
She is Elena

Elena entered her room and lied down on her bed, tossing her mobile on the nightstand. After setting the alarm clock, she cuddled with her teddy. After a few minutes, Nina came into Elena's room and plopped beside her.

"Wh...at?"Elena asked her groggily.

"Why did you agree?"Nina asked her in calm and composed, which is quite unnatural.

"Be...cause o..f h..," Elena couldn't complete her wordings and fell asleep.

Nina laid there, beside her sister for sometime comprehending the situation. Finally concluding that Elena wants to socialize, Nina left to get ready for the party. There is a lot of chaos of at Elena's home, which disturbed her peaceful nap.

"wh..what's happening" she muttered to herself and leisurely opened her eyes.When she looked around and its already time for her to wake up. She heard Nina yelling at Devlin. She hurried to the washroom to get ready for the party.

"Elena!Elena !! Get ready soon, we don't want to be late "Nina shouted knocking her washroom door.

"Okay!" she shouted back.

Soon Elena got dressed in her White high neck swing top and applied little makeup. she slightly brushed her straight long her and left her room by putting on her heels and reached the hall. Devlin and Nina are already waiting for her in the hall. Nina got dressed in her Red Baroque strappy wrap looking hot and Devlin dressed in sports jacket over the gray collared shirt.

"You look flawless" Devlin complimented Elena. Flushing, Elena just nodded and left towards the car.

"You never complimented me !"Nina eyed Devlin.

"You never gave me a chance either" he stated smirking and left in the direction of Elena.

"You...Arrhh... little idiot!!"Nina cursed her brother and walked towards the car.

Elena already seated in the driver's seat waiting for them. Devlin took the front seat and Nina sat back. Soon car took off to Coronado beach. On the way, Elena warned her siblings to behave.

"You both! I am responsible for your acts, so behave okay! She said to the both in a commanding tone. Both nodded and eyed knowingly. Soon they reached the beach. It is located on the outskirts of the city. Elena parked the car and reminded them to be careful.

"I am going to meet my friends "Devlin stated and left.

"Me too but will you be okay?"Nina asked concerned as Elena doesn't chatter much in public and she barely know anyone there. Even though Nina and Devlin are always in the limelight, Elena felt it unbearable and never accompanied them in the gatherings.

"I will be alright, you go have fun. Be safe."Elena assured her sister.

Nina left and now Elena is standing alone in her car. She doesn't know anyone there, so decided to call him. Just when she about called him, a car rushed into the parking lot and parked beside her car. Murat and Nixon walked out of that car.

"Hello beautiful, you look gorgeous "Nixon complimented her smirking.

"You are not that bad yourself "Elena replied eyeing him.

"Ouch!!! That was blunt" Nixon said clutching his heart in a dramatic way.

"Nixon!!"Murat warned him.

"Okay...Enjoy the evening"Nixon told them and left.

Murat is dressed in a casual blue jacket over a white shirt. He is deadly handsome and more intimidating under the moonlight.

"So what's the special event tonight?"Elena asked, starting the conversation.

"I don't know exactly but I remembered Nixon mentioning something about race kind of thing," He said and all the while Elena is studying his features. Murat caught her staring at him when he turned towards her.

"Shit!!" she cursed herself internally, blushing hard.

"Shall we go, else Nixon will be nagging us for ditching the party?"Murat said smiling.

"Ya, I don't want to get into a hassle with him."She said smiling.

The duo walked into the beach house. The loud music blasted their ears. Murat caught Elena's hand in his and lead her inside. A collection of drinks are placed in the bar kitchen and from the place where they stood, they could see a dance floor with dazzling lights above and a couple of teenagers are already swaying. The atmosphere is lively with the people dancing and chanting here and there. Murat guided Elena to the safe corner and they sat on the sofa. Elena couldn't help but fall hard for him. Her face is scarlet red by now.

"Waiter !"Murat called the person serving the drinks.

"Would you like to have something?" he asked turning towards her.

"Ya... I would like have you. can I?" she wanted to say, but, brushing her wild thoughts off, she replied,

"mmm..coke, "she said smiling.

"Get two cokes, "he said to the waiter. Nodding waiter left to get the drinks for them.

"You look beau...beautiful, "Murat said scratching his neck. Elena is shocked by his compliment. Her heart is thumping loud and a blush crept on her face hearing him. She took a heavy breath and composed herself.

"Uhh...Thank you I guess" she said and her eyes are twinkling.

"So, are you in for Race ?" he asked her.

"I didn't give a thought to it. Will you?" she asked.

"probably, Else Nixon gonna kill me, "he said smiling cheekily.

Just then, Nixon came along with his group of friends, of course, Nina and Devlin are included in that and they seated alongside Elena and Murat. Murat moved closer to Elena seeing the wild friends of his brother.

"Hey Nixon, Who is this rookie?" one of Nixon's friends asked Nixon pointing at Elena.

Elena doesn't want to be known as Devlin's and Nina's sister, as they are famous, so they both didn't hamper, even though they wanted to smack the guy's head for referring Elena as a rookie.

"She is Murat's friend"Nixon answered annoyed by his friend.

"Hey beautiful, I am Lucien Minorelli and you are?" he asked extending his hand.

Elena didn't like the way that guy looking at her. So she looked at Murat as if she is asking him to help her.

"She is Elena"Murat said in a stern yet cold voice.

Lucien got the hint, that he shouldn't mess with her, so he shut his mouth and didn't speak further. Nixon is planning to make this party exotic. So he got his group of friends together to execute his plan.

"So first we will play hide and seek, and later we will have a surprise. Don't worry all the arrangements related to hide and seek game are arranged in the spirit villa, which is next door.

"Wow that's amazing!!" one of the Nixon's friends exclaimed.

"Wait!! let us introduce first to the new girl" another guy butted in.

"I am Aria and this girl beside me is Tara "the girl who is sitting beside Nixon introduced to Elena.

"I am Arjun, he is Vishal and you know him, he is Lucien,"the guy who butted in previously introduced his friends and himself. Elena just smiled clasping her hands

"Ya.. ya ..Enough of introductions, shall we start the game?"Nixon sounded thrilled about the game.

Everyone around is exhilarated by the idea of the game.

"This little brat, can't he stay put, why did he want to play those scary games?"Murat murmured and as Elena sat just beside him, she smiled at his complaint.

"Are you afraid of scary houses?"Elena whispered in his ear.

Hey there,my lovely readers..!

how are you all?

I hope you aren't troubling ur mamma and pappa.

cmg to story..

"what do you think might happen at that spirit villa nd not to forget about the surprise ...

let's wait a day to uncover this surprise ...

keep guessing...

love u all ...

alostgirlcreators' thoughts
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