
Chapter 6: Wine

Ryan had since stopped crying a while ago, however, the feeling of intense sadness was still there. He felt as if he had killed his parents, by his own hands. He would likely never forget the pain he had caused them in their final moments. Just thinking this alone almost caused him to begin tearing up once more.

However, just as he began to wallow in his sadness again, he heard someone place their hand on the doorknob and slowly push the door open. At the frame of the door, stood the doctor that had been seeing him before, Dr. Jameel. Although, seeing him now, the doctor seemed to look more weathered than he had done this morning.

Shuffling towards the bed in which Ryan resides, he let out another one of his long sighs, not that Ryan would know though.

Ryan only saw it fit to sit up in a position of respect towards the doctor that he assumed, saved his life.

["It's fine Ryan, there's no need to thank someone like me. Anyway, I have a matter of grave importance to discuss, you must decide what to do yourself however."] {Dr. Jameel}

Dr. Jameel said with an evident grave tone in his voice as he promptly pulled up the same seat that he had used earlier and planted himself firmly on it.

Ryan was confused. Only he had only known this doctor for a day, but he felt something within him change between the period he had woken up and the present, this feeling of curiosity occupied his mind and drove away his sadness, albeit only partially.

["What is it doctor? What do you want to tell me?"] {Ryan}

The doctor sucked in a huge breath of air and looked as if he was prepared to bare the weight of the world upon Ryan. And honestly, he just about was.

["Ryan, I know this isn't the best time right now, what with all that has occurred recently, but, we need to leave. Now"] {Dr. Jameel}

["What?... Leave?... Why?"] {Ryan}

Ryan added on in his complete confusion, the mental shock that this had caused almost brought him to the brink of tears once more. Ryan had already hated leaving seclusion before this, but after this incident, he despised the idea of it even further. The only thoughts running through his mind were those asking himself the consequences of him leaving. What if he hurt someone again?

{"Listen Ryan! I know that you might not want to, but right now, you don't have much of a choice. Your Uncle, he's... he's trying to kill you"] {Ryan}

["My Uncle?"] [Ryan}

Ryan had heard of his Uncle from his father, he called him a shameful, dishonest and vile man, who would stop at nothing to get anything that he desires. Even though his father worked his way up from a poor, working class family, his brother believes that everything he owns and everything he could ever own, should all belong to himself. Simply because he is the eldest.

Whilst Ryan was deliberating over matters in his head, Dr, Jameel gave him a look as if to probe whether or not he was still listening, to which Ryan noticed out of the corner of his eye and responded in prompt with a nod. The doctor continued.

["That is correct, your Uncle has hired an assassin to kill you, simply so he can obtain your inheritance! As I'm sure you've heard, he is a truly disgusting man"] {Dr. Jameel}

Ryan could not help but nod his head in agreement once more. It appeared that his Uncle was even worse than he had originally thought. Fear spread throughout his heart, the fear that death brings to all. The fact that he made his parents go through this in their final moments caused his eyes to fog over once again. Of course, Ryan didn't know that they were caught unaware, just like himself.

["Young man! You must stay focused! If you don't, well, we'll both rather not know what happens next"] {Dr. Jameel}

Ryan sniffled and proceeded to wipe his eyes as he spoke.

["I'm sorry. Please. Continue"] {Ryan}

["As I was about to say, you can leave with me. Your Uncle would kill me to remove any witnesses afterwards anyway. I'll fill you in on the details later, but for now, please just follow me"] {Dr. Jameel}

Ryan, being in the emotionally confused state he was in, completely, unhesitatingly agreed, as he slowly stood up from his bed and proceeded to walk towards the door.

He waited at the door frame as the doctor slowly stood up and walked next to him before whispering quietly.

["You made the right choice Ryan. Follow me"] {Dr. Jameel}

As he slowly walked down the hallway to what Ryan could only presume is the exit, Ryan slowly followed behind.


In another room, the man sitting upon the chair listened to the mixed sounds of footsteps travelling down the hall with a similarly mixed expression, when suddenly, his door swung open, to which he let out a large smile. Standing in opening, stood the man in the black suit. A bottle of red wine in his hand.

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