
Response to Failure

Ketis glowered as she changed into a training outfit and picked up her Bloodsinger.

The talk with Taon went just as poorly as the talk with Lanie.

The former citizen of the Ylvaine Protectorate had completely changed after returning from the Emperor Tree.

The old Taon was dead, and so was his living mech.

What remained was a fallen expert pilot who had become defined by his traumas rather than his virtues.

Though Ves and Ketis attempted to talk sense into the morose expert pilot, 'Venerable' Taon remained completely unmoved by their arguments.

Just like Lanie, Taon expressed an extreme degree of mule headedness when it came to his new beliefs.

Ketis found it unbelievable that just because an enemy took advantage of Taon's faith, the expert pilot immediately turned against Ylvaine and every other 'false god', whatever that meant!

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