
Always wanting something OR how to fail your new life

I know, it's cliché, I know, it seems op. I'm like a mc in the Asian stories, like in a novel or an isekai, I find myself in another world. But unlike everyone, unlike some that revive, unlike the ones that just blink, the ones that wake up, the ones that are killed by God… I didn't do anything, I was talking, and… without any visible change, I kept talking… Except the ordinary citizen family I ended up with didn't understand anything to what I was saying… I was talking about porn so maybe it's a good thing… but you know. When everyone knows the language of the world they came to, I don't know it. And instead of inheriting the body of a newborn or something, like some others who have to learn the local language, my body has barely 14 years. The age you can become an apprentice mage, and the perfect age for the parents to think that their son turned into a total idiot! So I stayed at home, being unable to be an apprentice. After all, why even do a test to know if your son has magic, for being a mage needs you to use your brain and mouth?

Thus, from a life of a math teacher to idiotic high school students, taking the "junk" path, just like a dropout. Dropout which by the way was the art piece I was talking about. But anyway, I'm digressing... I was isekaid, the dream of many, only to live the life of a total idiot who doesn't even know how to speak…

It took me 4 years to learn the local language. For the parents of this body, it was a revelation: their son was intelligent!

After this, I have tried to convince them to pay me a tutor for private lessons. Quickly, in the space of 2 years, I finished to learn all the history, geography, the behavior and the common knowledge that allows you to survive in this new universe.

I learned thus that it was the year 100 of the Merlin's calendar, that the city, filling all an island of 3000km wide, I was in was Nyggloth, a kingdom of which the capital became huge, able to fight the Empire.

The Empire is not complicated to place on a map: it's a power occupying almost a quarter of the world, and more than 60% of the global living area. Managed by the emperor, the most powerful mage of all times, filled with heroes and separated in various provinces all managed by gods.

When I'm talking about gods, I'm not talking about a title, it is the real children of the Creator of the world, Moth. The world has her name. Which makes them totally op! On top of that, they're more than thirty. But then, you will ask, why can Nyggloth compete with such a power? The answer of this question is very simple:

It's Merlin. Merlin, who has the same name as one of the characters of old European legends, is the son of Tul, and father of the Nyggloth technology.

To sum it up, Tul betrayed Moth, with whom she was almost equal in power, by creating the Beings. They are as powerful than a lower God, and they are billions. And, if you want my opinion, a lot better than the men made by Moth.

Well, the creation of life is the privilege of her mother, Moth. To avoid her wrath, she created an entire continent that she concealed to the other gods. Aggrieved by the betrayal of her daughter, Moth has been sleeping for 10,000 years now in the capital of the Empire.

And it just so happens that Nyggloth, the only kingdom that has not been absorbed by the empire, has as inhabitants the last humans worshipers of Tul.

Finally, found in the year 0, date of the creation of the Merlin's calendar, the Khan ("Empty") continent. Its name has a simple origin: there was no one on this continent when it was found. There were skyscrapers, buildings, and even robots, from what I could tell from the few drawings I found in some old books, but there was no one. No one, except Merlin. And Merlin is actually at the head of Nyggloth. Some say that he equals the power of his mother, and that this is why he kept in hold the more than 30 gods of the pantheon for a 100 years…

But I'm drifting from the main subject, let's go back to my life, I knew the basics, but I wasn't willing to stop myself here, I wanted to go further. Even 6 years late, I wanted to be one of these powerful and revered mages.

I spent the next years learning magic. I found here a real talent: magical theory (certainly because of my ancient digital life and my knowledge of mathematics). My theories were quickly spread all over Nyggloth. I became famous a bit before my new body had 25, and the most powerful mages were reading my books with interest.

I set up a business that was working well, I was famous and popular.

But even then, even if they treated me like a genius, something was missing, something simple and essential: my magic affinity was, not only of a secondary element, but also of the weakest of all: the plant element. A lot of my theories were doomed to remain theories. And just for a bit of power, I'll tell you how I fucked up my new life.

Fixed basic typos. I'm going to do the same in the future for some others.

ClemCacreators' thoughts
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