

[Veleda] I walked down the long hallway with my escort. It seemed strange, his jet black and sleek armor reminded me of someone from long ago. Someone that I couldn't quite remember. The halls gave off a slight vibe of sadness, like something that could have been grand but stopped just short. The left side kept a few doors to rooms I could only guess were living quarters. On my right, arches came down from the ceiling, acting as supports instead of walls.

Through the large gaps of the arches, I could see an open plaza. It looked nice, clean, there were a few people standing around and talking, others just laying in chairs like ones you might find by a pool. It was nothing like the plaza in Blue Surge headquarters, which actually did have a pool. This plaza had no weapon shops, no fast food, and none of the tension in the air. It was calm and relaxing, just like a library.

"Come on," I heard a voice from in front say "you can visit the plaza later."

Only then did I realize that I had stopped walking. I sighed, and we kept walking down the dull hallways. Eventually we reached the end of the arches, and the plaza was no longer in view. Both sides were now just dull flat walls. Lights got dimmer as we reached a turn. We walked to the right to an intersection with three hallways. We went through the middle where there were six elevators. We took the first one. In a few minutes we reached the top. It was pitch black.

Narchean's hand slowly began to glow. "Don't be scared, It's just on the night cycle right now." We walked a bit further following the dim glow coming from Narchean's palm. "Here we are, room three-five-two. This room is yours now. Get a good sleep, well talk in the morning." He handed me a key, "Don't lose it, just press one on the intercom if you need anything." With that Narchean left. I entered my room and reached for the light switch. After a bit of fumbling around I found it. The room looked like an old hotel room like those that could have been found on Earth in the twenty first century. There was a bed with a cushy looking mattress on it. On the right there was a full bathroom, on the left a desk with a datapad on it. The wall had a screen, showing pictures of a pristine planet with lush grass and tall trees. There was one picture that intrigued me though, a sunset over a cliff with no trees and poor grass. It was different yet oddly calming and mysterious. I left that picture on and went back to observing the room. The only point of entry was the door I came in through. I could see no cameras or weapons. Satisfied, I hopped up onto the bed. Wrapping myself in the blankets I drifted off to sleep.

Why can't I decide on good chapter titles?

Lieutenant_Jakucreators' thoughts
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