
Invasion of Demon country

"Orochimaru-Sama, all the troops are ready. We await your command! "Said a mercenary to Orochimaru, who was watching his 'Army'.

"Hmm... The mercenaries will attack the main gate of the village, it will draw out most of their troops. The slaves will attack the bunker since they're not strong enough to fight the Samurai, if they can capture the civilians it will force the Daimyio to send his force towards them, which will allow us to ambush them with my own Ninja, who will be waiting at the north gate of the village."Said Orochimaru, he was dressed in a Kage robe and had the Kage hat on which was written 'Youki'. Orochimaru already considered himself the winner.

"Understood boss!" The mercenary ran to his comrades and they began to march towards the front gate. The slaves were already attacking the bunker since most had been sent by Orochimaru early, as for Orochimaru's ninja.......Let's just say they were a little too happy.



Orochimaru sweatdropped and shook his head.

'I'm rubbing on them too much.'

[Ding! Host has received a new mission: Take control of Youkigakure before the troops from Iwa can intervene!

Reward: Shikotsumyaku unlocked]

'.......I hate Iwa!'

"OROCHIMARU-SAMA! Three Platoons of Iwa Jonin have been spotted near the border of Demon Country! They're coming at us!" Shouted one of Orochimaru's Chunin who clearly looked like he was having a heart attack.

"Iwa has always been a problem........But not this time!" Said Orochimaru as he turned towards the man.

"How much time until they reach Youkigakure? And from which direction are they coming?" Asked Orochimaru.

"T-They should be here in 30 minutes! T-They are coming from the west of the country!"

'West.....HAHA! That could work!'

[.....You know explosive tag aren't the solution to all problems !]

'Maybe not, but i still can't understand why people don't use them more! It's so effective!' Thought Retsu as he rushed into the forest.

5 minutes later he reached the end of the forest and began to place the explosive tags.

'Be ready for a little surprise Iwa scums!'


Kurotsuchi was the granddaughter of the current Tsuchikage, she was a strong Kunoichi who had the utmost confidence in her skills and was loyal to her village. She would do anything to see it become more powerful, and that's why she was the commandant of the Iwa force that was about to invade Youkigakure.

Youkigakure was a stupid project that just destroyed the already frail economy of the Demon Country, but it was a good thing to Iwa. If they could take control of Demon Country they could also use the demonic beasts to help them in the possible war against Kumo.

Kurotsuchi wasn't naive enough to think that they could beat Kumo. Kumo had two Jinchuuriki who could control their Bijuus powers while Iwa didn't have any Jinchuuriki anymore since the Akatsuki had captured Han and Roshi. She was ecsatic when her Grandfather gave her this mission, and she was more than ready to take control of Demon Country for Iwa.

"Kurotsuchi-Sama, we are entering the Demon Forest! You should stay in the middle, we can't risk you being attacked by a Demonic Beast!" Said a Jonin while all the other nodded, they truly cared about their commander.

"Don't worry guys! I'm not the future Tsuchikage for nothing!"Said Kurotsuchi as the Jonin laughed. She was talking about how she would replace her Grandfather and lead Iwa to greatness, while also mocking him for his back pains.

When they entered the forest, they knew something was wrong. Firstly they could clearly see smoke coming from Youkigakure and could hear distant screams. Secondly..........Well the explosive tags that were placed on the trees could very well describe how weird the situation was!

"RETREAT!!!!" Kurotsuchi tried to warn them but.......



"MY ARM!!!"

Hell, it was surely the place she was in right now. Her troops had been reduced by half , the jonins were on the grounds trying to find their missing members. Kurotsuchi herself had been hit in the neck and her right eye had been destroyed in the explosion.

The forest was burning so much that the fire could be seen from the other end of the Demon Country.

'W-Who..........Who fucking placed a t-thousand explosive tags, in a fucking f-forest!!'Thought Kurotsuchi as she was about to lose conciousness.

The last thing she heard was the hissing of a snake......And the last thing she saw, was a man, no! A monster with a wide smile who watched her fellow ninja suffer with childish glee.

"Sweet dreams, Granddaughter of Onoki!"


The situation in Youkigakure wasn't much better. The slave 'army' had captured the civilians, forcing the troops to retreat towards the bunker. Meanwhile the Mercenaries had entered the village and rushed towards the Youkikage tower, which was surprisingly big and fancy.

The Daimyio of Demon Country was actually in the village, surrounded by his Samurai bodyguards while he tried to reach the bunker. He couldn't let all those civilians die because of his own mistake.

' BE SAFE!!'

The man ran as fast as his fat body could, his brown eyes watching the fire consume the village. He couldn't run too far until the first Samurai dropped to the ground.



He turned around and saw that three of his Samurai had their throats slit.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Shouted the man, his legs were grabbed by something as he fell to the ground. He then saw a figure looking at his eyes directly, intimidating him so much he was about to piss himself.

"Hello mister Daimyio, fancy country you've got there! Mind if i take it for myself?" Asked the figure, his black and white haori slightly floating with the wind.

"W-Why did y-"


His throat had been slit before he could even finish his sentence, the last thing he could see was similar to what Kurotsuchi saw.........A monster with a wide smile, but this time he had a little red snake around his neck.

"Hmm........It was easier than i thought........Maybe i should do that more often." Said the figure before he sighed.

"Yeah, yeah i know! I should concentrate on Uzu and Konoha but still! Demon Country is quite interesting, don't you think so SS ?"

Hope you enjoy it!




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