
The woman in red

Laying in her bed all night, Yura couldn't think at anything else other than the fact that she was in a lot of trouble and problems. Not only that Ji Won cheated on her sister, but Hwa Jun Ho, who she hated the most, who was about to become her brother in law, and who once was her fiance, saw it all. What if he tells her family first?He saw it all, didn't he? And how was she going to tell everything to her sister? It was just such a horrible situation!

The morning came fast and as Yura was about to enjoy her breakfast, she saw Ae Rum standing at the table.

"We were waiting for you, PiePie,"Ae Rum said to her. She was calling her PiePie since forever, because Yura as a little child loved appel pie. She was so cute making a fuss about the fact she wants pie everyday that her sister could't help but call the 5 years old a nickname. Her love for her sisters was indescribable.

"You are here early Unnie, the dinner with Kang Tae's family is only at 7 tonight"Ru Mi informed her. "I know, RuRu, but... I won't be able to come tonight ,Ji Won's mother needs me to attend a meeting with her. "

"Bullshit ,she just wants to drag about her daughter-in-law!"he mad Ru Mi said. After a long talk, the family had breakfast together.Yura felt ashamed and uneasy, the whole situation was over her."Something wrong? Your face is all pale"Her mother asked. "No just a little dizzy, I am fine" she tried to escape the situation, but her unnie knew she wasn't ok, after all she was her bigger sister who took care of her in the childhood .After pulling Yura aside, Ae Rum asked her what was wrong.

"Unnie... the thing is... Ji Won is cheating on you... "The girl said. Her face was indeed pale and her tone was low, pointing the fact that she had been affected. How can she not? It was bad, very bad. What is her mother gonna do about it?

"So you know"Ae Rum told her with a strange look on her face.

"You mean you know it?! And you are not doing anything about it? Unnie, why do you live like this? You can't... "

"Look at me, Yura.From now on, you aren't allowed to interfere anymore. That's my job and I know what I have to do, he is my husband. Behave like nothing is wrong, you have to promise me, mom or anyone else can't find out!"She exclaimed. Didn't she care? Or did she loved him so much she didn't want to admit that he is playing her? It was exactly like she was already informed or maybe she already knew.

Yura thought about this a long time, but she couldn't understand her sister.And more... she couldn't allow that moron to use her, she had to do something, but what?As her sight moved softly to the door, her little sister entered the room.

"They will be here soon, be prepared. Also, behave well, will you? For me! "Ru Mi asked. Madam Hwa has been a family friend since forever. Also, her biggest son, Jun Ho was once engaged to Yura, when they were 17.Now, Hwa Kang Tae, the youngest member of the family was about to get married to her little sister.

As Ru Mi closed the door, Yura started searching through her closed. She picked up a blue shirt on her shoulders and a pair of black pants. Her hair was long and her body was slim, but shaped, and the necklace on her neck was accentuating her "innocence".The moment she decided to put on red lipstick was the decisive one. She was not just an innocent girl. Not anymore. And she wasn't going to let him toy with her. After all, she believes guys are the worst anyway.

Down stairs it was already noisy. Yura could already hear her mother and her dear friend gossiping.Everyone was in the living-room.

As she was descending she kept looking at Jun Ho, softly rolling her eyes. He has as tall as always and his presence was very charming and strong. But she didn't care. Jun Ho himself didn't showed too impressed until the very last moment he realised who she was.

The woman in red .That Ninja woman.He saw her before.

She smiled sweet and it was then when he knew she had a demonic aparence. Madam Hwa hugged the girls while the dinner table was being prepared.

"It's been a long time Yura, you are unrecognisable "She wondered. And indeed, the girl standing in front of her wasn't the same girl she last saw 6 years ago. The younger version of Yura was shorter and much cuter.She had an angelic smile, that kind of smile you only find at a child ,and of course, a kind and pure soul.But this Yura is not the same anymore. Anyway, madam Hwa couldn't blame her. Few knew that 6 years ago her father company has gone bankrupt. Mister Han and his mistress run away with the remaining money ,living Yura and Ru Mi suffering along with his wife. Indeed, Yura was different. She saw it all, her mother dispair and loneliness and the moments she cried the most. She hated mens, for her they were the worst.