
Early Years (4) 7-Year-Old

Ah, the joys of having a sibling. The relationship between a brother and a sister, an obscure one, but one anyone would admit isn't the best of things.

Maria had always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. In her past life, she was an only child so she wondered just what exact differences it would make within a family. Now, looking up at this nine-year-old brother of hers, she wasn't so sure if it was truly something good or bad.

For a nine-year-old, the smug look on his face was truly something. With a grin plastered on his face, he held his hand just before her.

A small ball of blazing flames floated just above his palm as it's warmth spread into the air.

The little boy held his head up high, proudly, as he showed off his merits in magic.

"Look what uncle taught me!" He exclaimed.

Maria looked, and indeed she saw it, saw the various burn marks that covered his hand.

There were various patches of burn marks on his palms and some even extending to his arm. It seemed that he had immediately ran here to show her his new found gift, instead of going straight to the light mages at the church or the mages guild and having his hands healed.

'This boy is very good at removing the negative and saying only the positive.' Maria thought to herself.

And indeed he was. He directly neglected the burns on his body, the hurried breaths he was making, and even the slight bit of pink on his cheeks. Currently, his eyes sparkled as he looked down at where she was sitting, waiting for her to show her amazement.

Maria nodded, faking an amazed expression with her mouth wide open, she spoke: "Amazing indeed."

She was smart and had already figured out the exact ways to deal with her older brother. He wouldn't leave but continue to pester her till he either got a retort or words of acknowledgment, so she did just that.

"Right! Right!" The boy jumped with fervor.

He spun around and looked at the guard behind him while showing the glowing fireball in his hand.

"Look Layfon! See! I told you she'd be amazed!"

'Layfon Allen, Arthur's personal guard.' Maria looked at the young knight.

He was a young man of almost 19 years of age. He had blond hair that cascaded down his face in bangs and blocked his hidden eyes of azure. Wearing the royal guards' armor and with a white cape covering his shoulders, he truly looked like the perfect definition of a knight in shining armor. So much so in fact, that Maria was sure that if any shy young girls were to gaze at him, they would inadvertently blush.

Layfon Allen looked at this young king of his and sighed to himself, why couldn't he be more like his little sister? Alas, he had been forced to run all the way here alongside this small prince to help him show off his new found magic.

"That's indeed great, your highness, but we have to go to the church or mages association to heal your hands and arm." He began "or your mother will be angry, and you don't want that do you?"

Arthur instantly flinched, there was unwillingness in his eyes, and it seemed as if he wasn't done showing off yet. However, he feared his mother more than anything else.

"Anyway.." he coughed to himself in awkwardness as he extinguished the flames above his palm.

"See you later!" And with that, he departed through the doors.

Layfon briefly glanced towards Maria, gave her a small nod. Saying "I'll be going then, princess." and departed the room.

"Good grief." Maria breathed a sigh of relief before focusing her attention back at her book.

Then she wondered to herself 'Just where the heck did my maid and personal guard run off to?'

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