last visit, consort Shri had decided to leave everything to live a life of seclusion in the temple of Ratanpur. She has said that she has found a way to be happy and content. She has become a preacher of the spiritual path at the temple of the goddess and lived a life of a hermit. King Ritu Raj could only sigh seeing his first love being so indifferent toward the world and himself but he is also happy that she is not sad anymore.

After many years, in a place known as Tapovan i.e. forest of penance in the Himalayan region. Few hermitages are built at one side.

A yogi is preaching to some recluses who are visiting this place. He is teaching them about the purpose of life and how to proceed toward it.

At the end of the preaching, one young monk asked him "Hey Revered One! Can you satisfy our curiosity? Please tell us what is your purpose in life."

He looks at the person who asked the question and smiled and then he looks into the sky seemingly looking into the future and said: "Waiting For Her."

Seeing him in reverie, all the listeners dismissed themselves one by one.

After some time, suddenly there is a shout of a girl "Father!" and his distant expression turned the one with smiling one. He turned his face to see a fifteen-year-old girl running toward him with few fruits holding in her hands.

He looked at the flickering sphere of light which is moving skittishly around him and growing more energetic every day and whispered: "Our daughter is also becoming just like you."

Well, this is the closure for all the worldly relations and the end of this volume.

Please let me know how did you like this volume of 'Immortal love'.

I am feeling really depressed due to no comment and even writing one chapter feels so burdensome. Please provide your reviews and feedback if you are reading it.

I am planning to release the first chapter of next volume by this weekend.

Kritdeocreators' thoughts
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