
The army of Abdullah Rawahah

In November, 1945 which is a month from now, the british and soviet union which had jointly occupied to secure a land supply route to the soviet union will be pulling out of the country, the soviets however will refuse to leave and instead set up two separatist governments, the Azerbaijani People's Republic and the Republic of Mahabad. However the Azerbaijani government will dissolve their communist party and become a democracy, and in response the soviets will leave the area and this leaves it open to attack since they will only have a militia. This militia will run away from the Iranian army which come to re-occupy the land.

As I was walking through the city until I reached the outskirts, I used some of the energy to create a car and fuel. I also created a man who I decided to name Weaver to drive it for me. I had him drive me to the north-east border of Fran, near the Gilan province, the reason I chose this are was that it was extremely rural with little to no infrastructure, and a small population of not even 5 thousand souls as well as being extremely mountainous.

After 3 days of driving, resting, and creating more gasoline from energy, we finally reached our destination, a small town by the name of Karichar. The majority of people here had not even seen a car before, or a white man, let alone two. After pulling into the town square, the whole town of a few hundred surrounded the car, as an old man of about 70 with a long white beard approached us and he said in Arabic, "What is it that brings you to my tribe. I am Achmed'el Bazar the chief of this village." His words were in a gravelly voice, reflecting his trials in life. I asked Joe if it was possible to learn any languages with energy, he responded that it was but I needed to use the energy to scour through someone's brain that knew it. Stepping out in front of the old man. I took the sword and stabbed him, making it look as if I was pointing at him, to control him as I also had the smoke go from my body enter his body. A few seconds later I spoke in fluent arabic which surprised the crowd "You may call me Abdullah Rawahah, I come here to bring you a ultimatum, as of this moment this town belongs to me, submit or be annihilated to the last man, woman, and child." I spoke in a not loud nor quiet voice, but everyone heard me perfectly. A few took a step back, while others shook with rage. "Why do you say something like this child? Why must you threaten my people such, we have nothing of value here, you do not have to this to us, do you?" the old man spoke in a voice containing pity towards me.

"Listen closely Achmed , there is no inbetween in this conversation, the country of iran will cease to exist soon, make your choice, because I can guarantee you will not be the last to die.

Deciding now was the moment to use the controls I had him hand me the reins of the village. The old man let out a sigh and said in a sad voice, "Very well, I can see you are not a rash type, and though you are but two men, I feel as if this whole town could not win against you.. do as you must." The old man turned to the crowd and said to them "I, Achmed 'el Bazar, step down as chief and pass it to this man, Abdullah Rawahah. You will follow his orders as you used to follow mine." This was followed by cries of protest by the crowd but he simply shook his head and walked off, the crowd stood around for a minute or so before finally dispersing with clear dissatisfaction on their faces.

Turning to Weaver I spoke calmly, "Now let us begin, go park the car somewhere, and then return to me." He nodded then drove the car to a stable and parked next to it.

Now I can create my army...

After Weaver had walked back to me, we walked about 500 ft outside the village. I used the energy I had to create what in my mind was the perfect soldier, I created 500 of the so called clone troopers from the 501st legion, I also made two which looked like Appo and Captain Rex. The men appeared in front of me in matching grey tunics, without any weapons or armors. I was slightly disappointed at this but dismissed that thought as I pointed at two of them and told them to step forward the 2 men then stepped forward, one that looked identical to the rest and the other with blond dyed shaved head. "Sir." they said in sync. As of this moment you with the blond hair will be called Captain Rex and you the other will be called Commander Appo. "I have a job for you, Appo, you will be the head of my military and will be the head general of my army, Rex you will be my on ground commander, appoint your Officers and NCO's and then set up camp, we will be here for a while. Now, once you are done come find me in the village." I ordered and then walked back to the village to find a house to stay in.

On the third day after I had give Rex and Appo their tasks, at about 2pm, they came to the house I was sharing with the chief and his wife. Though the chief was originally against us being here, with the clones hiring the men to work and giving them good food and water each day after work that I used my energy to create, he saw the benefits of our presence. While we were talking about different things, Rex and Appo walked in, "Sir, we have finished constructing the camp" Rex said. "Good work men, lets go inspect our camp, Weaver." As the four of us walked out the base I inspected the work they got done in just 3 days with 500 troopers and a few hundred local people working. "Good, I expect nothing less from you." I commended.

After about 10 minutes of walking we finally reached the house that was set up with tents surrounding it, walking into a room I began talking "Now, men, in about 1 month, the Iranian army should be invading the People's Republic of Azerbaijan, when they do, I will use the my powers to kill the invading army, I will then create more men and take their equipment and occupy Azerbaijan.

What I want you all to do now is make sure you are in top condition until then.

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